The Chosen (story rp, open.)

He couldn't help but let out a small "awww..!" at rynes sweet words.
" life sure is a peculiar and amazing thing." he straighened a moment later his pupils narrowing into slits as he looked around the town.
" Somethings not right..." the darkness beganto grow stronger around them.
He looked over at Koji unsure before taking a hint and leading ryne over to him.

~Help me I'm human~

Koji sniffed the air and noticed that bad thing was coming closer. He continued to tell the stories for the children to keep them calm and pretended nothing was wrong. Before excusing himself to get something to drink. He used his magic to make a shadow clone to take his place with the children. It walked, talk, acted and moved like he did. Giving him the chance to slip away outside and prepare to protect Ryne along with the village. He wasn't going to allow anything to happen to Ryne, the children, the unborn child or his new pack.

"umm...stay here?" he said to ryne but it sounded more like a question as his human form phased away to a now flaming phoenix the same height as ryne now that his powers had came back fully. He darted away Koji circling the area above him before landing close enouph to speak but not burn him with his intense heat.
'what's going on is it the dark army?'

~Help me I'm human~

"Yes, I have the children hidden away in a safe location with a protection spell on it. Jeremy is there too with them. I can sense them slipping into the village. We have to to keep our eyes out for any dark soldiers in the area. Please provide cover from the skies after you get Ryne to safe house with the children. It has a special protection barrier that only we can see." He told him. While his clone played his flute for the children and encouraged Jeremy to sing along.

"on it." he said with a nod before taking to the skies once more seeing shapes moving through the woods by Kojis corner of the village and gave a sharp cry down at Koji to warn him before heading back towards the children, ryne and Jeremy the aura of the safe house rising up by them.
He landed on the ground turning human again in a puff of smoke.
" hey how about we all go inside? I heard there's a great festival inside." Shiloh said smiling at everyone pushing open the door and willing his magic to make tables of food apperception before there eyes.

~Help me I'm human~

Koji nodded and howled to Shiloh as a sign of thanks. Before closing his eyes and felt his body become warmed with power. His eyes started to glow brightly as the symbols that were given to him by the great spirit revealed themselves onto his body. He drew his sword and prayed to the great spirit to give him the strength to protect his friends and the village.

Aster followed closely, not out of fear, but merely for other reasons that dealt with ensuring the protection of certain individuals. He had spent his time restocking on food such as acquiring purple potatoes which was where he felt the lively presence begin dampen with negative energy. He followed inside.

Jeremy noticed that something was wrong. He could feel what Koji was feeling, and he realized that the one playing flute was a fake clone at the moment he appeared. But he knew that Koji had created the clone so he could protect everybody and not scary them by leaving. He also knew that if he left, people would notice it, and then, realize what was happening and become scared. Because of that, Jeremy stood on the place, and sang while the clone played the flute

Koji sniffed the air and snarled as he caught a familar scent from his place. The ones leading the group of dark legion members was the two werewolves he once called brothers. He swore he was going to protect his pack and the village. He expanded his power to hide the buildings where the eggs were. He thanked the Alphas and Great Spirit for helping him. He heard the Alphas whispering to him that Jeremy was safe along with everyone else in the building. They whispered to Jeremy telling that Koji would be safe.

Soon as everyone was inside and safe he took off again this time on foot feeling a dark presense near the safe house. He rounded a corner at the end of the long road stopping just feet from a group of five darkly dressed soliders, two orcs, a werewolf girl, a older dark elf, and a Phoekin girl wearing a face mask but he recognized her flowing red hair and burning green eyes even with her face covered,
"sphell?.." he said speaking to the girl he knew was his his sixth sister who they had been told was 'lost' in the war.
"it's me Shiloh, I'm your brother sphell..." the girls eyes widened and her voice was icy as she spoke lashing a arm out towards the werewolf girl who grinned down at him.
"Do what you like to this one just make sure you don't kill him...yet" she ordered glaring at Shiloh while the other girl lunges towards him her sharpened teeth sinking deep into his shoulder causing him to yelp in pain before tearing her away brandishing his dagger and scowling as the girl came at him again but this time he was prepared dropping low and slicing at the back of her legs making her drop like she was paralyzed.
"don't think you can defeat me so easily I'm not the little brother you left years ago." his normally calm eyes burned bright now the colors of a fire as a insane look crossed his face as he got a sense of bloodlust turning to one of the nearest orcs who swung a short sword at him missing him almost entirely except for a hairline cut across his forehead that slowly leaked blood down his face.
"to slow." he growled phasing and flyin at the creatures face that slightly resembled a bulldog with large teeth clawing and burning him in his battle mode before movin onto the next .

~Help me I'm human~

As Dark Legion forces entered the Mountain Clan's village, a massive orc in black armour smashed through the gates. Gar'dul walked through the village, attacking anything as he searched for the one his master Malik ordered him to find. He found the inn where he took his massive hammer and crushed the guards outside without much effort. He then broke the doors open and growled angrily as he looked around. "Dal'bul! Quiet! Where is the one named Ryne?!" He ordered. Ryne kept out of sight to hide from Gar'dul.

Koji's clone used a spell to make himself look and sound like Ryne. While the Alphas used their magic to hide everyone' who was hiding from the orcs scent from the orcs. Meanwhile, the real Koji snarled at the female and male werewolf. "You have a lot of fucking nerve showing your faces here again. I won't allow this village to fall under your feet!". He lanched himself at the group and allowed the magic that he was blessed work. His body started to glow with magical symbols and filled his body with power. As he fought the dark legion's group. He summoned roots from the grounds to stab a few of the soldiers.

He stood on his feet back straight as he drew his tongue across his bloodied fingers the sharp tang of iron making him smirk as he looked down at his sister who struggled to get away from her place trapped below his foot. Her mask was now gone reviling features almost twin like to shilohs except for a long scar marking the left side of her face.
"I won't kill you because your my family sphell..but this is the last time I will waste mercy on you. When we meet again I won't hesitate to do to you what I did to your companions." he lifted his foot from her and kicked her away towards one of the grotesque piles laying near her that had once been the werewolf girl.
His sister let out a strangled cry as Shiloh walked away his bloodthirsty mind set on a new goal as he felt ryne in danger and peered out from around the nearest buildings corner to see a large Orc stand before,compared to him, the small human who he recognized as ryne. The murderous intent quickly left shilohs eyes and was replaced by a feeling of dread.
"on no..." he murmured regretting leaving the group alone now as he gazed at the scene.

~Help me I'm human~

Seeing the effort Koji and a few others put out to throw the invading army off, it was time for Aster to play his part in the matter. Following them inside the inn, he hefted Ryne up to his arms swiftly but delicately as he examined the stairs. His unnatural strength and speed allowed him to move up the wooden platforms with ease as he opened an empty room and set the male down, slamming the door shut behind him. With the swordstaff drawn, it began to float in front of him after he said a small incantation. As he continued, the blade began to spin, a trail of glowing teal light tracing across its edges as the room darkened, ancient runes appearing around the room before some began to enclose around Ryne. When his hands gripped the handle, the spell was complete and the room resumed its natural glow, but the spell was very much intact.

He had first strengthened the wooden doors and foundation of the room with divine oak. Even for their leader, who had finally burst through the front doors with his might, would find difficulty getting into all the rooms present up and downstairs. Next was the presence spell he learned from Yuma herself. Within it was the ability to erase a person's presence as if they were never there hiding them away from any form within a plan separate from that of the natural realm. His third incantation involved moving everyone out the inn with a warp while Koji's spell provided the illusion that people were still present but panicking. Aster was certain they had a path to take to escape in case of situations like this, but he could not focus on them. His last spell was one made for offensive purposes. Instilled with the energy of Green, the power of Nature, were explosive spells that would activate if the presence spell was somehow negated. It was designed that way after all. Ryne would be safe from all the spells that was placed on him before. The werewolf, as annoying as he was, had probably done something before to protect everyone else probably at the extent of his own life. Aster was protected from the entire time after he first met with the council, runes in a divine language lost to almost everything -another reason why the Light Elves hid and protected the Isles- finally revealed themselves on his body.

"You're safe here for now" he said to Ryne while keeping the swordstaff drawn. "Ishphael" he said unto his blade, it's very name causing runes to appear along it's edges. The amount of energy he used was taking a small toll on him for the moment else the runes on his body would not have appeared in the matter that it did, but nonetheless he was still fit to take on the belligerent brute outside in the inn. His body phased through the door as not to break the spells he set forth while he handled, if not stalled, the leader of this small army.

"You won't find him here" he simply said while the unbladed end of the long sword patted his shoulders in an otherwise relaxed pose. "But I'm happy to wipe that hideous smug of yours off the face of this Earth." As he said before, this beast had the first move.

Koji fought with a larger werewolf named Neowearing the crest of the dark legion and armor. "Well, well look who is all grown up now." The werewolf mocked as he drew his sword out. Koji snarled at the other wolf. "What no welcome back big brother. Why I am hurt, I thought you wanted to my little brother". He remarked with a smirk. He wanted to get under Koji's skin and kill him. "Pity, you didn't die with the rest of those flea-bitten mutts!". He laughed. "Oh what's wrong did I strike a nerve?!". He shouted and made the first move with his sword only to have it blocked. Koji blocked out Neo's comments and focused on attacking Neo's weak spots with his own sword. "Looks like someone has been practicing to bad it's not going to help you!". Neo snarled and fought with Koji. "I know about that little whore of yours. That's right, he is quite cute. After I kill you, I think I will have a few rounds with him and keep him as a pet" He smirked and made a attack at Koji's head. Only to have it blocked with Koji's sword. "Go to hell you bastard!. Koji snarled and fused a bit of his power into his sword breaking Neo's sword and taking his head off along with it.

Neo had been a traitor and coward to his pack. He willing helped killed everyone in sight with the dark legion. He had been on the dark legion's side the entire time. He wanted power and the riches of the world at his feet. So much that he killed Koji's entire pack before his eyes. He had stabbed Koji in his chest from behind missing his heart after taking part of his ear off during their first battle. "Tell me, where's your Great Spirit and so called Alphas. Where are these useless spirits who our people wasted their time praying too! building a shrine too! Well tell me?!". Neo shouted at Koji when he was kicking him as Koji's entire pack laid dead around them. The air filled with the scent of blood, iron, burning flesh and wood. "That's right, runt. They don't care about you or any of us. They don't even exist. They are nothing but false idols that we have blindly followed.". He snarled and kicked Koji's limp weaken body. Koji's body was sore all over and covered in injuries. He panted and continued to try standing onto his feet to protect the shrine that his pack protected and held so dear to their hearts. It was a wooden carving of the great spirit with the alphas of the skies guarding the gate to the afterlife. Sadly, Koji didn't have enough strength at the time to protect it. The last thing he saw before passing out was the shrine along with the rest of his village being burned down. But now he could hold his head up high again knowing that he had killed the traitors who turned on his pack. He proudly howled in victory over the body of the dead werewolf and hurried to help the light elf take out the orc. But instead saw Shiloh going to try help protect the clone. He cursed loudly and made the clone called out to Shiloh. "Shiloh, don't worry about me. I will be fine. Go find Koji and help him!".

Gar'dul growled at Aster before he charged at him. His armour started to glow with strange runes as he charged. "Nice try puny elf! Your magic is nothing compared to Malik's!" He yelled as he smashed the ground and caused a hole in the inn floor. "You think every orc is large and stupid? My armour and hammer have powerful runes that defy your magic!" He stated as he raised his hand and another Ryne appeared and casted out flames, causing the inn to be set ablaze.

Hesitantly he listened to Kojis clone not wanting to leave the safe house again but once he saw aster come out he dashed off and took to the skies landing back where he had left Koji seein him with other werwolves. He let out a quick call down to him before landing by his side human once more. His hand went to his shoulder covering the capping bite he had received earlier just now remembering the bloody wound. It ached more now as he stood next to the other wolf but he quickly healed it so it wouldn't hinder him further in his fight.
"A little birdie was telling me you might need some help." he said looking over at him with a grin the bloodthirsty look already returning to his eyes.

~Help me I'm human~

Koji cursed as his clone set the inn on fire. He focused his power on summoning rain clouds that brought rain to put the flames out. "Hey ass hole over here!". He shouted and knocked his full weight into the orc knocking him off balance. He summoned more of his power revealing more symbols and runes on his body. The clone vanished from sight during the fight and shifted into Koji's copy again. "No over here stupid!". It called out and attacked the orc from behind. Before shifting back into Ryne's copy again. "Yeah , let's get rid of this asshole!".

(A bit iffy about this, but hopefully it makes sense.)

"I wish people would seriously stop doubting me. It's getting reaaaally annoying." He smirked at the Orc began to strike around the place. "Yes. Orc is very large and stupid." He mocked as if the being could only talk in third person. At either case, it did exactly what he wanted it to do which was come in and crash the place around and begin encasing it with fire. Ryne was still safe as he was in a plane entirely different. While he could see what was going on, the fire nor the smoke would harm him. That meant the next array of spells the brute was attempting to get rid of would come into play. The fires would have a hard time eating at the enforced wood that held the place together, but the large hole he just created, well he was on his own with that. A large rune appeared in the hole he created and in an instant, the explosion set itself off. He may have had armor that would protect him, but he clearly lacked some common sense. In either case, Aster launched off the wooden railings that supported the second floor, latching on to a chandelier before landing on top of the brute with his blade drawn when Koji came from behind after the brute.

"Your King may have powers, but he doesn't have the will to defy the gods." His blade traced through the air with one area in mind: the neck of the Orc. He may have had armor, but from the looks of it, his head was exposed and just as the orcs weapon was enchanted, so was Ishphael. While it assumed these were natural elf weapons, this one was entirely different. While it could be assumed his hammer was crafted through the dark inhabitants, his was blessed by one of the many guardians that were soldiers to Yume where but it's true power would be activated when he called on the name of its crafter. 

What was the Orc's task? To bring Ryne there so he could give birth to the child in Worsis and bring a control through darkness? Either way, Aster leapt off the being's shoulders when he made the slash so as not to be caught in a grip by him.

Koji noticed the light elf's plan to attack the orc's exposed spot on his neck. He ordered his clone to keep the orc distracted. While he decided to work on disarming the orc. "Now you're getting it". He smirked with a chuckle. He performed a leg sweep on the orc and knocked him off his balance again exposing his neck further for the light elf's attack. Koji slashed the orc's face taking out of his eyes and slicing his ear off. "What do you think I think it's a improvement!". He commented on the orc's face to anger him to come after him. He noticed where the amour's weakest points were linked at and slashed at them removing the orc's chest plate armor.

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08-09-2019, 04:48 PM

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