The Chosen (story rp, open.)

Koji heard Kikak waking up and left to see him.

Kirak sits up and looks around confused "I'm alive? How?"

"Yes, Shiloh and your resident healer helped save life". Koji replied

Kirak sits up "oh well I should thank them then. Is every one ok?"

"Yes, most of your tribe members surived the attack. Ryne has been ordered to return to his homeland. I am going with him and so is Jeremy. Would you like to come with us?." He asked

Kirak nods "yes I still want to see the world."

"Good, let's get going then". He replied with a nod and left the tent to wait for him.

Kirak nods and hurries after Koji. "Ok!"

Koji walked over to Ryne with Kirak and Jeremy. "Shall we go now?"

Ryne frowned in sadness. "Koji. You're not coming with me." He said with some tears.

"No, I swore I was coming to protect you and your unborn child". He replied stubbornly

Kirak "I still want to explore the world going to the council is no diffrent then going to the lost city."

"I know. But the council won't want any outsiders. They won't tolerate it." Ryne explained. "Ryne is correct, best just stay put or just go home." Kage ordered as he reappeared.

Kirak "I don't have to go see the council just going part of the way is enough to get me started."

Koji growled and tighten his fist. "Fine, I will come with you part of the way until I see you safely back at the council". He stated bluntly

"You can't know the location of the Monastery you mutt. You and the rest of the group can buzz off." Kage stated.

Kirak glares "your constant attampts to remove us makes me wonder if you really are from the council."

"What was that?!". Koji growled annoyed as Jeremy held him back. "I am the speaker of the great spirit and her children. So I am not leaving Ryne's side." He stated showing the symbol of the Alphas and Great Spirit that was imprinted onto his left ab that proved he was the speaker for them.

"really? Because I am the speaker of Shiina-Ryu." Kage stated as he showed a symbol on his shoulder, a circle with a dragon curled around in a circle, trying to bite its own tail. "You have no say in this matter." He stated. "It's best if we part ways my friends."

Kirak snorts "not happing. I don't trust this guy he is trying too hard to get rid of us. He is a lier and a jerk! I can't and will not trust him."

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