The Chosen (story rp, open.)

Elisha collapsed o her knees as sne finally arrived at the top, it was so hig, her lungs ached with every breath, and she wondered if Ryne would be okay so high up....she stopped there, what did she care for the stupid pregnant human? She berated herself as she started walking towards the monastery.
who she was kidding? She climbed a damn mountain for him

Koji held Jeremy close to his body and studied the female. He wanted to get going up the mountain soon as possible.

Aster nodded and once Shiloh was ready, the light elf followed alongside the group. He sort of figured that the monastery was probably not suited for marriage rituals, but perhaps they could find another incentive for visiting. He was not far off in saying they needed to rescue someone however, but he was even more curious about the settings: The nature around them, the beings that dwelled therein and the gods and goddesses who governed them.

The woman brought them to the top of the mountain, where a massive monastery lay. Part of the monastery was part of the mountain, embedded in the mountain. The woman looked to find Elisha standing near the steps. "Oh. We have another visitor." The woman said calmly.

Koji held Jeremy close to his side to protect him from any other dangers that could arrive. He fought the urge to snarl at the dark elf. He cursed his luck and started to think if he should act like he hadn't ever met her or greet her. He didn't like the dark elf female and still didn't trust her. But he was going to keep an eye on her and perhaps get her to help them find Ryne and his unborn child.

The woman walked past Elisha and opened the door. "You can enter." She said simply.

Elisha looked at the woman warily her hands were almostdestroyed by climbing but she slid it was dark and her grey skin hiding well on the shadows as she moved in search of Ryne

Koji glanced at her and woman. He sighed and slipped the dark elf a small jar of healing herbal paste for her hands a peace offering. He remained silent and held Jeremy's hand in his larger one.

The main hallway had at least a dozen statues, each with a different animal or creature. One statue had a golden flame surrounding a onyx dragon, represent Shiina Ryu. 12 statues represent the 12 original deities. Out of one hallway came Kage. "Ah Kage. You should greet our guests." The woman said calmly. Kage looked over and immediately his features turned to anger. "You again! How did you find us?!"

Koji held Jeremy close to his side. "We have traveled a long way up the mountain with supplies and fought the ice statues. May we please have a moment of rest. We would like to see Ryne" Koji replied calmly fighting the urge to smirk at Kage. He studied the statues interested including Shiiina Ryu. He made a personal mental note to make a offering to the deities as thanks for their help so far.

"I forbid you to stay here. You're the reason why he's in his nightmare!" Kage stated, foreshadowing Ryne's condition.

Elisha had slid past this Kage and was now chexking every chamber for the young human boy. "Ryne?" She called softly at every door she unlocked,

Ryne laid on a bed, tossing and turning in his sleep.

Elisha slid in and closed the door behind her "Ryne..." she called shaking him gently as it seemed he was having a nightmare

Koji waited to be shown to their rooms for the night so he could look for Ryne. He listened to the alphas whispering to him to be patient and that Ryne was safe.

Since there cover had been blown by Kage he took a step or to away from aster dropping his worried maiden act as the man knew who they were.
"Just had to run into him of all people." he said under his breath crossing his arms under the fake chest he still supported from asters transformation.

~Help me I'm human~

"The first day he returned here, he went to sleep and has been plagued by nightmares. Some malevolent force has Ryne in its grasp and we don't know how to get rid of it." Kage explained as Ryne continued to toss and turn. "Shadow....don't hurt...go....away." Ryne murmured

Elisha cupped Ryne's face, she could feel the spell on him and she began to work her magic, she had not strength enough to make the spell away but sne hoped she had enough to calm him "Ryne....its me remember?" She asked gently "Im taking you with me....." she whispered hoping to see if ne would recognize and notice her.

Ryne couldn't here Elisha, his body still shook in fear. "Monster....get away!" He yelled in his sleep. "Nothing will work Dark Elf. His spirit has disappeared into the dream world and now travels across the Rift." Kage explained. The Rift was a dimensional road that connected The God's world's with the mortal. Living mortals could not enter normally, usually only their spirits could.

Elisha was surprised to see the male, she didnt need an explanation of what the Rift was but her eyes widened at the news "then Ill go to the Rift myself," she said she was angry, imagining this was cause1d by the goddess Ryne liked so mich and that made her blood boil for some reason "My magic is weakened after my travel me to the Rift, I can lead him back" she said determined

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