The Chosen (story rp, open.)

"Going through the Rift while mortal is dangerous. You could be lost in between worlds." Kage explained.

"I know that, but he alone wont come out" she pointed out, she looked down at the young pregnant woman, he needed to get him out the Rift to take him to the Dark Legion or at least that was what she was telling herself. She tried to shook him again not liking to hear him scream so terrified

Kage sighed. "Very well. I'll try to open a portal to his dreams. It'll be dangerous but you should be able to enter."

Elisha nodded, she gripped her bow and made sure her quiver was full of arrows and that she was carrying her bag " very well, Im ready....just dont mention me to those other people that arrived,and dont let them see him, they no little of this magic or magic in general, they might try something dangerous to wake him" she said, she was actually a little scared, after all Malik sometimes used the Rift as a way of torture... yet if he took Ryne this way to him, her head would be put in a spike out of the dark elve's castle and her father wouldnt even try to help her.

Kage nodded as he started the spell. He moved his hands with certain gestures, guiding them before a portal formed. "There. You must hurry. The portal won't stay open for long." He explained.

Koji nodded at Jeremy and quietly slipped away after Kage in hopes of finding Ryne. "Please be safe Ryne and little one. We are coming to help you". He thought to himself and squeezed Jeremy's hand a little tighter.

The portal glowed brightly from Ryne's room, alerting any one to his position.

Elisha stepped through the portal as it closed behind her not knowing where she wouldmcome out. She just knew she needed to find Ryne

As Elisha entered the portal, she entered what appeared to be Ryne's room. No one was there and everything was dark. The once bright torches glowed a dark blue in this strange place.

Elisha shivered, she didnt liked this place, she got an arrow from her quiver and redied her bow "Ryne?" She called as she explored the room veryfing he wasnt really there

The room had a eerie silence before Elisha heard someone yell out. "NOOOOO!! Please leave me alone!" Ryne yelled from deeper into the mirror monastery.

Name: Ryutsu
Age: 20
Race: dragokin (shadow dragon.)
Discrpition: lean male with long black hair with purple tips. He has black eyes with white pupils. His wings are black and purple.
(Is this good?)

(It's great :))

Elisha recognized rhe scream and she hurried down the hall in the direction the scream was coming

Ryutsu has rented a room in a inn for the night. The dragokin feels tierd from the long day. He quickly goes into his rented room and flops into bed quickly going to sleep.

Ryne laid on the ground, in fear of a giant sphere of energy floated near him. "Go away! Please leave me alone!" He begged before this mysterious sphere.

Elisha observed the spehere , she hadnever seen something like it, she shot it with her arrow not really sure what it woukd cause, but she hought it was worth a shot, she came closer "Ryne?" She called hoping he would hear her and recognize her.

From within the sphere, a strange arm matieralized from within the sphere, grabbing the arrow. The sphere shrunk down until a human form took shape. This being wore a battle robes, his upper torso exposed to the elements. The being's was a light blue with a strange ratio that looked like a chimera of a dragon, a man and a scorpion ran up its back and over his right shoulder. Ryne cowered in fear at the being. "Oh no. Go away! He'll hurt you!" Ryne yelled to Elisha as the being turned around and showed its face. The being looked exactly like Ryne from head to toe. But this evil Ryne had a face mask over his mouth and was noticeably not pregnant.

"I wont go anywhere," she said looking at Ryne and then at the being, she had never seen something like kt and it was unnerving that now he looked like Ryne, yet she didnt backed off and kept aiming at him "let the boy go and I wont hurt you" she said with confidence even if she was slightly nervous.

"No! Shadow Ryne is too powerful for you!" Ryne explained as Shadow Ryne threw the first arrow away and his hands charged up with blue electricity.

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