The Chosen (story rp, open.)

"I don't know. Maybe to ensure I don't give birth." Ryne suggested. The portal showed a world with an endless city. In the middle of the city was a massive coliseum, spanning miles in length.

Elisha looked at him she cared little for his child but she imagined being trapped that way wouldnt be nice so she shivered as he thought of Ryne trapped "do you think this seems safe enough?" as she scaned the sight trying to see if she could catch something that would indicate if it was a safe place or not.

"Only one way to find out." Ryne said as they stepped through the portal. The city was bustling from the view they had. The coliseum had thousands of different sports ready to be played for entertainment. "I think this is Raiden's realm. The God of lightning and sport." Ryne said.

Elisha reached for his hand as they stepped through, she wasnt as well versed in the realms as Ryne seemed to be "well...I dont care who´s real it is, but going there is just in the spotlight, we need somewhere quiet" she said glancing at the small village around it thinking she and Ryne could go unnoticed there, she could also see a forest, that was another option, she could keep them alive in the forest as she had her knife and arrows with her.

Ryne continued to walk through when another portal opened up. "We should go through there. That may be the way out." He suggested.

Elisha looked at the portal, unsure but nodded she readied her bow just in case as they stepped thorugh "You might be right," she said hoping this was really a way out.

They entered the portal and found themselves in what appeared to be a dark castle. The castle was fun with green flames as the only source of light. A large statue of the God of Darkness was in the middle of the hall.

Elisha tighten her grip on his hand as they entered, the portal closing behind them leaving them no chance of going back, she stared at the statue "you know who´s that? he´s quite an ugly dude" she whispered as she found a discared torch and took some fire from the green flames to light their way.

"That's Kurai. The God of Darkness and Punisment. We must be in his realm. We have to be careful here." Ryne stated.

Koji woke up on the ground after he lost sight of Ryne and was pulled from the Rift.

Shadow Ryne had defeated Kage and was about to kill him when he noticed Koji. He walked over to him and prepared his attack. "I'm afraid your path ends here." Shadow Ryne said in a deep and dark voice.

Elisha was still looking at the sculpture, and then at Ryne, everything seemed to be so dark here... she didn´t believed in the gods as Ryne did, but she had heard stories of Kurai, of the punishments he inflicted....she shivered as she remembered how her father and Malik would tell this stories in detail. Her heart raced at the thought of Kurai getting a hold on them and she felt actually scared the said god could take Ryne. She was so confused, it was not normal she cared for him, or seemed to do, she had a mission, he was to be given to Malik, no matter what, but with every day Elisha was struggling in keeping her determination on this.
"come human....we should get out" she said a bit angry at him as if it was his fault she was such a confused mess.

"Weak vermin. How dare you enter my citadel unannounced!!" A powerful and ominous voice stated. "Master Kurai! Please forgive us! We only wish to leave and return to the mortal realm." Ryne pleaded. Kurai growled angrily as his voice echoes through the halls. "Yes. Now I see. You're that follower of Yume. You are, innocent." Kurai said as he could tell what sins a person commited. "But you're friend." Kurai said before he yelled. "AN ETERNITY OF SUFFERING FOR MURDER! HERESY! GREED!! AND.....TREACHERY!!" He said as powerful green flames bursted around Elisha, trapping her.

Elisha was a big fool, as she rolled her eyes as Ryne called the god "master", yes she was afraid of him, but she still remained true on her view of gods, she didnt liked them, and she would never offer reverence and obidience to them.
Murder went through her mind as Yume was mentioned, Ryne was her follower, was carrying her child, jeleousness burned in her heart and soul and all was opened to the all seeing eyes of Kurai, she had killed and murdered many under Malik´s orders, she was still planing on turning Ryne in, even if doubt and longing for the human were in her heart, the reason she was still determined to give Ryne up to the Lord of the Dark Legion, was she believed him to be Yume´s lover and the spite in her heart, her jeleousy was blinding her. Indeed she was not a good woman at all.

She gasped as the green flames surrounded her, for the first time her eyes going wide scared... she looked at Ryne wondering if she was going to be killed, or worse....she knew Kurai did worse than death to the ones he found guilty.

"Wait!! What are you doing?!" Ryne asked Kurai as a massive figure came out of the darkness. Kurai stood over 10ft tall with enough muscle to throw a mountain. He wore armour with a black and dark green colouration. He had pale skin with spiky black hair on his head and dark green eyes. Hundreds of scars were visible on his arms and neck, with more hidden under his armour. Kurai walked over to Ryne, a giant compared to Ryne as Ryne stood barely over Kurai's waist. "I am performing my duty. I punish the wicked who enter my realm. Those who commit murder and violence against others are drowned in boiling blood. Heretics are put into sarcophagus which will burn them. The Greedy are forced to carry heavy bags of gold through a river of molten gold. And Traitors? They are frozen up to their necks, forced to endure the cold embrace as winds tear their flesh off." Kurai explained as Ryne had gotten pale from the explanation. "I must thank you for bringing this soul to my realm carrier. You should be rewarded." Kurai said as Ryne emptied his stomach, disgusted by Kurai's punishment.

The sight of the god was imposing, Elisha had never seen anything like it, but she forced herself to appear fearless, yet her left hand was shaking, she hid it by holding her bow tight till her knuckles turned white. She felt her knees go weak at the mention of all the punishments she was going to be placed through, yet she find it worst the fact Ryne was hearing every dark little secret held by her dark heart, she was just hoping nothing of her jeleosness regarding Yume and Ryne would come out.
"Is there no punishment for ugly dudes like you?" she spat looking up at the giant in defiance "some god you are....I bet your soul is as tainted and dark as mine, so what right you have to punish me stupid god?" she called seething, her grey skin having a sick hue in the green light.

"I rule and maintain balance. My soul has been this way since your kind could barely speak. MY WRATH BRINGS FEAR TO THOSE WHO WOULD DO HARM TO YOUR WORLD!! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU FEEL ABOUT BECAUSE I WILL PUNISH YOU FOR EVERY SIN YOU'VE COMMITED! And I will enjoy giving you your punishment." Kurai said as he grabbed Elisha by the throat, lifting her in the air with ease as he drew a large blade. He raised the blade, ready to strike when he heard his other guest speak. "I demand a trial!" Ryne yelled as Kurai's blade was an inch away from Elisha's throat. Kurai looked back at Ryne, intrigued by this mortal's courage. "Excuse me?" Kurai asked. "She needs a trial before you can punish her. Justice comes before the punishment, not after. Please Lord Kurai. Give me a chance to prove she's innocent." Ryne asked as Kurai thought for a moment. "Fine. Meet me in the courtyard in half an hour." He said as he dropped Elisha.

Fear ran through her spine as the god shouted, it was as if his wrath resonated through her bones, yet even if she was facing the worst death possible, she spitted on Kurai´s face, she would never bow or bend her will to any puny god.

She gasped as he took her by the throat, she tried to bring air to her lungs but he was crushing her throat and her lungs were starting to burn, as she saw the blade she froze and her eyes went straight to Ryne as if asking him to just turn around and not see her shame, she desperately wanted to call on her magic to fight the god, but it seemed as if her body was drained of every ounce of magic, she wondered if it was because she was exhausted or perhaps it was caused by this realm...her eyes went wide and scared as Ryne began to talk.....stupid human! she thought, he was only going to get himself killed, there was no way to prove she was innocent when she was indeed guilty of everything and more she was being accused.

As she fell to the ground she felt her wrist snapping, as she had used her hands to lessen the fall as a cat would..."what are you doing?" she asked angrily at him "there is no way to prove Im innocent and he will now kill you too, go off, run, go now," she ushered pushing him slightly, she was so scared of him getting hurt, she was mad at him for placing himself in such a situation.

"No. I'll prove your innocent. I know you are. Are you okay? I know it must've hurt. I can help heal you." Ryne suggested.

"Didn´t you heard him? all he said of me?" she asked alarmed "he said treachery, any guesses? I was taking you to Malik" she spat, using the truth to perhaps make him go her wrist was killing her but she would never say that "now that you know, go back to your nice godess Yume," she said in a mocking voice, crossing her arms around her chest "I don´t care...." she whispered when she clearly did.
By the devil....she was a big mess she couldnt even understand.

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