Mermen (Open)
They are almost all gone from the world except living in a society under the ocean away from the sailors to keep their population from dieing out. Mermaids became infertile and transferred their eggs over to the Mermen every Summer to keep their race alive. This is their story.

P.S. No crazy multiples, three is the max!

Character format:

Looks: (tail color, etc.)
Granting a Life.
Name: Aquiriam
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Looks: Somewhat masculine, brown curly hair, light blue eyes, and with a dark blue tail. He looks like he's 6 months but actually already full term.
Pregnant: Yes, with his wife's Melody's child.

(If someone would like to play Melody that would be great! If not I will just make her character later)

Aquiriam looked down at his belly rubbing the globe of flesh that jutted out from his stomach. He moved his tail more to keep his body a float and not sink down to the sea floor. He looked around at the sea around him and saw the other Mermen that where with child with their spouses or their friends children. He was happy, this was his first pregnancy and it was going swimmingly! No pun was intended as he smiled at the thought.
Granting a Life.
I'm in! :D

Name: Melody
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Looks: Petite, pixie cut dark brown hair, and grey eyes. Her fin is Lavender Purple with Dark Blue on the tip to show that she's Aquiriam's wife.


Swimming up to her husband from the ocean floor, Melody smiled to see him so happy as he watched the other mermen. Not every merman took well to pregnancy, but thankfully he seemed to be enjoying the experience. Especially since he would likely be doing it again next summer.

Swimming up behind him, she wrapped her arms about him, letting them come to rest on his rounded stomach. She smiled as she felt his fingers entwine with hers.

"It suits you, you know..." she said before leaving a kiss on the nape of his neck.
(Yeah! I've seen you on here before and you are amazing rper! Can't wait to see how this story goes!)

He smiled and look down at his belly and their hands. The being inside of him was a part of them and would be here very soon, he was nearing the end of his pregnancy and he could feel it weighing down on his body. "Thank you my dear." He said turning in the water and gave his wife a tender kiss.

He pulled back a little and moved his tail and avoided hitting Melody's. "What are you up today?"
Granting a Life.
((Aw! I'm blushing... Blush Thank you! You're a pretty awesome RP'er too!))

"Trying to gather the last few things we'll need for when the baby comes." she smiled. Aquiriam was so close now to bringing their child into the world; she wanted to be sure she was ready when he was.

"Just think, before too much longer that'll be us down there..." she added wistfully, her eyes drifting to the merchildren as they played and swam around their parents.
(Thank you! I'm sure I'm pretty much average though.)

"Ah, that's wonderful to hear! I'm sure we will have practically everything for our baby." He said stroked her cheek while they watched the other merchildren play. They were starting to thrive again and their society was growing each summer. Soon they would have their little one and then they would have everything in the world that they wanted.

He looked over to her. "We should probable go home soon. I feel slightly off right now. Probable be having the baby within the week." He said rubbing his globe of a belly.
Granting a Life.
Hearing him say that he felt he needed to return home made Melody a little anxious. He was due to give birth any day now and any sign that something may be about to happen set her on high alert. "Yes, you're probably right." she said, trying to sound calm.

As the two of them swam back towards their home, Melody kept a close eye on her husband as he swam, slowing down so that he wouldn't feel so bad about not being able to keep up with her. She couldn't help but notice every time he made a noise of being uncomfortable or the slight twinges in his belly.

"Darling, are you sure you're alright?" she asked.
He nodded his head not wanting to worry her to much. "Yes, I'm fine Melody. It's just small contractions going through my body at the moment." He said as he swam through the hole in their coral made house and floated there for a moment. "It's alright though, they aren't that bad and not happening constantly so I don't think we have to worry right now about active labor." He said and placed a hand on her check and rubbed away the worry lines on her forehead.
Granting a Life.
She smiled contently at the feeling of his hand on her face. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to worry." she said apologetically, turning her head to kiss his hand. While some merfolk chose to be attended by a doctor, they had decided that for this little one, they'd be the only ones there. Of course, Melody was slightly nervous at the idea that their first would be coming soon but Aquiriam's confidence was calming her nerves.

"We should get some rest while we still can then." she said as she swam over to their bed of sea sponges. "Are you coming?" she grinned.
He nodded his head and followed his wife over to their bed. He sank down with his acquired weight and settled into the sponges lightly. Their bed was so comfortable that it seemed like no amount of pain would bother him, but of course he knew he was wrong about that. They laid their with each other in there arms and randomly drew circles on his belly with their finger tips.

Sleep soon became them and in the early morning he was awaken by sharp pains in his abdomen. He looked over to his sleeping wife and thought better not to wake her. He was still in the early stages of labor and would feel bad about disturbing her. So he just sat there in his bed quietly hissed to himself to take the edge off the rolling pain.
Granting a Life.
She couldn't put her fin on it, but something didn't seem quite right, she realized as she started to wake from sleep. The evening had been wonderful; just the two of them in bed, lying in each others arms as their soon-to-be-born child moved beneath their touches. But now, something felt different....

Her eyes fluttering open, she focused to see her husband sitting up in bed; his hands resting on his stomach as he tried to breathe through the pain. The realization of what was happening flooded her senses and immediately she was wide awake next to him.

"Aquiriam...i-it's time?"
He looked over to him when she finally said something, "Ahh, morning Melody." He said and then looked back down at his belly. "No, it's not quiet time yet. Pain has been coming about every 12 minutes from what I can tell." He leaned back against the bed and tensed a little when another contraction came.

It soon passed and looked back at her. "It seems like our little merbaby want's to show up some time today." He said flicking his tail a little to take away from the pain he felt earlier.
Granting a Life.
She smiled a little at his response. All things considered, he seemed to be handling early labor well. Looking at his belly, she couldn't resist the opportunity to place her head against his stomach, smiling wider at the slight movements from inside.

Gently, she placed a kiss on his stomach. "You be good and come out soon okay?" she said to it. "We can't wait to meet you and find out what you are."
He smiled at her talking to his belly, it made him happy to see the interaction with them and the merbaby. "I'll be happy if the merbaby doesn't cause me a lot of pain." He said and readjusted himself on the bed. The only thing that would be a surprise to him would be his water breaking. It was a surprise to every merman since when their water broke they were in water. The main sign for it was stronger contractions and finally the hole appearing underneath their scales.

"So far a smooth pregnancy and labor right now." He said giving her a smile and sat back up roaming his lower belly with his hands and held Melody's hand.
Granting a Life.
She nodded her agreement. Thankfully things were still going smoothly at this point. Hopefully their first wouldn't take long to emerge.

"And I won't leave your side." she said as she gave his hand a squeeze. "Is there anything you'd like me to do to help you?"
He shook his head knowing that she wanted something to do but there was nothing he could really give her to do. "No, I just need you here with us." He said groaning a little bit from the pain and leaned back shaking his tail in discomfort.

They sat there for a couple of hours with him laying on the bed and then swimming around the room every now and then. Soon he had entered active labor and rested against the bed with his tail resting against the ocean floor. He felt horrible as if it was a terrible stomach ache that just wouldn't go away.
Granting a Life.
"Then that's what I'll do." she said.

The next few hours passed slowly by as Aquiriam's labor progressed. Melody did all she knew to help him along; swimming with him as he tried to keep things moving and laying with him in bed as he labored, whispering encouraging words to him when the pain seemed to get worse.

Swimming to her supplies, she grabbed a cool piece of seaweed and placed it on his forehead to keep him cool. "You're doing beautifully my love..." she whispered, giving him a gentle kiss.
" not the word." He said as he leaned his head down on the bed keeping the cool seaweed on his for head. He labored their with Melody whispering encouraging words and soft kisses.

Hours passed and his was now starting to get a bit more intense. He could feel that he was nearing the end of his long labor as contractions rolled in between 8 to 5 minutes. The water around them was starting to get cooler telling him that it was nearing nightfall now. He groaned out in pain. "'s getting much closer now." He said taking in deep breaths to help with pain.
Granting a Life.
Nightfall found Aquirium in the worse pain he had been through yet. Contractions were going to soon be right on top of one another.

"You're doing just fine." she cooed. "Soon the pain will be over and we'll have our new merbaby to show for it." Gently she placed her hands on his belly and began to chant, hoping that her energies could help soothe his pain.
He felt his pain dull down on him enough to help him breath a little more easily now and placed his hand over hers. "Thank you my dear. That feels better than what I was experiencing." He said as he looked up at her and gave her a grateful smile. He didn't know what he would do with out her.

An hour passed and his contractions were rolling right on top of one another. "Melody....I think it's time....the contractions are right on top of each other...and I think I can feel the merbaby coming." He groaned out in pain as he felt immense pressure in his rectum.
Granting a Life.

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