a typical midwife day (open)

Keep going almost there one more push Sam you can do it

Why It's so hard this is only the first egg. Sam grunt and try to push again.

Your carrying big eggs I'm afraid and you have narrow hips which makes the birth longer all I need one more push and the first egg will be out you ready now push

Nggggghhhh Sam push harder. he bites his lips and very gasped.

I catch the egg and place it in a nest of towels congratulations your first egg is out tell me when you feel another contraction do you want to change positions

Yeah I not feel concentration yet. But can I labor on bath?

Of course as I help you towards the bath you start to feel a contraction I help you get into the bath

Sam is in the bath and He feel contraction.
Shit!!!! Why It so fast? I'm not ready now. He feel his belly so hard.

Just go with what your body's telling you ready to push?

I'm not sure but I'll try it. Sam spread his legs and breath harder.
Ahhhhh Come out please!!!

Ok on 3 give a big push squeeze my hand if you like lean back a bit

God help me!! Ahhhhh! Sam squeeze midwife hand and scream loudly and push harder.

I can see the tip don't stop otherwise it will go back inside you can do it Sam push

Arhhhhh Sam push harder, He squeeze his belly

It's coming take a big deep breath and push as hard as you can

It's so hurts. I think I can't do it better. Sam stared to cry but still pushing.

Yes you can give me your hand do you feel that that's your egg each time you push can you feel it more in your hand?

Sam saw his egg, and think about his husband he feel better that make him can do it again.
Arrhhh gggrhhh!!! Sam started push again. his face was red and sweat.

Ok its coming I'd say 5 more pushes and your second egg will be here you can do this sam

Ahhhh Sam pushed harder and groaned.

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