Birthing Gym (Open to all)

Birthing Gym

Chris runs a special gym for pregnant people, both men and women. The gym has a variety of exercise equipment. There is also a large room where birthing classes are held. These classes are to help customers through labor and delivery as well as the other aspects of their pregnancies.

How many:
How far along:

Name: Yasha
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5'5", skinny except for the belly, brown hair in an undercut, brown eyes, slight breast growth from pregnancy
Pregnant: Yes
How many: 5
How far along: 8 months
Backstory: Became a surrogate to earn money to get through college without a huge amount of student debt. Currently in his junior year at college, and decided to come to the gym because he figured he ought to start sometime.

Yasha felt ridiculous standing in the doorway of the gym, clutching his bag with both hands. 'Just look like you know what you're doing and you won't look like a complete idiot,' he told himself, taking a few steps forward and looking around. The gym was fancy-looking, high ceilings, clean floors and walls... and lots of mirrors. Yasha spotted his reflection and blushed red, smoothing his top, which had sprung up over his belly, as per usual. He was definitely a fish out of water.

Name: Ryne
Gender: Male
Appearance:5'2", skinny, blonde hair, medium length, blue eyes, c cup breasts, large bubble butt
How many: 9
How far along: 11 months
Backstory: a professional surrogate for three years, he became one in college to help some friends who couldn't conceive but discovered he enjoyed. Currently overdue with his own babies, looking ready to pop at any moment and refusing to go to a hospital since he wants nature to take its course.

Ryne waddled into the gym, wearing a pair of skinny shorts and a tank top, ready to exercise and to meet new people. He is belly accidentally bumped into Yasha. "ohh! I'm so sorry. Sometimes it's hard to stop with this thing." He apologized.

Yasha hadn't even seen the newcomer until he was nearly knocked over by a belly almost twice the size of his own. He staggered back, catching himself with his hands against a wall to regain his balance before straightening up. "Yeah, I know the feeling," he replied a little shakily, finally looking at the newcomer. "Holy shit, you're enormous."

Chris notices the comotion before coming out of the back room where he was helping some of the others do some stretches. "Hello gentlemen, I do hope your both finding everything alright, and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to speak up"

"That's what I get when I'm pregnant with nonuplets and overdue by two months." Ryne said jokingly as he rubbed his massive belly, the babies starting to kick.

Yasha's jaw dropped when the other man mentioned nonuplets-- nine whole babies-- but quickly shut his mouth as another man approached them. He tried to straighten his shirt, which had gone askew when he had been bumped, but it was a bro-tank one of his friends (who was on the football team) had let him borrow and his breasts peeked out either side. "Y... yeah, um, I've never really been to a gym before," he said. "What would you recommend for a newbie?"

"You could always try Lamaze. It will do wonders when the time comes." Ryne said as he rubbed his massive belly.

Yasha raised an eyebrow. "You look like you should be the one in a lamaze class," he remarked. "Are you sure you should be... I don't know, anywhere besides a hospital? How far along are you?"

"11 months." Ryne said proudly. "I'm way overdue, but I do it naturally, no forced birth or anything. These babies are coming out when they want to." He said happily as he rubbed his massive belly

"11 months?" Yasha repeated, rubbing the top of his own belly; he was only 8 months and he felt like he was going to burst. "How many are you carrying? I don't think I've ever seen anyone so big..."

Ryne chuckled. "I think pregnancy is affecting your memory. I'm 11 months pregnant with 9 babies." He repeated happily, his massive belly shifting and gurgling from the oversized womb.

Yasha blinked. "You were serious about that," he mumbled, almost in awe of the other man's massive belly. Tentatively, he reached out, stepping closer. "May I-" he started to ask, but his belly bumped against Ryne's and he gasped, thrown off-balance.

Noticing Yasha begin to sway Chris quickly moved toward them, managing to catch Yasha before he could fall, helping him back to his feet.

Yasha gasped, blushing as he felt arms catch him and keep him from falling. "Sorry," he said quickly, regaining his balance and resting a hand on top of his huge belly.

Ryne chuckled. "New hear and already falling for our handsome instructor. No shame." Ryne playfully teased. "Why don't you join me for exercise today Yasha? I know of a way to get healthy and have all the men after us."

"I doubt there'll be many men after us when we look like this," Yasha pointed out, trying to get his shirt to cover both breasts at once-- maybe he should have tried to find a bra before signing up at a gym.

"Trust me. The men here love these assets." He said as he massaged his belly and breast.

Name: Celestion (Celest)
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5' tall, sandy blonde hair, reddish blue eyes(close to violet), thin framed
Pregnant: Yes
How far along: close to being one week overdue
How many: 4 (plus one as surprise)
Backstory: The children were conceived by him and his husband however the husband died during an attack.  Since then he became protective of the babies he's carrying.

I thanked my mother for dropping me off and hurriedly made my way into the building, well as fast as I can go in my condition . I seriously hope I'm not late. My mother thought that this might help me reduce stress from being overdue with quads. I headed my way to the gym and saw two very pregnant males and one who might be the instructor. I approached them panting heavily. I re-adjusted my maternity leggings and kimono styled shirt, and bag strap then introduced myself to them with a blush forming due to the exhaustion and embarrassment.

"H-hi I'm Celest. Am I a-already late?" I said still panting.

"Not at all, this way gentlemen" Chris makes his way over to the exercise room, holding the door open for the others to follow him in.

The room was lined with treadmills along one wall, exercise balls over in one corner and yoga mats laid out in the middle of the room along with other exercise equipment. "Take your pick gentlemen, yoga will begin in a moment."

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