Centaur Breeder (first come, first serve)

Ryne groaned in pain as he patiently waited through the pain. He looked to Chase. "Excited." He said playfully and in pain.

Chase dabbed Ryne's forehead with the cloth, brushing his hair back gently. "Y-yeah. Nervous too." He said, giving him a smile.

When his contraction passed, the midwife checked again. "Ok, you can push with your next contraction. I'll count for you." She said, getting ready for things to start moving.

"Okay. I'm ready." Ryne said to the doctor as he started to push, not stopping until the doctor told him to.

The midwife nodded, counting with his contraction and telling him when to breathe. The foal began to move into his birth canal, slowly spreading him open as each contraction and push moved it a little further. Soon his entrance was starting to bulge outward, signaling the foal would begin to crown. "That's it, you're doing great." She said, wiping off his entrance gently.

Chase was with Ryne, holding his hand and wiping the sweat from his skin, he leaned in to nuzzle him as the pain got worse, whispering encouragement into his ear.

Ryne pushed hard as he felt a foal start to crown. He clenched his teeth and squeezed Chase's hand as every contraction passed through him. He listened to every letter the midwife spoke, each second feeling like minutes as he pushed. He stopped, breathing heavily, his belly rising up and down as he panted.

The midwife continued to encourage Ryne as she gently applied pressure around his entrance to keep it from tearing. "Its crowning." She said, a wide smile on her face. It went agonizingly slow, inching further out of Ryne with each contraction. But soon enough, he reached the thickest point. "Okay, one good push and you'll have the head out. You're doing great." Said the midwife.

Chase ignored the pain from Ryne's squeezing hand, knowing his mate was in far more pain right now. "Once you get the head out, you can take a break." He said, brushing his hair out of his face. "You are amazing." He added, leaning in to kiss his forehead.

Ryne nodded as he started to push, feeling the baby's head slowly emerged inch by inch. Finally, the head was out and Ryne started to pant to get his breath back. "Oh god! Please tell me it gets easier." He asked in pain.

Supporting the head, the midwife looked up at Ryne. She sighed softly and shook her head. "If it was a human baby, yes...but there's still the rest of the body." She said, lookin down at the baby's head. She offered Ryne another herb leaf to chew on, telling Chase to throw away the old one...hopefully it would help. She eased the baby's shoulders out, seein it's front horse legs were coming out correctly as well. Soon it was at the second hardest part, the horse shoulders. "You can do it. The rest is easy." She said, gently tugging as he pushed.

Chase looked worried, and a little guilty, when he looked at Ryne. It was his fault he was in so much pain.

Ryne chewed on the leaf to try to alleviate the pain. His belly quivered and hardened as another contraction went through him. He pushed as hard as he could, his face flush from exertion.

The midwife tugged as Ryne pushed, easing the first foal out. When it's lower shoulders popped free, it slid out with ease into her arms. She quickly toweled it off as it began to cry and squirm. "It's a girl!" She said, looking so excited. They could only hope this little girl wouldn't be cursed.

Chase watched with wide eyes as his daughter slid fully into the world. Her little hooves covered in a soft membrane and her short human arms held tight against her body. He couldn't help feeling a little jealous that he couldn't give birth like Ryne. "You are so amazing! She's perfect, beautiful." He said, kissing Ryne's face as he wiped the sweat away.

"Take a break, I'll get some water for you." Said the midwife as she wrapped the foal in a large soft towel and passed her to her father. She squirmed and whimpered, eyes still closed tight. She was a bit small, but they expected that, so it didn't matter.

Ryne smiled as he looked to the new baby centaur. "She's beautiful. Oh I'm so happy. How is my little angel?" He asked the baby girl as he panted from being tired.

Chase cradled his newborn, tears in his eyes. He looked to Ryne, smiling broadly as he shifted her closer. "She's perfect." He muttered, sniffling softly.

The little centaur's arms were held close to her upper body, a trait to keep them from getting injured as she learned to walk. She opened her eyes, whining and fussing in her father's arms. "I think she's hungry." Said Chase, helping the newborn to one of Ryne's swollen breaststroke for her first meal.

The midwife returned with a glass of water for Ryne, smiling at the scene. "Such a lovely family." She sighed. "The nursing will help stimulate labor for your second foal." She added, cleaning things up a little before things continued.

Ryne nodded as he exposed his breast. "There you go little one. Drink up and you can see your brother and sister." He said happily as he held the baby close.

Chase smiled, leaning in to kiss Ryne. He was so excited to see his other foal, and as if on cue, Ryne's contractions started to pick up again.

The second foal slid into position, being much easier than the first.

Ryne moaned in pain as he squeezed Chase's hands, the foal was still large for him. He pushed as he hard as he could as the contraction rolled through him.

The midwife helped ease the second foal's head out as it began to crown, encouraging Ryne and coaching him with his breathing. Chase continued wiping the sweat from his mate's brow and holding his hand. Nuzzling against him and whispering encouragement whenever he squeezed hard.

Ryne gritted his teeth as he pushed with every contraction. "How far is it?" He asked in pain.

The midwife glanced up, "The head is nearly out. You can take a breather." She said as she applied pressure around his opening to help ease the head out further.

"You can do this, Ryne. Just a few more strong pushes and our second foal will be here." He said, reaching to pet the head of their now sleeping first-born.

Ryne nodded as he took a deep breath."I wonder if it'll be another girl? If it is though, I hope she or he can hurry up." He said as he held onto Chase's hand.

"I do too. The curse shouldn't affect them." Said Chase with a wide smile. He knew he would be very protective of his foals, especially if they were both female.

The midwife guided the first set of shoulders out slowly, using gentle pulling to move things a little faster. Soon the foal was at its second set of shoulders, and with a gentle tug and another strong push, it slid free. "Another girl! Congratulations!" She said, looking so proud and excited. The first two foals born in many years were both female. She cleaned her up and passed her to Chase, who then helped guide the fussing newborn to Ryne's other breast.

Chase couldn't contain his happy tears, looking at his children and their mother. He made a noise that could only be described as a laugh and a sob combined before nuzzling and kissing at Ryne's face.

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