Centaur Breeder (first come, first serve)

Ryne smiled at the two baby girls. "They're so beautiful. I'm so happy to have these two in my life." He said happily as tears of joy rolled down his cheeks. "You two need beautiful names to match your beauty." He proclaimed.

Chase paused when the subject of names was brought up, a blush crossing his cheeks. "I had completely forgotten that...." He said, tilting his head. "Usually we wait until they are able to walk on their own, that's when their personalities start to show and makes it easier to pick a name that really suits them." He said, giving a firm nod.

"You can guess how Chase got his name." Chuckled the midwife as she cleaned up. She had cut the umbilical cords, tying them off with a small clip. And now she was waiting for the afterbirth to make sure it came out alright.

Ryne smiled. "How long do we have to wait? I want to name them now." Ryne said as he pushed the afterbirth out, finding it easier to push out than the twins.

"Kind of depends, but centaur foals usually find their feet in a couple of days, a week at most." Said the midwife as she disposed of the afterbirth in a nearby bin. "You can name them now, and if you feel their names don't fit, you can always change them." She said, giving a smile. He knew some mothers who gave their foals temporary names, simply to have something to call them, until they picked a more permanent name.

Chase nodded, reaching to pet their heads. He ran his hand over the first-born's lower body, feeling the slightly damp baby fur covering her skin. She took after her mother, having a bit more of a blond coloration and blond hair. Her legs faded to a dark brown half way down. The second took after Chase, keeping his blue-grey paint pattern, something he knew she'd get complements for as she grew up.

"I guess I can wait a few days for my girls. They are so cute though." Ryne said happily as he reached for his twins.

The two baby centaurs had fallen asleep against Ryne, occasionally twitching a leg or a tail as they slept.

For the first few days they were helpless, needing to be picked up and fed very often. But soon they were trying to get up on their feet and take their first wobbly steps. Chase was ecstatic when one girl got up on her own and wobbled over to him. He couldn't stop giggling as tears ran down his face. The other needed a little more help and looked to Ryne more, but once she was up, she was giggling as much as her father was.

Now that they found their legs and started getting around on their own, it was time to figure out their names. The first born was a little quiet, preferring to stick with Ryne the most. While the second born took after her father with her energy and love of running.

Ryne smiled at his two baby girls as he watched them run around and play with each other. Tears ran down his face, being sad that he was watching his babies growing up and worrying that ghey would leave him. "I'm afraid to name them! If I do they'll just get older and leave me." Ryne said to Chase as he buried his face against Chase's chest.

Chase was so happy watching his girls run around and play, just learning to use their arms and chasing bugs that fluttered around. He wasn't expecting Ryne to be upset and was surprised by his words.

"What ever gave you the idea they would leave? You're part of the herd now. We won't leave you behind." He said, hugging his mate tight as he nuzzled the top of his head.

Ryne sniffled. "But my babies will leave and have families themselves and forget all about me!" He said as hormones were still affecting his emotions.

Chase nuzzle the top of Ryne's head, hands rubbing his back gently. "They won't go anywhere. I promise." He said, shifting to tilt the man's face up so he could kiss his lips.

The two girls would likely find a mate within the herd and stay with them for their whole lives.

Ryne returned Chase's kiss before they heard yelling. "Oni!" A centaur warrior yelled. From the forest, a massive demon like creature. The Oni was had sharp teeth, two glowing eyes, stood 20ft tall, had a massive blade made out of bone coming out of his arm, and two horns. It roared angrily as it came up to the property.

(Just an introduction for the next character. ;))

Chase made a happy little noise into the kiss, hands rubbing Ryne's sides. But it was cut short by the shouting. He pulled away and stared at the creature coming onto the property.

"Ryne, get the girls into the farmhouse!" He said, looking frightened. Normally a centaur herd could easily pick up and leave if threatened, but not here. Chase was far from a warrior, but he was a good shot with a bow and once he knew Ryne and the girls were safe, he took off to retrieve his hunting bow.

(Sorry for the late reply. I saw the post and completely forgot to respond. X.x)

Ryne gasped as he quickly took the girls and ran towards the barnhouse, knowing there was a cellar they could use to hide. The Oni roared as he smashed and destroyed the homes of the other centaurs.

(Don't worry. It's k)

Chase took aim with his bow, keeping himself hidden as he looked for a weak spot on the beast. He aimed for the inner part of his elbow, hoping to disable the arm, and fired. Quickly readying another arrow in case one was not enough.

He knew by the fact the beast had horns that his head would be too tough....but perhaps a shot into his mouth or in the eye would work....

The Oni roared as the arrow pierced its flesh, causing it to roar. The other centaurs fired arrows and even got close to the monster with swords. The Oni swiped at its attackers, bent on retrieving its target.

Chase unleashed arrow after arrow at the oni's head, aiming for its eyes or mouth. It had to be stopped.

Some centaurs went after the beast's knees with spears, jabbing them into the backs to try and stop it. Every centaur who could was attacking the beast.

The Oni would not stop. It's mission must be completed for its master. It ran towards the barn, intent on finding Ryne and killing him. The Oni swatted the Centaurs away as it made a beeline towards the barn.

Chase realized the Oni was heading right for the barn and took off after it. He shouted and shot arrows at it, jumping and weaving to avoid it's attacks. He needed to draw it away from Ryne somehow.

The ONI roared in anger as it turned towards Chase. It charged Chase, intent on killing him any way or another.

Chase got what he wanted, a distraction. When the Oni turned and charged, he turned and headed away from the barn. He kept distance between them, pausing to fire arrows back at the monster. He needed to keep its attention until the others could figure out how to kill it.

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