C Somewhat Star-Crossed w/ bhdire8

It'd been months since Cassander Graham had seen the man he loved, the pair dating throughout high school, but going to different colleges. Cass had promised to keep in touch, but his plan was interrupted by a little... 'problem.' Cass was pregnant, and didn't know what to do. He wanted the baby, of course, but with his dad not in the picture, and his mom not talking to him... He panicked. He hid, dropping out of college, moving away and finding a job. He was barely making ends meet when he finally decided to contact his love. It took a while for Cass to find the father of his child, finally tracking him down to his dorm on a snowy night near Christmas. Everybody was home for the holidays, the campus practically deserted. Cass held his swollen belly in one hand, the other hesitantly knocking on the door as snow flakes started to pepper his dark hair.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Harry was the only one staying in the dorm for Christmas, his parents had chosen to travel abroad, leaving him alone here in campus. He had been trying to focus on the book in front of him, but soon realized it is a losing feat as he uncounsicouly stared outside to the falling snow.  He wondered how his love was, he had sent texts and tried to call him, yet he never returned and later even his phone no went out of service.  His heart ached at the thought of his Cass no longer wanting him.

Just when he decided maybe its time to just go sleep, he heard a faint knocking on the door.  He brushed away his brown hair from his eyes and yelled "who's that?" He opened the door and shivered a little at the cold wind outside and gasped when he saw the boy. "Cass! Oh my god how come you are here! Quickly come in its feezing outside!" He instinctively wrapped his arm around his lover's shoulder and guided him in, still not aware of the belly yet.

Cass smiled when he saw Henry again, so happy to see the man he loved after such a long time. He was a little surprised that Henry hadn't noticed his bump yet, but he had gotten really good at hiding it. However, hiding it got harder and harder as he got closer to his due date. Cass followed Henry inside as the snow started to fall harder, worried that they would get snowed in. "I'm sorry I sropped talking to you. I still love you, I just... Something came up and I didn't know what to do."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Harry came back in after closing the door, watching the familiar sight of the back of his lover, taking off his coat and scarf, he could no longer resist the urge and hugged him from thr back..."Oh Cass i miss you so much!! What could possibly make you stop talking to me....." he trailed off as his hand came into contact with that huge stomach on his once lean lover.  He looked up in shock "Cass....is it .. my...our child?"

He froze at the spot and feel a huge whirlpool of emotions, unable to react just yet.

Cass tensed slightly when Henry hugged him from behind, hesitantly leaning back into Henry. He nodded at the question, knowing that the potbelly was abnormal for someone who used to be one of the best players on the high school soccer team. "Didn't know how to tell you. My mom practically disowned me when I told her, didn't want you hating me, too."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Harry was heartbroken by how insecured his lover appeared. "Oh Cass I would never do that to you! How could i hate you when I love you so much.... love both of you so much" He added while placing a tentative hand on the bulging belly. "I gotta admit i am still shocked, and I felt a bit betrayed and mad at you for not telling me any of this, choosing to drop out of radar instead, but i promise you we would face that together." Harry wrapped Cass tighter in his embrace, with his arms around his chest almost crushing him. "Oh Cass.... i miss you so much" 

Cass gently placed his hand over Henry's, lacing their fingers together. "I shouldn't have run off, I know. I'm sorry. I just didn't know what to do, I panicked," he mumbled, huddling against Henry when they hugged. "I missed you, too. I'm so sorry about all of this, babe..."

✨don't look at my sin✨

They lost themselves in a long overdue embrace. It was until a tiny hiss from Cass with obvious movement from the belly that had them released from each other. "Cass are you alright? Stupid me I should have get you changed first. You are wet from the snow outside. They are expecting a few more inches today. Do you have any spare clothes? Your luggage? I will go turn up the heat a bit."

Cass took his bag and headed to the bathroom, discovering his water had broken during the hug, masked by the melted snow. "Shit," he sighed, not wanting to have his baby in a dorm. Cass hurriedly cleaned himself up and changed clothes, scared to tell Henry he was in labor.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Harry returned with 2 mugs of hot chocolate, figuring some cuddling and more talks on the sofa of the common area would be nice.  He had missed his boyfriends comfortable weight in his arms, albeit it must be much heavier now. He had so much to share with his boyfriend and so much thay he want to know about his life during this past few months.  What had he missed, what did he do after his mother kickrd him out....He had also retrieved an afghan that would cover them both up. Some quality time was coming!

Cass slowly shuffled out of the bathroom, settling on the couch with Henry and the hot cocoa, rubbing his swollen belly. Thankfully, his contractions were about half an hour apart, so they had time. Maybe enough time for snow to melt. "So... What di you want to know?" Cass asked softly, sipping his drink.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Discontent with the distance between them, Harry maneuvered Cass so that they are wrapped together, both mugs resting on the huge belly.  "So where were you these past couple months?" Up close, Harry could spot the dark circles under his lover's beautiful eyes.  He could also feel that despite the full stomach in front, his lover had lost significant weight.  Harry frowned and said "oh Cass life must be so hard for you! Did you gain any pounds from the pregnancy? Have you gone to any doctors?"

"Just been around for the past couple months. Dunno if I gained any weight, but I doubt it. Haven't been to a doctor, don't have money," Cass shrugged, staring into his mug. Admittedly, he'd been living in his car, bouncing between jobs. He didn't want to tell Henry that, knowing the other was worried enough.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Knowing his lover tend to down play matters, Harry's heart ached even more with guilt. While he was enjoying his college life, his love was struggling in the streets. He could imagine how hard that could be for a pregnant man to live alone, having no money and no job.

"I am sorry Cass, I should have been there.  Had i been more determined to find you I would have known about your mum.... I am the one not giving you enough security that made you doubt my love.... I am so so sorry Cass.  I promise i would never leave you alone from now on!" I placed a gentle kiss on your face, trying to convey how much I lamented.

Cass nodded at Henry's proclamation of love, relaxing slightly at the kiss, allowing his green eyes to flutter shut. "I'm sorry I never told you, I just... I didn't want you to hate me. Figured if I didn't say anything, you'd find somebody. Be happy with them and not be weighed down by me."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Are you implying you are a burden to me!? How could our child be a burden of any kind!" He was so shocked to hear that and actually got a little angry at that. How could he!

A horrible thought crossed his mind "is it how you view the child? A burden? Have you thought of.....abortion?" Harry paled at this, his voice shaken.

Cass shrunk back at Henry's first words, quickly shaking his head at the question. "God, no. I want it. If I didn't I would've had it taken care of a long time ago."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Harry realized he might have overreacted. If indeed Cass dont want to keep the child he wouldnt appeared with such a belly. He softened and said "sorry for yelling. It's just... you meant so much to me, i want you to know that whatever happened, you would never drag me back or anything like that. We are better as one." He cant help the curiosity and asked "so.... can i touch your belly?"

"I know, I was just afraid before. I didn't know what you would think," Cass murmured with a shrug. He nodded at the question, knowing they had a while before the next contraction hit. He gently took Henry's hand, placing it in his belly. "Might nit get much movement, been pretty still lately."

✨don't look at my sin✨

The touch beneath his palm was amazing, although he dont quite know what to expect, the firmness and warmth still surprised him. "When's our precious little angel due?" He asked in a dreamy voice, moving his palm along the belly.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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