C The Magictorium (jrcash)

"Okay, just wait ten minutes and we'll go." Iruka said.

When the ten minutes were up, Iruka removed his apron and closed up shop. Turning the lunch sign around, he locked the doors and followed after Kyle.

"Alright, lead on." Iruka said. "Oh I almost forgot, my name's Iruka."

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Kyle thought that was the most beautiful name he ever heard. As he lead Iruka to this diner they served the best steakanywhere around. When they sat sat the table he looked at Iruka and said "order anything you want its on me money is no matter."

"Oh no no, I can't do that to you." Iruka said. "I'll take a cheesburger with fries, just cheese and the meat on it. NOthing else...if that's okay."

He was a bit picky with his cheeseburgers. He didn't like all that stuff on them, the meat and cheese was just fine for him.

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"Whatever you like!" Kyle said he looked to the waiter "I will just have a small steak with a glass of wine." After they began talking for a bit Kyle got more comfortable around Iruka. " hey maybe after dinner I can show you my place its not far from here and it has a great view of the city."

It was nice to be able to chat with someone for a change. Iruka was kind of on his own, his family didn't even live in this country. So he wasn't able to rely on family for conversation. Plus being new to this town wasn't helping. So this was a very welcomed change, even if it was a tad odd.

"I don't want to impose on you..." Iruka started though went quiet, he wasn't sure on to accept it or not.

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"You won't not at all!" Kyle insisted he could feel this love for Iruka burning stronger. " please it would be fun and it's not far I promise."

"O..okay." Iruka agreed. "We should go there soon, I do have to open back up in forty minutes. So if we're to have fun there, we'll need all the time we can get."

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"Agreed let's go." Kyle responded. After walking 10 minutes around two blocks there was a two story apartment building. "I'm on the top floor with the nice balcony hanging over." Kyle said. As they enter in his apartment he asks Iruka to sit on his new sofa he bought just last month.

Iruka followed, he had seen many of the taller buildings. Though he never been in them yet. Course, he seemed to be in awe of it. Following them to the top floor, he took a seat on the sofa.

"It's a rather nice place." Iruka said, still looking around.

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"Thank you it's not much but it's home." Kyle could still feel that burning sense of love grow stronger so much so he couldn't contain himself before he blurted out " I think your really good looking Iruka!" Kyle knew it sounded strange after he said it but he didn't seem to care that burning love was just too strong to deny.

"Uh...um...." Iruka stammered, his white face turning a bit red due to him blushing. "Th..thanks? I...you're pretty nice looking too...much better than I!"

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" no never !" Kyle said " you are the most handsome person I have ever seen." As Kyle said that he noticed he scooted in closer and touched Irukas hand.

"I....I doub...doubt that..." Iruka stammered.

He was different looking from his family. Sure they all were magic users, but he had a different look than them. His grey eye was proof of that along with other things. Course, when he felt the hand on his, he glanced over to Kyle. His face turning red.

"Um...Kyle.." Iruka started.

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"What is it my love." Kyle said

"Your hand...it's...wait..Love?" Iruka questioned. "You did steal some of the chocolate!!!"

Iruka raised his free hand and pointed it at em.

"WHy? Why did you have to shoplift at my store?!! It's hard enough getting it off the ground!" Iruka requested, nearly demanding.

Kyle was stronger and due to the influence of the chocolate, they could just make Iruka comply.

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Oblivious to what was really going on Kyle just kept on going with this strong burning feeling of love he had when he said to Iruka. " please my love come lay with me."

"Hey, can you even hear a word I just said?" Iruka questioned.

This was bad, did he eat two of the same chocolates or one of each? A combination wouldn't be good and the poor man didn't know what to do.

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Kyle resorted to getting down on his knees and begging Iruka " come lay with me please we were meant to be together."

"Kyle...y...you're being manipulated by the chocolate! THis isn't real, you're just under it's control." Iruka confessed.

But he doubted that nothing would get through to the man, only if it was what they desired. A sigh left the poor twig of a man.

"Alright alright....but only this one time cause...it's not you." Iruka gave.

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As Kyle led Iruka into his room they had passionate sex for about 40 minutes. The next Morning Kyle woke up naked in his bed not knowing what happened last night all he remembered was going to this magic store he found and eating some chocolate. Concerned about what may have happened Kyle got dressed and went back to that store. He saw Iruka standing behind the counter.

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