Closed Otherworldly (with Lovebite)
"No your not, your going to be fine." Chris wipes Peter's face before setting the cloth and bowl of water to the side before bringing a bottle of water to Peter's lips. "Drink." Once Peter had drank a good amount of water Chris sat that to the side as well. "Just breath through it."
Peter sobbed out something incoherent before the water was brought up to his lips and he couldn't do anything but drink it then pull away again. He panted and turned his head from side to side in a slow shake of his head,"Just kill me..."He complained, his stomach squirmed still with the live movement of the young inside of him and he blubbered as tears leaked from his eyes. "I don't want to... Don't make me..."He had been avoiding this for as long as he could, the eggs weren't supposed to inside of him so long and was over developing. It was the reason why there was so much movement and why the laying took so long each time.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"It's the only way your getting out of here." Chris moves to run his hand along Peter's back, feeling the others body begin to tense again underneath his touch, his large abdomen tightening into a rock hard mass as the contraction worked its way through Peter's body.
Peter was devastated by that, looking over his shoulder at the stranger with wet, red rimmed eyes and trying to convey his emotions to him. Until he felt a new pain and couldn't stop it, he squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered as he felt another egg descending. This time the eggs didn't stop when it crowned and pushed out of him slowly, one after another and another. The laying didn't stop or pause for a whole, agonising hour, a pile of squirming grey eggs beneath him on the pad the stranger had placed. Though his belly was still like a globe hanging between his legs, bruises and stretchmarks covering it, he sobbed softly.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
When the eggs had finally stopped coming, the ordeal left Peter panting as he leaned against the bed, his knees quivering as they continued to try and hold him up. Chris looks at the pile of eggs before looking over at Peter's stomach. If he didn't know any better he would think that the eggs were continuing to multiply while inside Peter's womb.
Peter didn't want to be awake any more, but he also couldn't make himself lay down, he was afraid of squashing the many eggs that laid beneath him. He felt his cock leaking a thin amount of ejaculate, though he was sure he had came far to many times to be healthy, none of it showed. Little did he know that the seed just went straight to the pouch his ex lover had placed inside of him when he was possessed by one of the aliens, only fertilizing more of the eggs. He whined out softly, when he felt more squirming start up, though no more contractions and he was exceptionally grateful for that. "You have t-to get it out."He repeated, collapsing onto his knees and cradling his low, heavy belly that was stretched with even more litters of eggs. "Please... J-Just listen to me."He sobbed softly and tried looking towards the stranger.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"And what do you expect me to do? Cut you open and dissect you?" They didn't have the right tools nor did Chris have the expertise to do so.
Peter didn't feel like death wasn't such a great answer any more, he still had things that he wanted to do, a life to live. He whimpered softly again, tilting his head back and moaning as his stomach expanded slowly back to half it's original size. "I don't know... I just want to go home again... To my wife...and our kid... I don't even know what she had."He turned his head, laying it down on his hands.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris watches as Peter's stomach expands before tightening a few moments later with another contraction.
He wanted to reassure Peter that they would both be making it home, and in his mind they would, Peter just had to delevier all these eggs first.
Peter shook his head quickly,"I can't."He whimpered,"We can't."He trembled,"We have to go. We have to go!"He sobbed softly,"Don't wait. We can't wait."He tried standing up to his feet, stumbling slightly and forcing his way over towards the door they came through. He was unbalanced and naked, but he didn't care, he was terrified even more so now that he was growing again and couldn't stop it. "Let me go. Please."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"It will take at least a day to fuel up, without it we won't even be making it to the moon." Chris watches Peter get up and move to the door.
Peter disappeared out of the door, stumbling along down the hall, if he hadn't known physically what happened here it looked like any other space station. He knew that was a wrong assumption, it felt like things were wrong, not just by sight, but how it felt. The human dragged his feet, holding himself up by the wall and making his way slowly towards the deck of the ship. If the man wouldn't help him, he would help himself. He grunted and groaned as he forced each foot in front of the other, feeling another batch of eggs brewing as they writhed around inside of him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris follows him down the hall, simply watching him. He made no move to stop him, his own body would do that soon enough.
He sobbed in frustration as it became even harder to move forwards with a low pain growing in the crook of his back and hips. The human fell forwards onto his knees, though his belly made impact first and he cried out, tears leaking from his eyes as he couldn't stop the pain. A contraction coursing through him and he beared down so the egg crowned faster than it would without pushing. He was stuck, suffering with a man who seemed to like the sight of him curled in agony and unable to move.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris approaches him before kneeling down beside him in the hallway and putting his hand on his shoulder before he stands and picks Peter up, looping an arm over his shoulders as he helps Peter back into the bedroom. "I'll go see about starting the fuel transfer, stay here." Chris gets up then before making his way to the door.
Peter flinched when he was touched and was too exhausted to fight as the other man picked him up,"No. You're one of them! St-Stop, leave me alone..."He groaned, collapsing onto the bed after he dragged him back to the crews quarters. The heavily gestated man turned onto his back, his head swiveling back and forth as he held his once more distended stomach. As it heaved and moved while he was helpless to stop it.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris leaves him then to go see about fueling the ship back up. He was gone for nearly an hour while he hooked everything up before he finally returned to the room Peter was left in.
Peter couldn't lift himself up again, he wanted to stop him from filling his ship with fuel, he had to stop him or he would bring this onto the earth. He would doom everyone, they couldn't go back with what was happening to him, it wouldn't end if they left. It was something inside of him, something no one could stop. The heavily gestating young astronaut rolled from one side of his body to the other as he let out low grumbles of pain. Grasping onto his middle as the offspring inside of him lurched and he was soon pushing again. When Chris came back there was already a pile of eggs beneath him and he couldn't stop, the contractions were intense and he could barely breathe.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris simply watches him for a moment as another egg of two was expelled before he closed the door behind himself and made his way over to Peter, reaching out to run a hand along his back.
Peter pushed him away,"No... No..."He groaned out as he tried struggling against the others touch,"L-Leave me alone!"He whimpered, turning his head from side to side and moaning loudly as his slightly more panicked actions, he had convinced himself that the other human was one of the aliens who killed his crew. It was easier that way for some reason,"You killed him... You killed them..."He tried curling forwards but only ended up bearing down again as the eggs all but slipped out of him one by one with only slight force from him pushing.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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