C Doctor's appointment (w/ lxcttrll)

The doctor measured the waist, lower waist and the pelvis girth before releasing Alex.

Alex let the doctor take.his measurements, allowing himself to touch the small swell once the doctor went away to record everything.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"We would know more about how the baby is developing from this ultrasound. And a clearer shape of fetus should appear. Now would you lay back and pull down a little your pant? You know the drill, the gel is gonna be cold."

Alex did as he was told, still tensing at how cold the gel put on his stomach was. Contrary to the last visit, he watched the screen as the doctor performed the ultrasound, wanting to see his baby.

✨don't look at my sin✨

The baby's image popped up on the screen. The doctor used his finger to trace the body as last time. "You can see the head and the spine there. The bouncing part is the heartbeat. So far everything looks good." He said, adding "do you want to listen to the heartbeat again?"

Aex nodded in response to the question, staring at his baby in awe. "Yeah, I wanna hear."

✨don't look at my sin✨

The heartbeat was rapid but steady. Wordlessly the doctor got the picture printed and placed it on the table, letting Alex connect with the baby a little longer first.

Wiping the gel away, he found Alex had awakened from his mesmerized state. He handed the wipe to Alex to let him finish it, he continued "the photo is on the table beside. I would wait for you outside." 

Alex took the wipe from the doctor, wiping off his stomach as he took the picture of the baby. He smiled at the little baby, looking a little more like a human than a blob.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Getting Alex with his chair, the doctor opted to sit across him this time. He looked him in the eye and said. "From this checkup I could see that the fetus is approaching 12 weeks very soon, which is the first trimester mark. Any decisions..." the doctor ommitted the word. "Would need to be done soon."

Alex shook his head, hesitantly placing a hand on his stomach. "I'm keeping it. No matter what."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Great. It's good to hear this." The doctor was genuinely happy with this. "Then about thr other matter. I really strongly recommend the other parent to come and take the blood test. Although the decision is yours, it also affects the baby."

"I'll ask him about it," Alex murmured, terrified to say anything, knowing that the other father wouldn't want the baby.

✨don't look at my sin✨

The doctor sighed in his heart but knew he couldnt push the matter. Even if he pushed he doubt if it would make any difference. "Ok. Do you have any question?"

"Do you know the gender yet, or is it still too soon to know?" Alex asked softly, wanting to get a head start on baby items.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Its still too early. If the baby's position is right then we may know it in our nexr appointment. " he paused a little before continuing. "You should expect some major weight gain and growth in your mid-section. There could be other symptoms that arise from it. ....Call me whenever you are in doubt." He added the last sentence with a little hesitation. He may feel a little pity towards the young man to make such an unusual offer.

Alex listened intently to the doctor, nodding at his instruction. "I will," he replied, soon leaving the doctor's office, attempting to formulate a plan to tell his lover about their child.

✨don't look at my sin✨

The next appointment was 6 weeks later. At around 3 weeks, the doctor was in the local mart shopping for groceries. As he was getting back to his drive, he heard some heated argument between 2 men at a darker corner right outside a restaurant. He approached and recognised one of them to be Alex.

"You're keeping it?" The other man shouted, cornering Alex into a corner.

"Yes, I'm keeping it. You don't have to do anything, I just want to get a blood test dont. See if you have anemia. Could affect the baby."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Walking quickly over the doctor asked "excuse me, what's the matter here." Up close the doctor can see Alex with an obvious belly in view. At 15 weeks, the potbelly could no longer be hidden. "My Raegan are you alright?"

"None of your business, piss off." The other man yelled. "And why would you know Alex?" He looked at the doctor suspiciously.

Alex's eyes widened slightly when he saw the doctor, shaking his head and trying to shoo him away when his boyfriend wasn't looking. "He's my doctor," he mumbled, taking Chris by the arm and pulling him back, other hand holding his slightly swollen stomach. "Leave him alone, Chris."

✨don't look at my sin✨

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