Closed Otherworldly (with Lovebite)
Peter continues to run the cloth over Peter's body before he moves to slip the cloth between Peter's legs, cleaning away the ooze and dampening the skin around Peter's opening.
Peter shied away from the exploring hand with a broken shudder as even more dark fluids seeped out around the large egg. The human pushed again for a long few moments as he groaned loudly, his legs trembling from the force pushing through his pelvis,"Oh... Oh no... No... God no... I-I don't... I can't!"He cried out as the egg breached him finally, it could be seen from between his legs now and it tore his opening almost instantly and the man sobbed at the burning. "It hurts! Don't make me... Don't make me..."He shook his head quickly, to no avail, his stomach was tightening again and he couldn't force himself to breathe through it as he groaned out loudly. His head falling back against the bed as he screamed, pushing and bearing down as hard as he could while blood mixed with the fluid.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris watches as the egg finally peeks through. He didn't quite register what he was doing as he moved between Peter's legs, pushing his legs apart a little more before he practically pulled Peter up into a squatting position, his legs spread to their limit as the egg slipped out just a little more with the aid of gravity.
Peter screamed out as his legs were pushed apart more, now instead of just feeling nothing he felt pain, the pain of the large, soft egg that was almost like a reptiles pushing through him. He couldn't move himself and loathed the other man for dragging him up to his feet,"No-ooh...Ngh."He grunted as the egg managed to find more room to slip out of him with, his head fell back as he let out a dry sob while he tried pushing. The soft shelled egg widening him more and more after he had thought it was over and he couldn't bear any more but it just kept coming and he was hopeless to stop any of it. The broad end of the egg continued and only seemed to grow larger and larger until finally it grew narrow, the tear in his anus leaked more blood. Until suddenly the egg, as large as a fully grown human head, plopped out of him with a flood of black, oily liquids. He collapsed onto the bed in the wet pile of sheets and pillows on the cot, his eyes rolled back and he was out of commission for a long moment.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris doesn't even seem to notice the egg as he moves to start cleaning Peter up, wiping the blood and ooze from his body.
He was dehydrated, groggy, hungry and bloated, but more than all of that he was exhausted and just out of it completely. Maybe he had lost a bit of his sanity there as well while he grumbled partly, his head swiveling back and forth as the other man cleaned him. His hole was gaping and even though the fluid seemed to stop, when ever he breathed it just made more dribble out and he barely lifted a finger. Even several moments after he had laid the egg, still murmuring confused phrases and grasping at the sheets beneath him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris cleans Peter up as best he can before he moves back over to finish scooping up the piles of smaller eggs. After getting the smaller ones scooped up and in the bucket he leaves the room to make his way down to the incenerator to burn them.
Peter was stuck on the bed, his hips ached and his legs were still numb as he leaked still but tried thinking about something else. About his wife and their child, the thought made him smile even just slightly through his small grimace. Though he was brought out of his thoughts at the feeling of weight on his chest and he frowned slightly, attempting to wave it off to no avail. Soon though a new feeling of almost relief was tugging at his chest and he turned his head slightly to open his eyes, looking at what was causing the feeling. It was a small, grub like thing, squishy and grey, making little squeaks as it was latched onto his chest by what looked like an almost human face. Peter glared at it slightly, though was too exhausted to attempt and do much else as he simply closed his eyes and let it feed. The eggs he had laid in the storage room had hatched, well, the ones that were viable did and those made their way to him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
There were a few that Chris had missed when he had went to burn the others. He makes his way to mission control after leaving the storage room, seeing if he could contact headquarters.
Peter was stuck in the crews quarters, alone, save for the infant extraterrestrials latched onto his chest, he wondered if he was actually lactating. Though that question was soon answered when the strange children started mewling in hunger and he had no idea what to do for them. The egg resting between his knees was quiet save for the intense heat coming off of it and he looked down at it slightly. Amazed that it had came out of him and wondered how different was that one to the ones who were smaller and were trying to nurse from him now.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris continues to try and get ahold of headquarters, him getting nothing but static.
Peter chose to fall asleep so he wouldn't have to worry about his unwanted alien children as they whined to him as he ignored them for now. His eyes drifting shut and body relaxing with sleep for as long as he could, which ended up being a few hours.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris returned after an hour or two to find Peter asleep, deciding to let him sleep as he moved over to sit down in a chair.
They slept for hours in the dead silence of the ship, despite the things squeaking at his chest for substance to feed them and the strange scratching coming from the egg at his feet. He woke up before the other man as he felt more than just wiggling, it was full blown movement and he shifted away from it as he blinked awake slowly,"Nngh..."He turned his face slightly and groaned as his hips ached even more now that he was awake and aware again.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris wakes sometime later when he hears Peter wake up. His eyes move to the bed, him looking where Peter is looking.
Peter looked shocked at the view between his legs, the offspring on his chest slipped from him slightly to lay on the bed, he looked to them curiously. The things looked more and more like actual children everytime he looked at them, he kept them from falling off of the bed and reached slightly to touch the egg. It had stopped moving and when he rolled it over, it was empty,"Oh.. Oh no... Where is it?"He asked quickly, the children we're waking up with the heightened level of panic.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris looks around the room before getting up to have a better look around.
"Fuck... Fuck, no."He shook his head quickly and covered his mouth as he brinked on freaking out, breathing heavily as he closed his eyes for a moment. Peter turned his head to look down at the sheets around him and his breath caught in his throat when he noticed a lump in the covers,"I-I found it."He said, pressing his lips together and glancing back at the other man,"Dim the lights."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris makes his way over to the lightswitch before he slowly began to dim the lights, his eyes on the bed as he did.
Peter tilted his head as he lifted the sheets slowly, flinching slightly when the thing burrowed further into the sheets of the bed and lifting them up more. Not knowing what to say or do to make the thing feel comforted, though he did hold out a hand to it. The big, grey mass sniffed at his hand like a dog then licked it with a slimy tongue, wiggling almost happily. The thing had big black eyes and scales that smoothed and spiked with it's emotions, he looked back at the other man behind him slightly,"What do we do with it?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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