C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

"Oh wow! That's quite impressive. You must be more powerful than i thought. Usually weaker sorcerers lost their power immeidately once they concieved!" Arcturus chuckled. "Now that you dont have your power, would you please kindly tell me where's that safe of yours? I have searched through here.... thrice and yet I have no trace of where that could be. Please cooperate with me here. I do not mean any harm really and please dont force me to this last resort."

The shock faded and Iruka turned a stern and angered glare back. True he held a good amount if power at full strength.

"I can still do something." Iruka replied, raising a hand and launching a box at the other man in the attempt to hit them with it. "Lesser tricks."

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Ducking quickly, Arcturus avoided the attack easily. He may not look like a warrior but he had definitely seen his share of a fight. 

"So I see you are still struggling. Well I can play a little longer with you but I am really in a bit of hurrry. So would you tell me where the safe is already?" In between the flying boxes, Arcturus approached Iruka and grabbed his hand, stopping his motion of initiating more attacks.

He couldn't use much magic, he knew where it all had gone. Course he panted a few times as the man grabbed him, causing new box he had to clatter to the ground.

"No." Iruka panted out.

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"Dont make me use force I am warning you. This would end ugly if I was forced to do so." Iruka's wrist had appeared very delicate in his palm. The fairness of his skin was a great contrast to his tanned and weathered ones.  He focused back on the tightly squeezed mouth of Iruka and sighed defeatedly. "So you are indeed forcing me. I really didnt want to do that in your condition." 

Without further warning, he snapped a hand around Iruka's neck, squeezing it tight he raised him with that hand alone. "Where.is.the.safe?"

A gasp like sound left Iruka as he was raised up. Kicking his feet in the air, Iruka squirmed. Trying to find some way to breath. Though he remembered something stored on the top shelf. Kicking the supporting shelf behind him, the item fell and hit him on the head though the bottle broke and a blue liquid soaked his hair before it was absorbed in.

Raising a hand, a blue glow appeared and he reached forward. Trying to put his hand against the larger man's chest to cast a spell with the temporary boost. If he was able to cast the spell Arctus would feel a pressure against their own neck.

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The chaos was unexpected and Arcturus was stunned a bit. He quickly recovered but it was still not as fast as magic. He felt a pressure against his neck and was forced to release his grip on iruka. Touching his own neck, he hissed "what is that? What are you trying to do?"

Taking several gasps as he hit the floor, the pressure around Arctucus's neck faded away.

"I linked you and the baby. If you try force and it endangers the children, you'll feel it as well." Iruka answered.

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"Children? Ha. Well if it is just harming the children.. I am sure they are ways around that spell. " standing back up ad the feelijg on his neck was gone, Arcturus grabbed Iruka's arms and twisted them back, his belly was perfectly free from damage this way, and continued to press "so where's the safe? I would broke.you arm if you dont tell me."

A cry left iruka as his arms were twisted back. Indeed, this wouldn't harm the children.

"You can't...be where it is.." Iruka protested. "I will not...expose my children to..a horrible person Luke you!"

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"Oh so you have children before? And i thought you were a virgin. How naive of me. Well if you wouldn't show me, this left arm of yours will break . You sure about that? I won't hurt your children anyway, my target was just the artifact!" Arcturus continued with his persuasion. He really didnt want 5hings to come to this.

"Er...Yes! Its bad enough their father was a thriving rat who couldn't see their beauty due to them not being like him!" Iruka hissed. "I'd rather have a broken arm than let you near them. You'te just like him!!"

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"Hmmm whoever that is he sounded like a positive scumbag. I can assure.you I am nothing like him. Are you sure you dont want to tell me? I would be gone immediately if you would just tell me the way. I bet you dont want to see my face ever again right?"

"Consideing you are trying to steal from me and forced me to bear your young, you're tight. I don't want to see you again." Iruka replied. "Your plan though has a flaw. The safe is tuned into my magic, if I don't have a certain amount I can use guess what? The safe won't open. You might ad well break my arm and come some other time. Cause I know I don't have enough for it."

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Arcturus was ferious. His plan had failed so completely! All those effort going  to be wasted. He released Iruka's arms reluctantly. He didnt think Iruka could have lied to him. He saw enough to be able to distinguish people who are lying. And Iruka, though with so much power, was actually quite an innocent man. He was far too naive to be able to make such things up. 

Arcturus huffed out a frustrated sigh and turned, alrwady forming plans on how to face the commissioner when he returned empty handed.

(Will return in a few hrs time)

Rubbing his arm, Iruka watched the man leave. Part of him was relieved but he was still worried. A few weeks passed and already he looked full term with one human child. There was more than one in there, he was certain of that. Just how many? No clue. He gave a smile to his two kids who were playing in the area of the shop floor set up for them. The boy shared his looks but with green eyes, the girl had her own appearance. Sermibky having taken to be a mix if Iruka and the other partner.

Hearing the door open, he looked but gave a glare at the man he saw.

"Get out." Iruka told them as he cane out from behind the counter, revealing the round bulge against the apron.

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"Wow the kids have grown! You looked really big! And I assume those two there are your othwr children?" Arcturus appeared at the door. He was looking a little bit more tired than before. Ignoring Iruka's words, he strolled in like this was his own place. "I dont really wanna come back, you know? But that, whatever spell, you put on my seemed to be still effective. These few days I felt more and more drained. So in fact you are the reason why I am here right now."

"Yes and keep away from them." Iruka hissed as he blocked the path towards his two children. "Boohoo, I'm not removing the spell. I don't trust you at all."

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"You could not rrmove the spell, but at least tell me why I am feeling like I do now. I am feeling exceedingly exhausted, like starving for a few days. Why are the children feeling like this?" Arcturus said, brushing his hair away with an exasperated sigh.

"I don't know..." Iruka replied. "I'm drained and exhausted. They might need more magic to help nuorish them but, I'm out of the blue manna so I can't really supply them that. I've tried other things but...."

Iruka paused mid sentence and reached for a shelf to support himself as his legs gave out.

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