C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

The shuffling noise woke Arcturus from his sleep. He asked drowsily "what are you doing Iruka?"

"I have to get....all this manna out." Iruka replied.

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"Come 'ere babe. Get back here. I got a way." In his half conscious mode Arcturus asked Iruka to come to him. He lifted his shirt once he got on and started lapping on the full breasts.

"Alright.." Iruka replied.

Course going back to him he ended up having to surpress a moan.

"Can you....just get the stuff out?" Iruka requested.

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"What ya mean by just get the stuff out?" His eyes still closed, arcturus asked between sucks. "You wanna taste it? Fine." He then suckled strongly to have a mouthful then climbed up to mouth feed Iruka with his own manna.

"What I mean is, just get the manna out of there." IRuka replied.

He didn't want to taste it but he had no choice as the man practically fed it to him. Course he swallowed to avoid choking.

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After that mouthful was fed, Arcturus said "i'm gettin them outta your tits. You want me to be faster? Surey." With his mouth on the nipple, he started to massage the breast to encourage the flow on top of the sucking.

Iruka squirmed a bit, though just grabbed hold of the man's shoulders to keep himself steady.

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Arcturus was semi conscious and not very sure if he was only dreaming or was in fact enjoying almost unlimited supply of such delicious manna. The manna was squirted in continuous flow into his mouth. The breast he was holding gradually shrink in size under his administration.

OF course it shrank, though there was just the other one left. Though Arcturus would probably feel the effects of the manna in a different way. The man had a massive amount of it in their system and it was probably awakening some part of themself. What part of em that was? It was hard to say.

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Arcturus gradually fall back asleep as he was still latching on the nipple. He had been exhausted somehow, with changes within his body making alterations to him without him noticing, leaving the other breast still full of manna but Iruka unable to move with how his nipple was attached to Arcturus.

"Wh...oh come on..." Iruka muttered as he attempted to get free of Arcturus.

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The struggle of Iruka woke Arcturus a bit and his body's need led to him unconsciously finding more manna. He grabbed Iruka with a force so great he flipped him onto the bed and sucked on the other tit with a force much greater than before. There's a faint glow around Arcturus now, particularly on him back.

A startled cry left Iruka as he was flipped and landed on the bed. Course the man squirmed under Arcturus and a groan left him. He may have wanted the manna out but this was starting to hurt! His other breast swelled quickly though as if his body figured that he was losing so much manna so quickly, he had to produce even more to it.

"Arcturus!" Iruka called though it wasn't loud.

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"Hnmm?" Arcturus rubbed on the huge belly as if to calm Iruka. He did slow down on the sucking, however. He continued his semi-conscious suck until all manna was depleted and he fell into a deep slumber with his mouth still on Iruka.

By time it was over, Iruka just wanted the an off of him. Course that was hard to do with a belly in the way. Still he tried to remove the man from his sore chest.

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It was impossible to wake Arcturus now, in fact only tighted his grip when Iruka struggled. He was slowly transforming in his sleep and now his brain was more of that of a creature than a human. He treated what he had in hand as his own property and he was unwilling to relent his grip.

"Get off." Iruka ordered as he shoved harder.

Course a cry left him as the man's grip increased.

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Arcturus only stirred a little. He hugged Iruka like a toy and wouldnt let go. He kept at this posture until dawn, Iruka finally abandoning the effort and went to sleep with him.

In the morning, when Arcturus returned to his sensed, he found he had gone through a major transformation. In favt he was now in the form of a griffin, so large that he had crushed the primitive bed some time at night. Iruka was, however, safely tugged in his arms and was safe and seemd to have slept through it as he did.

Iruka squirmed until he felt too weak to do anything. So he passed out after giving up. Though by time Arcturus woke up, Iruka was still asleep and a large pair of breasts were attached to him. The manna having replenished over the night.

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