C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

Lowering his head ashamedly, Arcturus silently nodded and moved away, not unlike a sad puppy with ears folded, continuing with stocking the inventory.

"You didn't tell me you were a griffin. That's why I'm mad." Iruka stated. "You had all this time and you wait till now?"

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"I have no idea myself! I dont understand any of this! Up until today, I always considered myself to be pure human. Yes sometimes I am able to perform elementary magic, but that's all." Arcturus exclaimed. He also wanted to know how come he had become a griffin overnight.

"Well it's clearly a part of you for the babies to be mimicing you. Though, maybe it was just seal away?" Iruka suggested, having a kinder tone of voice.

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"I have no idea. How do you seal someone's creature form away? I dont recall anything like that. As far as I can recall, I have been an orphan on the street all my life." Arcturus shrugged.

"A spell usually." Iruka said. "Though...you have been drinking my manna, maybe it's mutated you into this?"

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"So your manna was the reason and not something inside me did this?" Arcturus considered. Everything was so confusing now. "I found myself getting quite addicted to your manna really. Like I have to have it."

"I don't know but it's possible." IRuka replied. "Strange....there's plenty of it in production, but that might end a little after the kids are born."

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"Ok. Well we can't do anything about it anyway. Let's see how it goes later. Are you sure you dont want to sit down? Relieve pressure on your back now that your belly is so big."

"To be honest, I just want to curl up and hide." Iruka replied.

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"I am sorry for causing you so much distress with my recklessness, from that night on.... I really didnt know it would have such consequences." Arcturus wanted to hug Iruka and tell him everything's gonna be alright, ans that he could curl in him and hide whenever he wanted, but was too afraid to voice that out.

"IT's fine." IRuka replied. "YOu didn't know."

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"Please, tell me what I could do to lessen your distress. I am willing to do anything to atone for my sins." Arcturus looked into Iruka's eyes trying to show him he was sincere in this.

"There's nothing to do." Iruka replied. "We can't change wht happened."

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"Then, pray, at least let me help you deal with this. Dont reject me any further. I am the father of these children, I have a responsibility here."

"So long as you don't change, I'll be fine. I don't want to feel that powerful thrashing in there." Iruka replied with a sigh. "I"m not rejecting you. I just don't know what to do."

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"Dont strain yourself then. Like what you said, if you want to curl up and hide, I will build the shelter for you to do so. I will be your safe haven. Let me help you out, not only in the shops, but also in your daily life." Arcturus had never been this sincere in his life but he genuinely wanted to take care of Iruka.

"I have a shelter, down bellow us." Iruka replied. "In all honesty Arcturus you have been helping out more than the shop."

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Arcturus didnt quite know how to answer to that. In the end he knew he would have to do more to earn Iruka's trust. After a pause, he simply nodded and said "ok. I will... i will just go organize the stock then. Just yell for me if you need anything."

A sigh left Iruka, though he eventually took a seat on the floor. No customers today, seems like the war was really taking a toll on people.

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