C Doctor's appointment (w/ lxcttrll)

It was their 26 week checkup and Alex was late. It was 15 minutes past their scheduled time and Alex was still nowhere to be seen. Martin was very worried but he could not get Alex on the phone. Alex was the last appiintment of the day and they were supposed to go on a date afterwards. He paced around the room thinking if he should call Alex's company.

Alex got to the office about forty-five minutes later, looking somewhat shaken. He was still dressed in a suit, although his bump was prominent. "Hey, I--I'm sorry I'm late, I just... Chris needed some files put away, and he wanted me to do it, said he'd pay me. Extra on my next paycheck."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Martin quickly wrapped Alex in his arms and let him down on the couch, he rubbed his back soothingly and said "it's ok. Calm down. Put some files away... you mean physcially move them away? Are you feeling any discomfort right now?" Martin was going to accuse Alex of what could possibly drag on this long and was quite angry. However seeing how shaken Alex was, his anger all dissipate to worry for the young man.

Alex curled into Martin's chest, trying to calm down. "Yeah. Physically move them around," he confirmed, closing his eyes in an attempt to rest. He'd been moving around all day, Rosemary continuously moving as well because she was stressed.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Seeing the stress Alex was under, Martin swallowed the scold he almost bursted out. He instead moved his hands on the belly and his, soothingly rubbed on both as the physcial exertion must bring pressure on both the baby and Alex's back.

Alex allowed himself to relax, seeing the anger in Martin's eyes. Of course, he'd never say what really happened, but it wasn't important. Not that anybody would do anything. He let Martin rub his belly, letting out a small sigh of relief as Rosemary began to calm down.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"There wasn't any colleague who could help you with those heavy lifting? Any one you could seek help from? " As he felt Alex relaxed a bit, martin released him.slightly, letting him still lean on his shoulder while proceeding with massaging his arms and legs that surely would be exhausted.

"No, j-just me," Alex murmured, hiding his face from Martin's view as he continued to rub his belly.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"This can't go on like this. He is deliberately causing you unnecessaru distress. I am not going to lie to you but heavy lifting is something every doctor would recommend against. It could really harm the baby, and the further along you are the more damaging it would be." Martin continued with his soothing rub. "Promise me you would at least try to say no next time?"

"I tried saying no, it didn't work," Alex sighed, feeling guilty. He was hurting his baby and quite possibly his relationship.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"I got an idea. You try to record his orders to you. Try to capture his words to show he knew you are pregnant and still asked you to do excessive work, physical or not. I could handle it from there then." Martin kissed Alex and said "now dont worry love, we would find some way to deal with this. You are not alone anymore. You got me and Rosemary here."

Alex nodded, being sure to figure out a way to do so as he returned the kiss Martin gave him. They went through with their checkup and date, and over the next few weeks, Alex got Chris and him doing "work" on cameras.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Martin researched and submitted the inappropriate work condition Chris made Alex suffer to the relevant law enforcement, with some strong supporting medical records that supported Alex no longer being physically suitable for the work, writtne by another doctor to avoid conflict of interest. The day when Chris was arrested for discrimination against pregnant employees, Martin got his day off to witness this scene, Alex beside him.

Of course, Chris was spitting out insults like no tomorrow, but it didn't particularly bother Alex anymore. He was even granted early paternity leave, contently planning the nursery and resting as Rosemary grew.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Martin had been quite relieved by how Chris was smoothly prosecuted. Alex's belly had ballooned from 26 weeks onwards and his waddling was very obvious, making his movements way more clumsy. He needed help getting on and off the couchso any lifting would be very dangerous.

As he got off work, just the thought of being able to visit Alex had made him quite relaxed from the stress of the day. They had yet to exchange keys but usually Alex would just leave the door opened for him around the time he came. He pushed open the door and greeted "babe I am here. Where're you?"

Alex was half asleep on the couch, idly rubbing his belly as Rosemary shifted inside. She'd settled head down, ready to be welcomed into the world. Alex yawned when he heard Martin entered, stretching and waving over the back of the couch. "In here, welcome home."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Hey babe. Sorry did I wake you? I would come in quietly next time." Kissing on Alex's head Martin apologized. He knew how difficult it was for Alex to catch any sleep now, with the baby so low and heavy. "Has Rosemary bothered you today?"

"No, you didn't wake me," Alex spoke softly, pulling Martin's jaw down to give home a gentle kiss. "Just a couple of kicks, she's calming down," he smiled, moving Martin's hand to press against the top of his belly where he could feel Rosemary's soft patters.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"That's a very good girl Rosemary." Martin caressed the belly and pecked it. "So what did you do today? Is the nursery finally done?"

"Yeah, everything's in order. I was thinking of getting more toys, though. I found this really cute shop online, si I might get some things from there," Alex responded, gently pushing himself up to the edge of the couch.

✨don't look at my sin✨

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