C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

"You are obviously switching to a dragon... like a smaller version of it. So... what should we do now?" Arcturus helprd steady Iruka's upper body.

"I...I don't know what to do...this shouldn't be happening." Iruka replied, looking over his shoulder at the larger tail.

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"Does it have anything to do with.. basically giving birth to Alfred? Shall I ask him about this?" Arcturus frantcially asked.

"I'm not sure...honestly I'm not sure on what that would do to cause this." Iruka said as he sank to the floor.

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"Alright I am getting him here. He was supposed to be very powerful and much older than us, maybe he had an idea on this." Arcturus almost ran to fetch Alfred and dragged him into the room.

A sound left Iruka though he merely laid there for a few moments before grabbing another bottle of manna and started to drink it. Alfred was confused by being dragged in, though he glanced down at Iruka and quickly saw the tail.

"Oh....that's what you meant.." ALfred muttered as he stared.

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"so? Do you know what's happening here?" Arcuturs looked at Alfred with hope.

"Uh....how many bottles has he had?" Alfred asked, pointing to the bottle that Iruka just finished.

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"i think that's the third.. maybe forth bottle. Is that not good? Iruka did appear to be even paler after those bottles, but there's some urge in him that got him drinking down even more..."

"You might want to stop him from drinking anymore." Alfred suggested. "He's pretty much overdosing on it, so all that manna is trying to figure out what it's suppose to do inside of him."

As he spoke, Iruka had grabbed the forth bottle. Obliviious to the world around him and his ears were now pointed.

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Arcturus immediately grabbed the bottle away from Iruka. "stop it Iruka you are overdosing now." He looked guiltily at him as he was the one suggesting for manna in the first place.

Iruka had only gotten a few gulps from the bottle when it was torn away from him. THe partially turned being tilted their head and a sound left them. Clearly not a human sound though Iruka didn't seem to notice the slight cry like sound he had just used.

"Well...he's gone for now.." Alfred replied seeing that. "You see pure magic such as manna is highly addictive. If you get too accustomed to taking it, the body will eventually desire even more. Thus, strange transformations like this start happening."

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"then... what do we do now? If we help him get off of this addiction now, will the changes reverse?"

"All the manna in his system has to get used up, you can't handle it like a person who's addicted to something." Alfred said. "The problem is keeping him away from that stuff as all the manna in him already hasn't fully kicked in. In some cases if there is a high enough dosage, it can even find traits from ancestors and start to bring those to the surface so there's a chance Iruka had a dragon ancestor ages ago. But...well...here's the thing. If he did and if he fully changes then, well it's a thing he ends up stuck with."

A cough left Iruka though a harsher one soon came with it and smoke left his mouth. Giving a few whacks to his chest as he coughed, only with more smoke coming out, a small flame soon came out. Iruka noticed that and merely stared at the thin air that the flame was a few moments ago.

"If we prevent him from having anymore manna until all of it is out of his system then yes, the changes should reverse." Alfred added. "But...that could be a problem."

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"what problem could there be?" Arcturus was already a little frustrated with the situation. How on earth could Iruka use up the energy stored in him now?

"He's turning into a dragon!!!" Alfred snapped. "He's going to be able to overpower you and me easily! The problem is trying to cut him off will agitate him and since he's not himself, this could go badly in any..."

As if on cue, Iruka pounced at Arcturus, trying to grab the bottle of manna they were holding on to.

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Arcturus was grateful for having excellent reflexes, some ability from years of living on the street and boosted by his griffin inheritance. He looked at Iruka who appeared ready to strike again anytime and asked "THen how are we going to use up all those energy? Are we, like, going to lead him out to some forest and play a little hide and seek with him? Gosh that sounded horribly bad."

Hitting the ground, Iruka made a grumble like sound when they did. Though he ended up crouching down and giving a annoyed growl to Arcturus.

"It's not energy to be used that way, it's magical energy. His body has to use up his magic but how to do that when he pretty much has a feral mind..no idea." Alfred replied.

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"I was thinking... if we really play hide-and-seek with him, after he got to frustrated with not being able to catch me he would start using his magical power to try and trap me. I dunno, maybe use fire to try barbecue me? Oh god, i really hope we woudlnt' need to execute it like this. To play hide-and-seek with a dragon and annoy him enough to lure him using his magical power..." Arcturus ducked again as Iruka tried another attack. He could see the half-dragon to be very agitatted now.

"I don't think that will work...we'd just end up charboiled and dead..." Alfred replied as he watched the partially changed sorcerer pounce.

Iruka hit the floor again and a frustrated his left them, their back arched as their body was a bit longer. Making it easier to manuever on his hands and feet. Despite a snarl leaving them it seemed the feral being had a idea and it merely dashed past Arcturus and went downstairs. That was where a good amount of the manna was stored and getting there, he was quick to open a bottle and drink it.

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