C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

"I shouldnt have pressed you on that magic matter, I should have realised how painful that power that is to you. Now even with everything gone, the most important thing is our family is still intact. I was so freaked out just now when I thought you would leave with the children. Same as you, I was also afraid of being left alone, again. So dont you ever leave me ok?" Arcturus gently pull away the hands that covered his face and wiped away the tears with his thumb, holding him close to his chest.

"O...okay...." IRuka replied weakly.

Still, what to do now? THey couldn't stay here but, Iruka wasn't in the best shape to leave to get food. He doubted Arcturus was going to head off after this.

"So..w...what now?" Iruka asked. "At the moment..."

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"I do have a place myself, before moving in here. Granted it was more like a hiding place, but at least we can have a proper shelter for the night, with proper water supply and shops nearby for food. Can you stand? And what's with those black lines?" Arcturus asked worriedly as he traced them with his finger.

"I...I might be able to." Iruka answered. "Those always show up when..I use my magic in...the way that my speciality is. So I guess it's just a price to pay..."

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"So they will pass over time?" Arcturus helped Iruka stand up, he felt limp and pliant on him, leaning against him. Arcturus quite likr the feeling of being depended upon, though he would have enjoyed it more it its under different circumstances

"They usually do." Iruka said. "Though it might take longer due to..everything I did.."

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"Hm ok. Let's gather the kids now. Sorry, there would have to be a major disruption on your routine. Is there anything that isstill lrft here that we can retrieve?"

"The routine's destroyed so it's okay. I just...have to make a new one, hopefully a useful one.." Iruka said. "I don't know, we'll have to go upstairs and see.."

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"Let's go up then. Are you regaining your strength now? I want to carry you if you don't mind, somehow I crave your physical touch."

"You can carry me, truth be told...I'm kind of wanting to have one of those sessions but...now isn't the time." Iruka said.

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Arcturus was a bit surprised Iruka still got that passion in him, he would think some intimate but not sexual touch was needed at this time, but he accepted the chance to get close to Iruka. "Wound your hands around my neck?" He asked as he got a hand under Iruka's legs.

IT surprised him too, though it might've been caused by the weakened magic craving some sort of routine still. So wrapping his arms around Arcturus, he stayed quiet as the griffin carried him. It would take a few hours to get all the children gathered up and to the new home. Iruka took note of how bigger and able the griffin young seemed to be. It seems griffins were fast growers, perhaps they wouldn't be crowded in the new space for long?

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Arcturus ended up having Iruka and the 2 newest borns in his arms, and he let out a breath of relief when thry arrived the new home. He put Iruka down on the only bed and settled the kids on the carpeted floor. They have scavanged some pillows from their old resident that would becomr the childrrn's makeshift nest.

"Stay here, I will see to our dinner. Will br back.within the hour."

"Alright." Iruka said.

An hour huh? Well that made sense. A sigh left him as he glance down at the youngsters in his arms though he managed to fall asleep in that short time period.

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Arcturus returned with two handsful of food, feeling like santa claus himself. He got into the house and suddenly felt quite at home with his mate asleep on the bed with their children, the other kids miraculously quiet beside. He got dinner ready in a bit befpre approaching Iruka. The black lines had started to fade a little and Arcturus traced in the air the freckles on his face.

Iruka was in a deep sleep, he was too weak to want to wake up right now. The large amount of magic used left him drained and that was enough to keep him in a deep sleep. So it would take more than just tracing the freckles on his face to stir the unconcious man.

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The slight and steady breathing sound got Arcturus aware of how deeply Iruka was sleeping. He decided he could get the kids to finish dinnrr first before waking Iruka, better yet let him sleep more to recover.

Remaining asleep just long enough for the children to have dinner. THe sorcerer's eyes slowly opened, the whites of his eyes returning but the lines were still there. A groan left him as he sat up and rubbed his head.

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Arcturus turned his head when he heard the groan. "Woke up? Is your head aching?" He came to the bedside and touched his forehead. "I dont think you have a fever, so... some residue effect from this afternoon then?"

"A little." Iruka said as he glanced up to Arcturus. "Most likely from this morning. It should pass."

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