C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

"Well ya... i guess. I think.. I am as ready as I can be. And grandma .. are those also futures that you have foreseen? Me leaving or pulling some stupid stunts?" Arcturus was curious. "Well nevermind them. It's not how what I have chosen, at least not something that I have chosen in this world, so either way it doesnt matter."

He clutched Iruka's hand and said "if you are ready, I am."

"Yes, they were." Grandma replied.

"I'm ready." Iruka said giving a nervous smile.

"You'll need this one then."

Grandma grabbed a red bottle and handed it to Arcturus, she started to head to the door before she paused.

"Don't drink all of it, it's designed to last several times so, not too much." She added before disappearing upstairs.

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Arcturus looked at Iruka. "So.... how much of it are you supposed to drink? A sip? 1/4 of a bottle? She just mentioned you already got eggs within you right?"

"Uh...maybe just a sip?" Iruka suggested. "She said that there's two in here."

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"Ok. Hmm this is awkward." They both settled in bed and Arcturus handed over the bottle to Iruka. He watched carefully as he sipped.

"I don't think she meant for me to drink it but...okay." Iruka's said befirectakibg a sip.

A shudder ran through him at the flavor.

"A little sour." Iruka's cautioned.

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"Oh I thought we both needed it. Oops .. anyway." Arcturus got the bottle and sipped. "Eww that tasted... plain weird." He felt something warm surge from his lower stomach. "Ok... is there suppose to be any change now? Or we just.. do it?" He found himself carressing Iruka unconsciously.

"I guess we just..go ahead and get it started.." Iruka said with a smile.

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Arcturua held Iruka's face in his hands and kissed him. "Did I ever tell you I love your freckles? Your eyes are so beautiful too, one of a kind." As he kissed they gradually get lost in the pleasure. It would also be the first time they did it when Iruka's belly was buldged. He was extra gentle because of this, well, as gentle as he could control himself to be.

The gesture had iruka surprised but hr smiled.

"You haven't but thank you." Iruka replied.

The passion was strong, and it was hard to avoid the belly. Even more so when it started to bulge out even more! The potion was clearly working and by time they were done, his belly looked overdue with triplets.

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Arcturus wrapped Iruka in his arms, content that Iruka laid his head on his shoulder. He stroked the mountain of belly and said "i think I could really get used to this routine." They stayed silent in this surprisingly cozy moment.

Compared to the previous pregnancy, it wasn't really a mountain of a belly. Though who knows how big it will get.

"Could ya?" Iruka questioned.

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"Ya sure. I kind of like how you get extra careful and waddle when you are with a belly too." He continued patting it.

Just as they were casually chatting, grandma's footsteps could be heard.

Iruka laughed.

"I can't help that, I just want to ensure they're safe and it's harder to move around." Iruka said, a happy tone in his voice.

"My my, you two are quite the fertile pair." Grandma said as she came into the room.

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"Oh grandma.... " arcturus blushed deep. "Err.. do you mind if you would excuse us for a little longer while? We are not exavtly... decently dressed." More like not dressed at all.

"Please, I've seen plenty of nude things. Including him so it doesn't matter." She replied. "Besides, I only came down to cast the spell that would make the children have different genetics from you two and if you feel the need of hormones calling, your body will just give them different gentetics naturally."

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"Still..." arcturus was feeling like a squirming litttle kid facing the prinicipal. He lifted the bedsheet a bit higher and asked "so.. let's gwt the spell going then."

Grandma chuckled as she set a hand on Iruka's belly. She changed something in a low voice and there was a blue glow around her hand and soon the glow faded.

"There ya go." She said as she turned around and started to walk away. "I'll go notify a few dragons that they can have some children soon."

"Thank you." IRuka said, rubbing the mass.

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"So how many eggs are there grandma?" Arcturus asked but she already disappeared. He turned to Iruka and said "did she just say a Few Dragons can have Some children? So... I am guessing it's more than a few eggs in you?"

"Too late." Iruka said with a giggle. "Yes she said a few. Well, some dragons don't have a large enough space to house teh normal amount of hatchlings they would have. So they will get a smaller amount. Course, she probably said that due to the amount right now and the fact that more will probably get added as hormones take over."

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