C A Merc and the Target. ((Luxio018 and Lovebite))

He had been doing this for years, ever since he moved out west from New York, it didn't take him long to get used to the way thing's went and her grew into a man in the old Wild West. One of the most notable marksmen in the country, some would argue infamous, with the northern accent that he just couldn't shake and the growing of his salted beard and hair, though he wouldn't call it that. Salted just wasn't the right word for the way his dirty blonde locks were lightening into silver curls beneath his hat, a hat which was almost as old as he was. One that was passed down from father to son and one that he had just laid out on the bar top behind him as he watched the singer on stage who gave a bit of a peek show herself. Though he wasn't exactly...attracted to things of the sort and when he looked to his side it seemed that the man across the way didn't either.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

They sat through a song or two, a few drinks later and they were out in an old barn doing the dirty so to say. When the man awoke there was hay in his silvering curls, his clothes scattered around the stall except for his shirt which was covering his business.

His dreamlike state after climax took it's sweet time coming down, it wasn't everyday that he was taken care of in that manner, more than any woman could do for him even when he had his fair share in the past of the fairer sex. He had fallen asleep in that pile of hay and the only evidence of the drunken sex was the way his pants and underwear hung from one ankle and the dried semen trickling out of his ass and crusted on the sticky tip of his cock. "Damn..."He huffed and dropped his head back down behind him, rubbing his face in a short prayer to God that what had happened wouldn't bite him in the ass.
That was the night he sort of realized that there wasn't a god, or if there was, it wasn't taking any of his prayers any more. He couldn't blame them either, he was a mercenary. A killer for hire, a good one, but that didn't help his case. A god that would make it possible for both sexes to carry a child had a sick since of humor, especially in a era that judged every bit of unnaturalness any one could think of.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

He didn't spend very long in the town, though it wasn't there that they could up with him. No, it was out on the trail, in the middle of the night. That was the first encounter he had with them, though it wouldn't be his last. They took basically everything he had except for the clothes on his back. He continued on, unable to stay in one place for very long, especially somewhere close to people.
His next encounter with the men would be nearly a year later in the dead of winter.

He had been staying in a cheep inn, one with thin walls, thin enough so that he heard the whore and the second traveler in the room next to his fucking like there was no tomorrow. If only he could screw his problems away like they were doing, he sighed heavily, though of course that isn't what can fix his teensy problem of his, this problem of his was created by getting his own brains fucked out about nine months ago.
The man couldn't sleep, so he left his pack, grabbing his hat and coat before struggling to tug on his boots. He moved from the door frame to the windowsill and to the armchair in the corner of the room. Baxter fell back into the cushions with a heavy huff, his stomach skin buldged out of his button up and vest as he struggled to catch his breath. A furrow in his brow marked when another, discomfortable ache in his bones or maybe his back started up, leaving him about ready to just crawl back into bed.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Baxter sat there for a few minutes before forcing himself to his feet again. He then made his way to the door, unlocking it before he stepped outside into the cool night. It was snowing, probably the third or so time that day.

He took his holster and his fully loaded revolver with a mahogany grip, spending the entire shuffle outside adjusting his belt enough so that it was comfortable around his waist. With his belly almost hanging off his frame, it sat low on his middle and the child inside was still almost as if they knew what would soon happen. It seemed to know more than it's birth father either way, as the older man waddled carefully through the snow, something normal for him. His target hadn't shown his face yet for almost six months, he liked to think he was just to afraid to face him after taking his things that day. Leaving him, broke and almost showing on the side of the road, it took everything out of him not to steal a horse and chase after him. He had a child on the way, he shouldn't start collecting a bounty on his head while he's still carrying.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

As he made his way through the snow he began to get the feeling that he was being watched. Making his way into a nearby bar he took a seat at a table off to the side, not bothering with a drink and just wanting somewhere to sit down.

Baxter shifted his hips forward, removing his belt finally and groaning lightly as his belly shifted downwards once more to rest in his lap, his hands wrapping around the underside of it in support and head tilting back slightly to rest against the wall beside him. He rubbed his thumb against his underbelly and trying to go through his mind to find any quiet place where he could do this, have this baby, he licked his lips,"Got any ideas kid?"He huffed, looking over the empty tavern and grimacing when he felt another twinge, he sighed and shook his head,"Guess not."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

In all honesty he knew he should be making his way back to the motel but at the moment he just really wanted to sit down and not get up ever again. He sat there for a good 10 minutes or so before someone else stepped into the tavern before making their way to the bar to order a drink. He didn't recognize the man, seeing as his back was to him most of the time.

He really didn't want to go and end up getting caught in the snow, or worse, giving birth in his thin walled room and attracting the attention of the entire town towards him. So he sat, and waited with the steadily worsening pains, looking for anything to draw his mind off of it as he stared at the back of the man's coat at the bar. Watching the snow melt off of his boots and coat and his hair, his brows pinched once more, out of deepened thought and couldn't place the other for a long moment.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Staring ain't gonna get you no damn where." The man's voice was rough, like it wasn't often used.

Baxter took no time to reply, he always had a sharp mouth,"Yeah? That's what you think."He replied simply then turned his eyes down finally, moving his hand from below his stomach to the tabletop as his other curled into a fist and he grimaced again. They were definitely getting worse.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"It is." The male goes silent then, going back to his drink.

The tension in the tavern was growing too thick for him to be comfortable any more and he felt a pressure coming on. As he moved to push himself up, grabbing his hat and moving towards the bar to plop down beside him on the stool that creaked beneath his weight. "I believe we started off on the wrong foot."He sighed, sitting back and placing his hat on the bartop.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I would get you a drink, but it doesn't look like it would do you any good."

Baxter snorted lightly at that,"Well you have a keen perception then."He replied, stuffing his pistol and it's belt holster into his coat pocket,"The only other person to notice was my sister and the bastard wasn't even stretching me yet."He muttered, letting one hand run over his middle slowly and shifting his hips in the stool now, looking at the other curiously for a moment. He still couldn't place his face, no matter how much he stared.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

He orders him a glass of water, the bartender bringing it over to them. John said nothing as he watched and waited for Baxter to take the water he had ordered for him though he gave no indication that he was watching as he took a sip of his own drink.

The pregnant man lifted the glass to his lips for a gulp or two of water and then placed it down again, turning his stool and resting his weight against the bar top. "So, what's your name? Where do I know you from?"He asked, resting his other hand on his leg.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The man shrugs. "I've never seen you before in my life." John takes another swig of liquor.

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