C A Merc and the Target. ((Luxio018 and Lovebite))

He tilt his head and even frowned some as he looked at the other man,"What's your name?"He held the glass still and let his finger run along the rim.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"John." He took another sip of his drink before holding it out to Baxter. "One sip won't hurt I'm sure."

Baxter looked at John now with a scowl,"Are you a doctor? I don't think you are."He replied with that when he asked him to take a swig of the bourbon,"I'd rather do drop them right now, than drink and have to take care of the stupid bastard for the rest of my life."He turned away then and finished the glass of water, then beginning to move himself to his feet again, placing his hat on his head and grimacing.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John noticed the grimace and shrugged lightly. "One swig won't hurt. Might help with the pain."  He sat the drink back down on the bar before having another one brought over for himself. "And no, I'm not a doctor."

"You don't know nothin' about the pain."He snapped at the other man, moving one step in front of the other, leaning against each bar stool as he slowly moved towards the doors of the place, his other hand cradled his middle and he continued to grimace. Though another contraction hit him and it brought him straight to his knees as he grit his teeth to keep in the sound of pain he wanted to cry out to the room, his hair was sticking to his neck and forehead and he could have sworn a button popped off of his shirt.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John watches him for a minute or two. "Guess not." He gets up then to come over and haul the man to his feet before moving him over to one of the booths before sitting him down. "But it don't look like you'll be going any damn where either."

Baxter wanted to help himself back up to his feet and pull away from whoever the fuck this 'John' was though he was still too caught up in a pain to struggle,"I-I have a room at the inn."He mentioned and panted as the contraction let up, his hand was palm flat on the table and his knee was up against the booth seat though the position wasn't helping much with the pressure between his legs,"I can make it."He moved to sit up.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Not likely." John looks at him for a minute or two before stepping back. If Baxter wanted to try and make it then John was going to let him.

Baxter moved himself slowly to the edge of the booth seat and frowned up, cursing the stranger for putting him in such a predicament as he struggled to place the heels of his boots on the floor again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John eventually just pulls Baxter to his feet before letting the man stand there for a moment or two as he sways back and forth as he tries to gain his balance.

Baxter turned green in the face for a moment as both his hands went to his belly and he almost fell to his knees again. His face paled and he leaned into John with a quiet groan, his stomach had dropped and his trousers grew wet on the insides of his thighs. "Fuck-"He cursed and looked down with slightly surprised eyes.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John looks at Baxter as he moves to lean against him. He wanted to push the man off of him, to just leave him here in this bar and let whatever was going to happen happen. There was a growing pressure in Baxter's pelvis that wouldn't go away.

Baxter didn't take long to realize that his water had broken with the latest contraction, thankful for his dark pants and pulling away from the other man. "I-I gotta go."He said simply, his lips pressing together as he began waddling carefully towards the doors of the tavern. Though he ended up sinking into another chair, gripping his own pants leg and frowning up for a moment, shifting.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

After nearly 5 minutes of Baxter attempting to leave John had had enough. He moves his way past Baxters current seat to head out the door. "Be seein ya around." With that he had disappeared. After John had left the bartender who had been in the back going through some inventory and was oblivious to the whole thing returned to the counter.

The older man watched as John left him, leaning heavily on one of the seats arms with a deep furrow in his brow, he wanted to complain. Though the contraction had him distraught, he didn't know how exactly to react to being alone, as he tilted his head back. "Nh-"He grunted and turned his head slightly as he shifted with the pain that racked through him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The bartender looks up as Baxter groans. "Everything alright?"

Baxter shook his head quickly as he glanced up at the stranger, this wasn't what he was expecting when he thought about having this kid. He was in the middle of buttfuck nowhere and could barely move a few feet on his own legs,"Do you have a back room."He asked him quickly, sitting up some and grimacing,"I-I need help."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The man simply stares at him before noticing his bloated middle. "...I....uh...not really one that would be suitible for....child birth."

The older man snorted as he took his hat off and pushed a hand through his hair as his other hand cradled his tight belly,"It doesn't matter if you're president or a fucking bum, this kids coming, soon."He grunted softly, his brows pinched together and he ran his hand up his middle,"Unless you're gonna drag my ass across town back to my room."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The bartender watches him for a moment or two before finally helping Baxter into the storage room. He lays out a few old towels before leaving a few over to the side. Business would start soon, and he hoped that Baxter could stay quiet.

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