C The King and the mage (w/dots)

King Hale strolled into the temple solemnly. tonight is the night of Hera, the traditional festival for the celebration of the second most important deity in this country. The ceremony tonight would be done by his beloved mage, who was indeed the only one powerful enough to handle the ceremony. the king's heart pounded with anticipation and a bit of anger. The mage had been avoiding the king after the confession Hale made to th3 mage of his love, asking his deputy or other minor priests and priestesses to perform all other necessary rituals. tonight, though, he could no longer avoid him. Standing in the large and empty temple, the huge doors slowly closed behind him, and the King stood like a statue in the wavering candlelight. 

"I have arrived, my mage, are you not going to welcome your king now?" the King's voice thundered around the empty hall, almost echoing around.

tall, a bit tan, black hair, brown eyes, good build with little muscle.

Dorian is one of the greatest mages that need to perform many rituals with the dynasty and he is the one who was chosen to stand beside his king in many ceremonies. Everything was still fine until the night before the great war that his king asked him to be his lover after he ended the war. Dorian was shocked with it. He couldn't tell that he didn't love Hale, but with his duty, Dorian had to be pure. He still didn't want to cause any political problems to Hale. He knew many nobles would not agree with the king to have mage being the lover. Dorian tried to avoid the kings for many times. He had never told the reason when other greatest mage asked him, but this night he can't hide anymore. He is only one that can do this ceremony. Clean the blood from the war and make the king pure again. Only the mage who is chosen can do it.

"Welcome to te great temple, my lord. I think you know how we make it. Let's make it quick. I don't wanna waste your time" Dorian said, looking at his king. Dorian is wearing the white gown that only for the great ceremony. He has prepared to magic pool for his king

This is my inspiration. I also sue the same name hehe

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Wow a moustache! That's not something i will picture you having... well ;) haha that's a change. )

The king walked fast to get close to his mage. He's also wearing white. A white gown over his silver armor. The ceremony was ritual, it didnt necessarily mean he had to be in tbe same bloody armor he had worn from war. After getting close to Dorian, he clutched his hand and asked between his teeth. "So... you had answers for me?" The king was taller than the mage by a bit, and as skilled solider who had fought many great battles, he was well built, much more muscular than the mage, and of a darker tan than him. He had a scar on his left cheek, and some new ones under his clothes. He wondered how would the mage react to those, some hadnt healled fully yet, and his left arm was still banadaged from a particularly serious cut.

"Lead the way now, my beloved mage." The king let Dorian led, putting his stress on "beloved" as he talked.

(Yeah haha but He looks so good in the game with many stories in his past. You can make the king be what you like tbh I think the king should have fair skin than my mage haha not too much.
TBH Dorian is cheeky in the game. He is fun and not really passive when he is not working. I think we no need to make rp to be too sweet but fun haha. Is that good?)

Dorian didn't say anything with that words from his king. He knew there was no reason to do it. "Follow me, my lord. There are many nobles want to meet you outside" He said by avoiding to look at the king. It took a little time to walk to the magic pool. He turned around and said. "Take off your armor my lord and follow me to the pool" He then turned back and walked to the center of the pool. The mage didn't need to take the clothes, just the king that needed to do it. He started to pour the magic soap that has changed to water to be white. Only white water that can clean the blood fro his king.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oh well, ya of course cheekier can do. Let's see how we play out ;) oh ya the king will become fairer very quickly, not under the sun he would become norwegian like...?)

The king huffed. He usually had some help taking off the armor that's heavy. 20 lbs in total. It was much heavier than the real armor he wore for battle, this was more pretty than useful, it was made specifically for official ceremonies. Taking off piece by piece and placing them carefully on the table (any true warrior will treat their armor with care and respect) he walked down the pool totally naked. His skin was fair, only his face and hands were tanned because how they were exposed under the Sun. He had very well formed muscle, 8 packs on his stomach and very large arms. He walked down the white water with the elegance and pride of a monarch. He looked straight into the mage's eyes as he walked, showing him all the passion and love he had for the magician.

(Yeah now just make it a little serious first hehe)
Dorian didn't say anything. He looked down a bit, avoiding to look at that eyes. "I can smell so much blood from your body, my lord. You have passed many wars, but after the great war, you will have more peaceful life. No war for awhile, but sometime in the future. Your hands will be stained with blood again." Dorian whispered, moving closer to his king. "Kneel before me and close your eyes, please. Relax for yourself" He whispered and comforted the king with his hands on on Hale's face. It's one part of the ceremony and it's hard for Dorian who is trying to hide himself from his king. The water starts becoming red after the words from the great mage.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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Hale complied with the mage's word, though he covered the mage's hands with his own ones. The king's hands were rough and full of callouses, evidence of how tough his wars are. He hissed from pain when he knelt down, his open wound on his back and his left arm hurt when it was immersed in the white water. He looked at his mage before closing his eyes and leaning his head into his palm, sucking deep trying to feel and embrace the purfiying energy flowing from the water and Dorian to him, bringing his sins and blood away.

Dorian took a little time to He cast his spell on his king. He can hear the sound of the painful for his king then he released his hands from Hale and moved around his body. "Relax my lord. This will cause some pain, but It'll be better soon" He whispered with soft and sweet sound, trying to comfort his long. He kneeled down, moving closer and closer. This was really hard fro Dorian with many reasons, but he knew he needed to end this. "Last part my lord. Relax and pray for yourself" He moved his both arms to Hale's back and held him in his embrace. Their forehead was touching each other. They are close enough to hear the breath. The water becomes darker red from many blood and both of them can smell it

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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Being so close to his love interest had Hale getting very distracted. He almost forgot about his own pains when he had his love in his arms, and he hugged him very tightly. He had Dorian's head under his chin and he watched on ad the water became bloodred. He wanted this moment to last, even though the smell of blood was becoming overwhelming. "So.... Dorian.... " his hands roamed over his mage's muscular body, getting to his perky butt.

Dorian grabbed Hale's hand and threw it away from his body. His king can control the whole army, but not his mood when he needed something. "It ends now. You can go back to your ceremony my lord. Many people want to meet you outside" He said, pushing his kong away. He knew this was bad for their relationship and his work, but Dorian didn't want to cause any problem and he can't do this with his duty. "You don't know what you're doing now my lord. Control yourself and leave me here."

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Hale was angry at first. As a King, he wasnt used to getting denied. However when he looked at his mage with his wet gown sticking to his gorgeous body, showing off his curves, he just couldnt get angry for long. "Dorian... is this related to that ridiculous rule for virgins to be a mage? I have searched and read through the scrolls... it is tradition, but not a rule. There had been cases where the mage and the emperor eventually consummated, creating a magnificent kingdom together. Dorian, if you are truly not feeling anything towards me, look at my eyes and say it, say it out loud." Hale looked at Dorian with sincerity, determined to get some answer.

Dorian couldn't look at that eyes. Everything was so bad for him. Although it's the only tradition, many mages will not accept this and also with some nobles. "You don't know what you are doing my lord. The mage will be relegated if they lose their virgin. I....I can't. I don't want to be worthless" Dorian said with trembling sound. "And I also don't want to cause any problem. You know some nobles will use this to slander you. You just finished the great war, my lord. Someday you will find another person that deserve to be yours more than me. I'll be there when that day has come and I'll create the great ceremony for you and your consort." Dorian whispers, stepping back slowly from his king

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Even if you refused me, I wouldnt be able to fall in love with any other person. All my love had been yours, and if you dont agree to be my consort, then I guess I would be single for my whole life. I would forever reserve the place of consort for you." Hale stepped forward and held Dorian's hands. "Please, Dorian. I have enough control over the nobles to be able to shut them up. There had beenany cases, even my own great great grandfather had married his mage and our kingdom still thrived and his consort retained his role as highest mage through his life. Please, Dorian, do not reject me further and leave me alone."

"My lord, Why do you love me? You are the king of one of the greatest kingdoms. There are many nobles from this and other kingdoms offer their heirs to you, but why me?" Dorian stopped walking and looked at the king who has never shown this motion to anyone. "What will I do if you leave me someday in the future. Many people want to be your side, my lord. I can't handle that pain. It's much than the pain from black magic for me" Dorian looked down to Hale's hands that grabbed his hands tightly. He tried to release it, but realized that his own body reject himself.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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"I have loved your for so long. I had tried to resist it, but everytime when we have rituals together, I just got drawn closer and closer to you. Even with your job as a mage, facing so much darkness on a daily basis, you still mamaged to keep your heart pure and enjoy your life. I dont know if this is why I have fallen in love with you, but you are really too good, too great to me. You shouldnt look down on yourself. The nobles can offer whoever they want, but what they are giving me arent you, and you are the only one who I wanted to make my consort." Hale was happy to see Dorian didnt escape from his hands, and he stepped forward to get even closer to his love.

Dorian looked at Hale's eyes as he was stepping closer. "Is that all you want to say? You as spent so much time here, my lord. You should go back to the great hall. This is not the time for talking too long. We can talk about it later and I think we should still keep this secret until we are ready. You have many things to handle" He whispered, trying to keep the distance between them. He can notice how the king is happy this time and Dorian still feel how his lord wants him. With his power, he can feel anything faster that normal, so he can guess what will happen if he doesn't stop this.

(Just make him a little stubborn hehe but how can he reject when the king want him so much, right?)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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