Closed Otherworldly (with Lovebite)
"Another day, possibly two, then it'll be finished." Chris watches him with the creatures as he gets Peter something to eat.
"Then what do we do?"Peter looked down at the dark babies who climbed up his legs to pile into his lap,"Just go back to Earth?"He asked, looking up at Chris again,"I-I..."He pressed his lips together,"I can't... Everything feels..."He sighed and wrapped his arms around the offspring,"How can i just go back?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"I don't know." Chris sets his plate in front of him. "Eat, we'll worry about that later.
Peter did eat until he was full, it wasn't much that he did eat and the children ate what was left of his plate after he was finished. The human sat at the table with the kids in his arms and looked up to Chris after a moment, though he didntsay anything as he just stared at him for a while. Then down at the babies, setting them on the floor and pushing himself up to his feet carefully to struggle along out of the mess hall, disappearing.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris sees about cleaning up before he goes to find Peter, leaving the children napping in a spare room.
Peter stood in the captain's bathroom, fully naked now as he stared at himself in the mirror, his hair was oily and his skin coated in layers of blood and black sludge. It scared him, the way he looked, how did he get this bad? His hands pressed into the soft flesh of his belly, he once had abs and an actual fit body, now he felt like an ugly blob. His hips were wide and he could barely feel his toes, let alone see them over his bloated middle. Though he knew nothing was inside of him, there was still this ache there that wouldn't go away. He looked up at Chris in the mirror when he came into view and simply looked blank for a moment before turning to face him, the other male stepped towards him and sank into his chest. Wrapping his arms around him, despite being nude as he shut his eyes tightly, holding himself to him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris wraps his own arms around Peter. They stand there for a few minutes before Chris slowly moves over to the shower before letting the water warm up and he eased Peter over underneath the water. "We'll go home soon, just another day or two."
Peter relaxed when the other returned the embrace and let him lead him into the shower when he took him by the arm. He said nothing as he simply nodded and looked away at the tile wall, his arms wrapping around himself while he closed his eyes for a long moment. "You're the only person who knows this... What happened to me..."He let the water come over him and looked to Chris,"I... I owe you."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"You don't owe me anything." Chris grabs a rag before he runs the rag over Peter's body to clean away some of the blood and gunk from his body.
Peter smiled briefly with a small shake of his head,"I owe you everything... I would have died plenty of times if you hadn't of helped me."He closed his eyes as the soapy rag ran over his body, he leaned into the other man's warmth, never feeling anything towards those of the same sex. Though this... His body wasn't his anymore, but his mind was and he felt this, it was natural, he hadn't felt another person in almost a year. But his wife was far from his mind, what they had been through, he didn't know...but it wasn't something someone could just forget about.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris continues to run the rag over Peter's body, cleaning him off. When he was finished Peter looked a lot better than he had when he entered the bathroom.
Peter looked up at him when he was finished being washed and then back down as the water was turned off, he pulled his hair away from his face. The shorter male stepped carefully away, then came out of the shower to stand in the center of the room, bringing a towel around himself. He closed his eyes and stepped into the captain's quarters, removing the soiled sheets from the bed and climbing onto it after, laying down in the towel.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris watches him for a moment or two, he isn't quite sure what drives him to do what he does next. Though by the next morning they are both laying naked on the bed, Peter asleep against Chris' chest.
When Peter woke up, he wasn't surprised about Chris being beneath him, though he was surprised by them being alone in the room. Until he realised that the door to the room was locked, he sat up slowly on the other's waist and ran his hands down his chest, supporting himself against him. He looked around as he sat, bare against the other man, pressing his lips together for a moment then looking down at him, running his hands back up to hold his face. "I'm not gay... I'm married... I have a kid..."He didn't know where he was going with this, resting his head against the others for a moment.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris blinks his eyes open to look at Peter for a moment. "No one ever has to know."
Peter shut his eyes as his hands ran over his chest and around his neck before heading back down to grip his cock tightly in a firm handful,"No one?"He looked at him again as he sat up.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Only you and I." Chris watches him for a moment or two before letting his eyes slipped closed.
"You and I."Peter tugged on his cock a bit and looked at him,"I like the sound of that."He nodded in agreement as he grasped the others cock, leaning into him slowly again to give him a small kiss on the lips. Not sure about it, just testing the waters really,"You'll have to show me... I'm a first timer."He said, looking down at himself more and spreading his legs,"Do we just... Like this?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris opens his eyes again, moving his hands down Peter's sides to rest on his hips as he moves Peter to straddle him a little more. Once Peter had lined himself up, Chris allows Peter to use his cock to tease himself, preparing himself.
Peter met his eyes and goosebumps rose as the other ran his hands down his sides to hold him, pulling him into a more stationery place on his waist. The shorter male turned red in the face as he felt the hard cock tip standing on end at his pucker and bit his lips together. He arched his back slightly and rubbed the other's cock between his asscheeks before spreading himself wider to begin sitting on him. It wasn't hard, from all the eggs he had pushed out, it almost seemed that his anus made it's own lubricant now as he sank down with a quiet moan, tilting his head back.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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