C Otherworldly (with Lovebite)

Chris allows Peter to adjust himself before he thrusts into him lightly, their actions growing faster, harder as time wore on.

The curvy, young astronaut sat on the other's cock, soon though he began bouncing to every rough thrust aimed into him. Sounds that he had never made escaping him like the cries of a horny young girl as he tilted his head back, mouth hung open and hot pants of air. The relentless,burning ache in the pit of his stomach and balls never satisfied until Chris finally came inside of him. Peter went ridged and his anus spasmed around the thick length inside of him as if milking it for all it was worth before he collapsed against his chest. The energy he had stored from last night's rest had depleted again and his eyes slipped closed as he laid his head against the others shoulder and neck. Falling asleep soon after.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris runs his hands over Peter's back but doesn't make any move to pull out, even after Peter had drifted to sleep. He watched him sleep for a minute or two before drifting off again himself.

In his sleep, an odd noise could be heard coming from Peter's stomach, barely audible but obviously not normal as he laid against Chris. He grimaced lightly after a few hours, he couldn't bear it any more and sat up in bed against the wall, rubbing his face and slipping off of the mattress silently. The astronaut held his stomach, not sure if it was bigger this time around though he did hold it with both hands as he stumbled into the bathroom to relieve himself.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris wakes up sometime later, noticing that Peter was gone. He sat up for a moment before slipping from the bed to make his way into the bathroom.

"Don't !"He said quickly,"Don't come in!"He pressed the emergency lock on the door before Chris could open it and sank onto the ground beside it with a groan. Tilting his head back as he held his aching middle, something was wrong again, something was wrong and it was probably his fault. He sobbed and tilted his head back,"We shouldn't have-"He shook his head, cheeks wet with tears again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"You need to let me in Peter, I can't help you if you don't." Chris lays his hand against the door for a minute or two as he continues to listen.

"No... I don't want your help. I'm cursed."He pressed his face into his hands as tears streamed down his face,"I don't want to ruin your life too."He shook his head, shuddering as he sobbed quietly into his palms and curling up against the door. "Leave me alone."He said softly and wrapped his arms around himself again, frowning as he did so and going silent.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris doesn't push it, simply letting him be as he got dressed and went to check on the ship, seeing if it was fueled or not and making sure that they had enough supplies to last them.

It was a while before Peter came out of the bathroom, it had been a whole day, the first thing he did was unlock the door, then it opened easily. Though the astronaut stood shakily beside it for a while after, he had stopped crying and was now just sniveling for a long moment. Working up the courage to come back out into the open, he felt sick to his stomach like he was going to vomit though his body must've decided that he was too malnourished to do so. As he stepped into view of the room, his hands grasped the wall to keep him upright as his stomach hung low, not that large but big enough to be noticeable. It wasn't a bloat any more. Peter didn't speak as he did, nor did he look up from the ground.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris was just making his way back into the captains quarters though he stopped when he saw Peter standing there. His eyes ran over the others body quickly before he began to slowly make his way over to him.

Peter stepped away from Chris slightly, he looked at him with a slight terrified expression as he stood at the door to the bathroom still and shied at the other man's touch when he reached out to him. He looked down at his bloat and touched it carefully,"I fucked up again... I did this..."He said quietly, pressing his lips together and shivering in his nude still.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"It's not your fault, and I don't want you believing that it is." Chris touches his cheek for a second or two before running his thumb over Peter's cheek.

"No?"Peter looked up at Chris slightly when he was reached to, not knowing what to say as he met his eyes again finally. His heart swelled, though he looked down again and turned his face away from the touch, moving away from him to sink down onto the mattress. He laid his head down and curled up onto his side,"Come hold me?"He looked up at the other man again slightly and wrapped his arms around his middle.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris complies, moving to lay down on the bed as he carefully pulled Peter against him. "Get some rest."

Peter didn't rest, he had enough of that, or he thought so as he stared down at himself, waiting for any other changes that would come. Though they were small, he didn't want to miss any thing, the last times he had done this it was unnatural and wrong, it was alien what was going on inside of him. Though now...now it was...expected, he remembered all the feelings and emotions, it was old news, but he didn't know what he was having still. It could have been alien, or it still could have been something that he and Chris made, it was still unnatural and something that terrified him. "We have to do something..."He said after a while, he wasn't sure how long it had been, but it couldn't have been too long with how he still looked.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Like what?" Chris looks at him, raising a brow.

Peter looked over his shoulder at the other human, meeting his eyes for only a second then turning away again silently, he shook his head and pressed his face into a pillow. The mattress felt strange on his skin since it had no cover and he felt awkward after what he had said, there was a lump in his throat,"It can't be human-"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"And if it isn't then we'll deal with it, we have so far."

"You don't understand."He said simply, staring off for a moment then saying,"The other's...They weren't mine... Not even a little."He looked to the door of the hall that the other had left open, the ship felt uneasy and he wished he had closed it,"But this...you put it inside of me, it will be... It could be..."He bit his lip hard, shaking his head quickly and turning his head into the pillow again with a deep frown,'How could you convince me to do that?'He frowned deeply, shutting his eyes tightly, his mind was all muddled and he didn't want to say anything he would regret.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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