Closed Otherworldly (with Lovebite)
Chris watched him for a moment, glancing back down the corridor for a moment or two before he closed the door and made his way to the captains chair to sit down. He quickly looked over the controls before slowly starting the ship up, it firing to life almost immediately.
Peter felt sick again, he grasped onto the arms of the chair after buckling himself up with what would fit around his middle and tilting his head back. His head throbbed when the engines started up, making the ship vibrate with energy, the tug of the alien mothers mind control made it painful to sit and wait for take off. He grit his teeth more, turning his head and looking out over the reddish-orange landscape of the planet, it was something he would miss... "Hurry."He said quickly to Chris, looking to him, the pregnant male looked sickly as the ship began take off, his skin was moist with sweat and his eyes were bloodshot. A drastic change from how he was inside of the base, he shifted in the seat with a grimace as he felt another tumbling movement from inside of himself.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris waists no time, once the ship had fully started up he slowly began to pull away from the planet, refiguring their location into the computer. With a sudden jolt the ship took off, shooting them away from the planet.
He felt ready to vomit, but he didn't, he simply squeezed his eyes shut and breathed heavily, in and out through his nose and mouth. His heart was thudding and his brain as if it was going to explode, he cried out and bit down on his lip enough to break the skin. Stomach low and full on his frame, it even seemed to quiver through the fabric of the suit as he whimpered lightly, turning his face away from Chris's sight.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris keeps his eyes on the horizon, keeping track of their route. So far everything on the ship was going fine, Chris' hand moving to lay on top of Peter's. Once they were far enough away from planets gravity Chris shifts the ship into autopilot before he carefully moves over to Peter's chair. "Hey, your alright, just breath."
It had been a strong mental connection that was made between the human man and the aliens, his womb gave off hormones like estrogen to connect to the children he birthed. Though as they made their way farther and farther away, it hurt to think about them and the stress was getting to whatever had been growing inside of his middle for three days. He turned to Chris slightly as the other man had unbuckled himself, now floating in the removed gravity of space, he had always loved this part. Though his face didn't show it, and was wet with tears as his gloved hands were moving over the fabric of his suit in attempt to settle the offspring within. Lower lip bleeding from teeth marks, he tilted his head back and tried to breathe like he said, his eyes closing for a moment. Until a sharp movement came from inside of him, he sobbed and shook his head quickly,"It hurts!"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"It's okay, just calm down." Chris moves his hands to rest on top of Peter's as they rest on his stomach. "It will settle."
Peter met Chris's eyes when he rested their hands together on top of his round middle that shuddered with movement from the offspring inside. His face twisted up in pain from it, attempting to listen to him and take deep breaths to calm himself down. Siffing and leaning to place his face into the crook of the others suit.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
They continue to fly for a bit. Eventually Peter does manage to calm down.
Peter was calm as he laid his head against Chris's shoulder for a long few minutes until he sat up slowly again, wiping his face and sniffing again as he ran his hands over his middle slowly, the offspring still moved but it wasn't painful and he looked down for another moment. "They're not going to let me go..."He shook his head,"Everything's not going to be normal again... They'll keep me from my daughter..."His hands shook and he clinched them into fists,"You can't help me any more if they do... you're not strong enough..."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"If I can help it they will never find out, you will get to see her again, you'll get to see both of them again, soon."
Peter pressed his lips together then looked up at Chris again finally, he seemed to push down the worry again and then said,"Help me out of this suit?"He unbuckled himself and felt the weightlessness take over from the lack of gravity, it felt strange to be so full and yet so light at the same time to him after so long.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris nods, moving to help Peter out of the suit. It took a good 10 minutes but he did finally manage to squeeze out of it. "I can turn on the artificial gravity, if you want."
Peter was naked again as he floated upwards, tilting his head back and sighing heavily as if an intense weight had been lifted from his shoulders,"No... Please don't."He replied simply, his eyes closed even though he turned his face towards him,"This feels good. Better than any thing."He felt his fingers again and his skin felt like his own again as he touched over his round middle that felt so small now even with what was inside of it.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris nods. He watches Peter for a few minutes as he slips out of his space suit as well, simply in a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt.
Peter reached for where he was to grasp onto his arm,"Hold me."He said and laid his head against his shoulder, not in a truly platonic nor romantic way as he sighed, his belly placed between them,"What do you think this is?"He didn't know the question could be taken a multitude of ways when he asked it.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"What this are you referring to?"
"Everything."He replied quietly,"Us... What's inside of me..."His head tilted some and he didn't open his eyes for a long while before looking up at him, running his hand up to rub his thumb against the angle of his jawline.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
He shrugs. "It's happened, we'll deal with it when it decides to come."
"What about us?"He asked again as he looked at him fully this time, half curled up in his arms,"Was all of this really nothing?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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