C Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite)

Jamie was not himself right now, he kept up with Morrison's movements as best as he could. His main focus, hwoever, was to find the gland that was where the addicting scent of Morrison came from. He was content to let the omega take the lead, while he was still quite overwhelmed by all this. They had reached a natural harmony like this, each taking up the role they felt most comfortble with. He groanrd when he got pressed upon. "Mine... cap, you are mine..." he felt his base slowly flaring. Even though he hoped this moment could last longer,a virgin's stamina still required some train ups.

Captain Miller nodded as his need was returned with acceptance, being claimed sent a rush through him like never before. He found the alpha's gland as well and opened his mouth to suck on the spot that leaked such a hot musky scent, sinking his teeth into it. Claiming the other first as he rocked with the deep strokes of their hips, moaning out around the bit of flesh between his teeth that he had just marked for all to see that he had claim over him. He was content with the feeling of the others knot, sitting down on it, letting it slip in between his tight ring of muscle and grinding slowly still. Chest to chest as he whimpered quietly into his neck,"Cum, alpha... Let me carry your pups..."He purred deeply, his own cock leaking pre all over each other as he ached for his alpha to come first.

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Jamie yelpedat getting claimed. It wasn't unheard of for omegas to claim first, especially when the omega was the one with a superior physique, though it didn't mean his inner alpha weren't annoyed by it. Though young and inexperienced, his alpha was as grumpy and aggressive as any other, even though it contradicted with his usual demenaor. He bit on hard on the glands of the captain and revelled in finally sucking at the origin of the sweetness so unlike the hardened army leader he saw. He groaned when his knot breached Miller, swelling quickly to lodge right at his prostate. "I will, my omega, you will be full of my pups, pregnant and swelling, nurturing our young in you." He whispered as his thrusts were limited with the knot in place.

Morrison spilled finally when he was allowed to, the alpha filling him so nicely with his warm cum as he slowed finally after their shared climax. Whimpering softly afterwards as he placed his head in the crook of his shoulder and neck, licking at his musk as it collected at his gland. The larger omega moved in a way that wouldn't crush his omega as he purred quietly after such an intense session. "More alpha."He complained after a moment, his heat wasn't satisfied, though he seemed to be out of commission and actually fell asleep after another few moments.

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Jamie was panting hard from his first knotting in his life. This wasnt his first orgasm, but it surely was the most vigorous. He was drained after it and couldnt really move with Morrison collapsing on him. He almost past out from the weight and used the last of his energy to push him off his body before succumbing to an exhausted sleep. He was almost shivering at this point, the rush of heat dying down making.him feel the cold in the room. The captain must have lowered the room temperature considerably before he entered, and Jamie unconsciously curled up beside the nearest heat source of the captain, clutching him tight like a koala.

It was a few hours before the older man stirred again, his body was still hot and aching with need, though he had his mind back and looked down at the weight on his chest,"Corporal...?"His brows rose and he moved to push him off and ended up being dragged along with him to the ground, grunting when he did, sitting up on his waist and grimacing as the smaller man's cock slipped out of him finally with a weak tug. The knot was deflated and cum leaked out of him lazily, his face reddened with embarrassment and anger as he fell off of him, reaching between his legs and then checking his temperature on his medical recorder on his wrist. He was still in heat, though he had been fucked and it was obvious something happened as he wasn't as delirious as before, his anger boiled down to his bones and he had to contain himself from beating the young man into a pulp. "What did you do?!"He grabbed him by the hair to pull him upright as they sat butt naked on the floor,"You fucker! I call you in here for an emergency and you just help yourself?"He hissed at him, bearing his teeth as he grasped the other's blonde locks in his fist,"What the hell is wrong with you!"It wasn't a question, it was a prosecution and he soon enough saw the mark on the other's neck, raw and pink on his soft flesh, though he didn't give a fuck about social status now as he tossed him away from himself,"Get out of my room before I have you thrown in the brig."

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Jamie was still confused when the great pillow he had in his hands shoved him off, but he became fully awake when he suddenly got grabbed by his hair. "Ow!" Tears came to his eyes as he looked around taking in his surrounding. He wasnt in his rut so the urge to mate had died down after the first knotting, all he could see now was the infuriated face of his idol, where the anger was clearly directed to him. He almost whimpered like a hurt cub facing a fierce wolf, "what... captain!" He stumbled getting tossed, rubbing his head, still in shock. He looked down and blushed seeing himself being stark naked, and the blush deepened as he caught a glimpse of Morrison's legs where a trickle of white liquid was flowing down.

Morrison noticed the look of complete confusion, though he wasn't going to let this go, he hadn't had suppressants nor any birth control. He was screwed, and it was all because of this little shit who was looking like the fucking beacon of innocence. "You heard me."He had lowered his voice now to a dangerous tone,"Get out of my quarters."The older man grabbed the messed sheets from on top of the bed and dragged them down to cover himself,"Now."He added, looking down at him self and away from the younger man now, he didntwant to say anything he regretted. He needed to think. That was all.

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"I..." Jamie tried to explain something but he found himself at a lost of words. His muddled mind cleared gradually, and even though the scent of omega-in-heat was still abundant and enticing in the room, Jamie was shaking. From fear and dejection. His inner alphas was growling in hurt for being shoved away by his own omega, but the larger part of him was hurt and sad from knowing he had screwed up big times. Large beads of tears ran down from his face. He sniffed and tried to compose himself, bending down to collect his clothes but they were too torn to be worn. He tried anyway and clumsily dragged them up his torso, almost tumbling in the process.

Captain Miller flinched at the single word, his fists curled up and his jaw clinched though as he looked up at Corperal Paige with narrowed eyes. He watched as the tears fell down his face, genuine tears, he's never seen a man cry like this before. Not recently and not because of him either, though he was cold to the heart as he simply stared at him with no remorse that the other might be just as confused and new to this as he once was. Though he sighed at how pathetic he was, trying to put his clothing back on and his anger faded some what no matter how much he wanted to stay angry, but he stuck by his order. "Hurry up, Corperal or I may lose my temper."

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The impatient grumble from the captain made Jamie even more panicked and he pulled the overalls up, which barely close at his chest as it was ripped out of him before. He held the front of his garment together and stumbled out of the room,aking way to the medical wing. He couldnt think striaght and was still unable to take in that he had just got shut out by his omega, getting declared being an unecpected alpha. He looked back once again even though his eyes were blurred by tears, biting his lips he wanted to say sorry, though he knew it's way too late and everything was on him. He ran away crying, looking.positively like he had just been raped with in his poor form.

The middle aged man felt horrible for simply throwing the younger man out as he had, though he didn't call him back, nor did he look towards the door either until it closed behind him. Morrison grit his teeth, now how was he going to deal with this?

It seemed the answer was out of his hands, when only a few weeks after the incident that he had been beginning to get sick, very sick. Not just a sore stomach or fever, but full out not being able to stand up if he managed to roll himself out of bed and unable to keep anything down long enough for it to be digested. Everything always came back up and whenever he sat forwards in bed by himself his head swam,"Goddamn..."He groaned, a hand covering his face for a long moment, his second in command had been taking care of things for him. Even making time to come back and check on him for their breaks in action, it was easy to force a lie upon the crew, that their Captain had just been called away on a lone mission. Though with what this was turning out to be, he wouldn't just be gone for a few days.

The medical team hadn't been called of course, his second mate had no idea why he wouldn't want this checked out, she hadn't been told about what had happened. Nor did she know what he was truly, and so of course after another week of sickness from Morrison she called the medical officer.

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Jamie had been living in dread and guilt ever since the incident. He was the one forcing the captain into heat, with mediocre medicines whenhe knew the patient could need much stronger suppressants. However, what's troubling him the most could be how his omega, yes, the captain's his omega now, outright shunned him. His inner alpha growled in pain, licking his still bleeding heart night after night. Quite a few on deck when he came back had caught his scent and soon, the news of him having presented as an alpha spread. He had been maintaining a minimal level of activity, and had been isolating himself claiming a recent show of secondary sex, and no one had questioned it.

Jamie had been reluctant to eat, even though his meals were served daily. It's protocol for new alphas to stay alone for a week to avoid clashes from overwhelming hormones, but for Jamie, the effect had been opposite and he almost dropped into depression, startling everyone with how exhausted and sad he appeared when he re emerged. He had lost significant weight and was pale like a ghost when he received the newest order. The order wasnt explicit so he silently packed his supplies and went straight down, still unaware of who his patient was.

He stopped dead outside of the room he was supposed to enter, both from seeing it being the captain's quarters and also for the picking up of a familiar scent that smelled slightly different. An idea quickly popped up and all color remained on his face vanished. He wouldnt.... the captain most probably... could..

The alpha woman was coming back to the captain's quarters after a quick outing to get a bowl of chowder, seeing the medical examiner looking lost...or was it... not actually sure what emotion was portrayed on his face as she approached,"Isn't there anyone else?"She asked, knowing that the young man before her had just presented as a new alpha, she wasn't exactly sure she wanted him around Morrison, with a sigh she unlocked the door using the code the captain had given her,"Come on in."She said and held the bowl in one hand as she stepped inside,"Miller, I brought someone for you."It was obvious that he and she had was more than just business, at least once before, not now at least since the incident between the other two men.

The captain was turned onto his side, facing the window that lead out to the galaxy outside, it was his natural state, being up with the stars and commanding the fleet, without it what was he? Just another omega, another omega that was mated with a younger man and going to have... His hand spread against his flat middle, pressing his lips together and turning slowly just to look at her until he saw who was with her and he scowled, growling lowly and collapsing back down onto the bed as his eyes closed,"I'm fine."He groaned,"I don't need him."The lie was blatant, since both half's of the relationship seemed to be doing badly, though she didn't realize the connection between the two of them as she came over to the bed to take a seat,"Mmhm, says the man who hasn't eaten in two days."She placed the soup down, mixing it with the spoon she had brought,"It's your favorite... If you don't let him check you, then you don't get any."She said proudly, showing the connection between them, even as just very close friends, the alpha woman tilted his head some and waited, until Morrison turned his head again to look at her with a frown.

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Jamie walked into the room like a zombie, his mind all blank by the possibility behind that door. The familiar scent of his omega hit him, with that subtle change only obvious to their mated at this early stage of pregnancy. He looked at the form on the bed with his eyes that appeared to be huge on his thinned down face, unable to utter even a single word.

Seeing the two most authoritative figure interacting so casually and closely hurt Jamie even more. His omega was showing much more friendliness towards his second in command than him, not to mention the obvious fondness of the other alpha on the omega. He bit his trembling lips again as devastation and jealousy hit him through and through, making him want to scream and run away. He turned away, unable to take in the closeness of the two, as he put down his messenger bag and took out his tools silently. He knew what the problem should be, confirmed by the symptom the lady had just described, though he would have to go through the standard peocedure anyway.

Captain Miller kept an eye out on the Corperal, barely even looking at Theresa with his chowder, as he sat up slowly in a careful pace that would keep his head from spinning. The well built omega watched the new alpha with an intensity that couldn't be matched,"Why are you even doing that?"He spoke simply,"What's the point if you can already tell?"Morrison scowled at him, almost growling again despite his sexual rank towards the younger male, he wasn't one to be afraid,"You know what's wrong. Don t act like you don't."

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Jamie took several shaky breathes before he was confident he could sound reasonably calm. However, he noticed the tremble in his voice the moment he opened his mouth. "Captain, with all due respect, medical procedures were designed for a reason. There could be more than 1 cause for your.... abnormal reaction. I needed to go through all that before i could make a diagnosis." He could only hope the alpha beside wouldnt notice his shakiness. Right now he's a professional medical staff. Besides, he wasnt sure how the lady would treat the matter. "Now captain, would you please extend your arm? I would need a blood sample." He said still unable to meet Morrison's eyes.

"More than one cause my ass."He muttered simply in reply, turning his head away again as he sat back against the headboard,"I don't even know why you brought him, I'm going to be fine."He said, ignoring the new alpha for a moment as he stared at Theresa for a long moment with a deep frown, before noticing the chowder again. He sighed and held out his hand to Jamie, knowing with their technology on the ship it would only take a split second for him to figure what's wrong with him.

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Jamie could hear how Morrison implied he was the odd one out in this room. He tried hard to ignore the statement and went on with his procedures. He wished he could just disappear and forget all about this but reality was cruel. Not only was his omega rejecting him, his omega was actually treating another alpha much better than him. Granted that was unreasonable accusation considering the Lt General had been working closely with General Miller for years, but still, his inner alpha was growling and urging him to do something to fight off the lady, his immediate competitor.

He quickly wiped away the tears forming in his eyes so he could locate the veins. He's a professional, he kept on muttering to himself, he could do this. Filter out all personal emotions. With much steadier hands now, he took the sample swiftly and checked. As he had suspected, the genearl was pregnant. With low blood sugar level and anemia. Common for new pregnancies. What concerned him a little was the general's age. For a first litter, Morrison was quite adanced in age and even though he was, as proven in this case, fertile, he was bound to face more difficulties than younger omegas.

The captain had no idea of the thoughts going through the corporal's mind, to him there was nothing more between him and the lieutenant commander. Though he could see how one could assume they did, he had much more time to grow relationships on the ship than the younger man. He turned his head now after he had taken the blood to look at him for an answer, sighing as he looked to Teresa,"Mind leaving us alone for a minute?"He asked her in a tone that deflected any argument, she looked at him a minute then nodded before laying the chowder down on the bedside table. Then remove herself from the situation, he heard the door click and then looked to Jamie again, tugging at the collar of his sleeping shirt. "I told you, you didn't need to test me. I know when shit happens to me, I don't need any damn test to tell me about it."

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