Closed Otherworldly (with Lovebite)
Chris looked them both over for a moment before he goes back to work.
Peter slept for a long time, or so it seemed, most of the time he was awake and staring at the wall in front of him. There was a drastic shift in his personality after the ordeal, something seemed to have snapped inside of him and wasn't coming back. He wasn't the same person...not exactly, he whimpered lightly in his sleep hours after what happened and turned onto his back, hands running over his middle. His voice didn't sound human as he spoke in his sleep, or more like growled in his sleep with some unnatural voice. "Chris..."He spoke after a long moment of murmuring to himself, his voice was back to normal and he sounded weak,"Where's our babies?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"They're both sleeping, how are you feeling?" Chris moves to slowly sit down on his side of the bed.
"Are they?"He closed his eyes again and laid his head back, brows furrowing for a moment,"Weird..."He replied simply and looked to him slightly,"I don't remember..."He said and looked down, running his hands over his still bloated middle and flinching slightly,"Are... Are they okay? Normal?"He watched as the other man sat down and didn't stop him, simply moving his leg away slightly so he could sit.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris shakes his head slowly. "We're not there yet, but we're getting closer." He meant that the offspring were beginning to resemble a human baby more and more, maybe they just had to go through a whole trail and error thing.
Peter watches his reaction when he spoke about the children he had just given birth to, his brows furrowed and he ached again as he shook his head,"Not again... I don't think I can, or want to."He shifted away slightly,"We can't continue this back on earth..."He flinched and moved to push himself to sit up, grimacing some and propping himself up against the wall as his hands pressed into his middle that was soft after pushing the things out of him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris had a feeling he would say that, so he simply nodded. "That's alright."
Peter reached out to him slightly,"Is it? Really, you sound almost...dissapointed."He leaned into Chris now careful of his own wounds as he laid his head on his shoulder, his other hand that wasn't grasping onto his shirt ran over his arm and intertwined their fingers. "I just..."He didn't know why he had to justify himself, feeling like he was having the conversation with his lover about children and they were on two different pages,"I don't know how this will affect me in the long run... It's already getting worse."He looked down to where his chest pressed against the others back, his nipples were firmer and fuller altogether. That was just one example out of many.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Makes you wish you never would have came on this mission in the first place, because 'aliens don't exist'." He shrugs lightly.
Peter's brows furrowed for a long moment, then he teared up as he pressed his face into his shoulder gently,"I wish I had never came... I wish none of us had... It turned into one big shitshow after another."He sighed, trembling a little, the memories from before he met Chris scratched at the wall he had put up and he shook his head,"We can't change what happened there, so let's stop talking about it."He shied away again, laying down and turning his back towards him once more.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris nods. He continues to lay there, eventually drifting off to sleep though he slept lightly. Almost every little sound woke him for the next few hours. They continued to drift closer and closer to earth, soon they would be home and maybe Peter's life could get back to normal.
Peter felt more connected to the other man than he ever did with his wife, he didn't know why though, he loved them both equally. Though Chris... Chris seemed to really 'know' him, despite being such a small talker, he was relieved to be going back home and yet he wanted more time with the other. He wanted more of him. The young astronaut turned so he faced the other again as he slept and wrapped an arm around him, laying his head against his shoulder. While his fingers ran through the hair at the nape of his neck, as he felt him have such a restless sleep,"It's okay..."He murmured against his ear, his own eyes closed as he wrapped his leg around him too lightly,"We'll be home soon...."He nosed the side of his head.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris didn't move, just continued to lay there though a faint smile snaked its way onto his face for a second or two before disappearing. It was actually late one night when planet earth finally came into their view for the first time in months. Chris stood at the helm, simply watching for now. They were drifting closer with every passing second.
Peter hadn't touched the children since the time they were born, it seemed that whatever had happened to him during the birth, despite him ignoring the crack in his mind, refused to bond with them. Whatever emotion he had feigned to have for them while they were inside of him was just something to make him not lose his mind while they were. Now, he felt nothing for them, he heard them whimper and whine sometimes, or at least the first born, but he had no want to go check on them as they usually quieted down again after a few minutes.

He came behind Chris as he stood at the helm of the ship, he had found some of the other man's old clothing and put on his shirt and boxers at least not to be naked. Now that he wasn't pregnant any more. "Where are we landing?"He asked as his hands wrapped around the others waist and held himself to his back.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"No idea." They didn't have any set course or landing pad. They would simply land wherever they did, hopefully managing to survive. "You might want to suit up, it's going to be a bumpy ride."
Peter nodded and let him go to head where the suits hung outside of the airlock, dropping it to step through the top and begin dragging it up his body until he was covered in the over sized protective measure. He still wore what he had found and strapped into the co pilots seat after he was done, he looked up at Chris,"Are they secured?"He asked him, out of courtesy, knowing he might not think of himself as their parent, but he didn't wish any harm upon them.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris nods as he disappears for a moment before coming back in his own space suit. He secured himself in his seat before looking over all of the gauges, making sure everything was as it should be. Satisfied with what he saw he prepared to enter earth's gravity.
As they landed, Peter grew more and more nervous with the time that passed, his stomach churned nervously and he couldn't breath while the shell of the ship heated up intensely. The astronaut was still young and yet he feels as if he's been through a few lifetimes over the course of the exploration. He looked over at Chris as he piloted the ship, his heart raced and before he knew it, thick fields of crop seemed to be their landing zone. The ship crashing down without grace, bouncing a few times and leaving a trail of burnt wheat in it's wake. A crying could be heard in the back of the ship where the two infants had been left and he moved to unbelt himself thoughtlessly.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris glances over at Peter as the ship finally comes to a stop, having left quite a scene in the field in which they landed. He heard the crying of the infants but was surprised to see Peter attempting to unbelt himself, wether it be to get to them or to get off the ship he had no idea.
Peter didn't stop until he collapsed out of the ship into the unmarked field of wheat that waved to and fro with the wind. He almost sobbed at the smell of his home planet, ripping off the over sized suit he wore and turning onto his back on the ground. Squinting up at the blue sky that almost glittered with sunlight. A familar sight, bringing back all of his memories of his home, he grinned as tears streaked down his cheeks from the corner of his eyes. "Oh my god... "He laughed and rubbed his face, stretching himself out, he was free finally.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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