Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8)

As they struggled towards the back of the apartments, he recognized them now and almost gave up right then when he realized how far his home was still. His knees were weak like jelly and he could barely stay upright, laying his head against his shoulder with a whimper. He didn't speak any more, simply focusing on walking, dragging one foot behind the other while leaning heavily against him. "Huh?"He looked up slightly when he asked him another question,"I said...no more questions, please. I'm so tired."He moaned as he curled forwards again, leaning against the back door to his apartment and his legs bowed as he grunted lightly. "Oh... Oh... Mn..."He panted, tilting his head forwards and grimacing deeply, almost sinking to his knees,"Fuck... Fuck, fuck!"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

PHilippe's mind was racing now that THAT possibility crossed his mind. He realised another attack had started. He supported Reese as he looked up. Reese's apartment was on the 4th floor, almost looking like an unreachable height with his condition. He sighed and lifted Reese up, his veins popping having to carry such a heavy weight. "You better not struggle or we are both falling down the stairs." He said that and then started moving up the stairs. THey needed to get inside now if Reese was indeed going through what he was thinking.

And struggle he didn't, the stocky man was as stiff as a board when he was lifted up in the other's arms, his fingers dug into the fabric of his shirt and his face pressed into his flesh. It didn't take long for them to finally arrive on the fourth floor after much struggle and lost fluids, they both collapsed in the fourth floor hall where Reese finally shook his head. "I can't go on... I can't...,He grunted lightly and his legs spread as he sank down to the floor with his back against the wall, his hands on his belly and toes curling tightly,"I can't-Argh..."He cried out, face twisting up and reddening from strain,"Oh... Oh, no..."He tilted his head back, trying to lift himself up,"Something's there... It's right there..."He sobbed and shook his head.

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Philipped started frisking Reese. "Where're the keys? Give me the keys! Whatever it is, we should get in quick." He said patting over him, finally locating the keys at his front pockets and pulled them out. With shaky hands he opened the door and he dragged the man in obvious pain within. Pulling him onto the couch, he ripped off his soaked pants and underwear in one go. "Whatever's right there would be out soon. Spread your legs and hold them at your ankles. Tell me what you are feeling." Rolling up his sleeves, Philippe wiped away teh sweat forming on his forehead as he pushed Reese's legs apart, trying to see his progress.

Reese began panicking himself at the sound of Philippe looking so frantically for the keys, he would have been fine with whatever was happening to him to happen in the hallway. He was just so done with struggling, he wanted so badly just for everything to go back to the way it was, he hated even just one person worrying so much over him. His dress shirt was soaked to the thread and he struggled to breath now as his stomach was almost constantly tight, face a bright red,"Oh my god... Oh god..."He pressed his face into the couch cushion and sobbed as he held the backs of his thighs, panting lightly for a long moment as sweat dripped down his face," I don't know! I just want it out... Help me get it out."He looked so exhausted and yet aware enough to know what he needed to do and quickly, unaware of the large head spreading him open between his legs, he only felt the intense pressure coming and coming and coming. "Ngah!"He tossed his head back, as he arched against the couch, pushing and pushing until he couldn't any more. Sinking back and panting heavily, he felt something sticking out from between his legs, it was wide and if he was Philippe he would be able to see hair covering the round protrusion.

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It looked disgusting at first when he saw what's between Reese's legs. it looked like his assshole was gaping open, even though nothing was visibile at first. He was only seeing fluids oozing out in small waves, then as Reese apparently was poopinng, something started moving forward. The dark patch of hair just emerges more and more as Reese forced it down harder, and braving through it, Philippe spread his hole wider apart and touched it. It felt warm and it was definitely hair, confirming his suspicion that Reese was indeed pregnant. "Rest for a little now. Reese... you are birthing a kid." He said with dread, looking at the exhausted waiter panting at the couch. "E-err... do you want to touch it before the next contraction hit?"

As an almost thirty year old, single man the words that came out of Philippe's mouth instantly struck fear through him after how much pushing he just did. Reese had no idea how to react and somehow it seemed that he had simply chosen to ignore what he said for now, if he didn't he was sure he would have a panic attack. After the other man's fingers were removed from feeling around his anus, the next question that came from his mouth drew his attention enough for him to meet his eyes as he leaned heavily against the couch. Wanting to sink into it and never come back, he simply shook his head while his arm cradled the low, tight monstrous bubble that was his stomach. He had time to catch his breath, surprisingly, he had no idea what he was doing and he wanted to be at a hospital badly as the pain seemed to grow worse when the thing crowned so slowly.

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"right....right. understandable." Philippe said, perfectly understanding Reese's reluctance. "Look, I don't think this kid's gonna wait until the paramedics come. Push when you feel like it, just like before, and pause to regain your strength like this. You are doing great... I guess. There's nothing that you need to worry about. Just do as your body tells you." Afterall, his body seemed to be handling it well evne through the torture Reese had inflicted on himself, carrying a baby to full term under that horrible corset.

Reese didn't say much else, simply processing what was happening as he was in the midst of labor already, he grimaced and sat forwards slightly. The couch wasn't as comfortable as standing or kneeling was, not by a long shot, he whimpered and shook his head,"I can't do this."He said, his face reddening as it scrunched up from the beginning of the next pain,"I don't want to."He leaned forwards and groaned, gritting his teeth as he beared down again slightly for a few moments then collapsed again with a cry of pain. "No." It seemed impossible now that he knew what was happening to him, it seemed like he couldn't do it.

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"You would have to or you arent getting out of this. The longer you dragged on the more painful it will be. Come on Reese, focus. Take a deep breath and bear down, that's the only way to end all these craziness." Philippe said in a stern voice. He nevet yhought he would be facing such an awkwsrd situation but in fact the urgency and the reluctance of Reese to accept the situation triggered the "boss" in him. He was used to giving orders, pushing forward events, a natural leader. He would do the same here.

He didn't know the man that well, though he got a hint of more of his personality after the orders, in the back of his mind he knew he wouldn't be getting out of this without doing some things he never thought he would, having a baby was never in the plan. Not like this at least. His eyes met Philippe's and he grimaced slightly at the beginning of another pain, moving forwards slowly again and gripping the leather of the couch tightly, he grit his teeth as he grunted out in exertion, cock hard and twitching against the bottom of his stomach as the intense cramp gripped his entire body. He whined again, but this time as he was pushing, bearing down as hard as he could the thoughts of actually delivering a kid slipped from his mind, it was about self preservation now. A need to preserve himself, he wanted to get this over with, to feel normal again. A cry came from him, one he didn't realize that he had made as his eyes opened barely, feeling something between his legs, it was the head,"Fuck... Fuck... Oh my god..."He bit his lip and pressed his face into the couch cushion as the stretching burned so badly, he felt slight movement inside of him, one of the weirdest things he's ever felt, the baby was turning for the shoulders before finally something popped out of him then another pop before a full on rush then nothing...

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe saw but tried to ignore the throbbing cock of Reese, focusing entirely on the emerging head. He cupped the baby with his palm as the head was finally delivered,grimacing when a flood of fluid hit his hand at the same time. The cry of Reese was high-pitched and whiny, though Philippe didnt have the heart to tease Reese for how girly it was. The head wasnt as large as he thought, he guessed it could be because the baby had restrained space to grow all along, but he understood Reese probably thought otherwise for his whole body was trembling and sweating hard from the exertion. The baby turned naturally, and he released his hold for it to work its magic before the shoulders were delivered. His face froze again seeing another ooze of fluid rushed out of Reese as he caught the baby. It wasnt the prettiest view and he panicked a little sering Reese past out on delivering the baby. He had to, however, leave the pair on the couch as he scrambled to the kitchen for tools to cut the chord.

Reese wasn't completely gone after the child was born, though he did lose consciousness for a few moments, his body was limp and he sank into the couch for a long few moments. Until the quiet whimpering of the newborn infant between his legs gained his attention slowly, he felt movement against the inside of his leg from the wiggling of the baby. He sniffed lightly and wiped his eyes and mouth with the back of one hand, glancing up as Philippe left him to enter the kitchen, his eyes looked between his legs over his bloated stomach. A sick feeling growing inside of him now that he was empty, he was a father and that terrified him, a sob escaped him as fear crept up his throat. "Fuck... Fuck this..."He pressed himself against the couch, everything hurt and he just couldn't process what he had done for this to happen to him.

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Philippe returned to vigorous cursing and despite how everything was gross, he almost chuckled seeing his total panic. He tried hard to conceal that, biting his lips and focused on the chord. He carefully cut it, having disinfected the scissor with alcohol, and lifted the crying infant up wrapping it with a clean towel. "At least that's proof that you aren't seriously ill......" He looked at the wailing baby. "You have a son now..... " He looked between the legs and announced. The baby looked.... wrinkled. His crying wasn't as loud as Philppe would have imagined but he guesed he didn't really hear any babies right at birth. He wrapped him up clumsily and found everything to be tiny. His hand couldn't even wrap around his finger. "I think there's still the afterbirth. Push a little if you feel any more contractions." He instructed seeing the dangling chord between Reese's legs.

Reese watched Philippe as he cut the cord, the baby wiggled himself around to get used to moving his limbs, the man didn't know what to say,"A-A boy?"He rasped quietly, as if he had lost his voice as he reached out slightly with one hand though before touching he retracted again. Only nodding when he mentioned the cord, he met the other man's eyes,"You can give him to me."He said, moving himself slowly to adjust imself enough so he could reach out slightly with both hands. Not feeling anything yet, he simply wanted to see the small being up close, see what- or who he had just birthed.

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Philippe handed over the baby, putting him on Reese's chest gently. He wasn't sure if Reese still had the strength so he stayed close for awhile, ready to catch the infant in case Reese's arms proved too tired to hold him. He watched the still crying baby with a frown. It felt strange. He had just delivered a new life into the world with his own hands. This baby, even though appearing to be all red and fraigile, not at all like the cute, chubby babies he usually see on tv or anywhere else, felt the most special to him. He reached out a finger to nudge on his tiny cheek, and almost like electrified he withdrew his hand. It felt... warm. Not that it wasn't normal, but somehow he just felt .. shocked.

Reese wrapped his noodle like arms around the small boy and held him where he had been laid, tilting his head as he looked at him so curiously while he still cried. "Shush..."He murmured,"You're okay... You're just fine."He felt tears prick at his eyes again, this time he felt that they were out of guilt and shame and whatever other negative emotions he could pin to himself. This baby almost didn't exist because of him, his own son, he pinched his lips together to keep his lips from quivering and forced himself to smile at the giant miracle that had just happened. Not saying anything for a long few minutes as he curled up against the back of the couch, he did feel a contraction though and grimaced as it didn't take much but a few gentle pushes to get the placenta out.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The small whimper of Reese pushing the afterbirth awakened Philippe from his wandering, and he proceeded to clear the mess between his legs. It was gross. He wouldn't have imagined himself having to deal with all these but he somehow took it fairly good. He kept the gooey mess around for the paramedics when they arrive, in case they needed to check anything, and left to clean himself up as well, leaving the parent and son to their own little bonding time. As he washed his hands, he chuckled at the turn of event that was so unexpected.

The doorbell rang and Philippe quickly wiped dry his hands to get the door. He smiled to himself believing it's the paramedics at the door.

It was past lunch and well into the evening when the boy had been born, Reese tried to retain the information he would need for his son's birth certificate and glanced up as Philippe went towards the door. He had heard the knock as well and he thought it was the paramedics too but the voice he heard when it opened was a surprise. "Who the hell are you?"The large man frowned at the stranger,"Where's Reese?"He asked, crossing his arms,"What are you doing here?"He narrowed his eyes, it was obvious the man had just gotten off of work, his tie was undone and his belt was as well as if he was in the middle of undressing. He didn't know, but this man had been the one to impregnate Reese, he was his boss and lover for the longest time, though he didn't take it seriously.

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"I am a friend.... who are you?" Philippe frowned, not moving from the door at all. He developed a dislike for thie rude man quick. He didn't like him at all. He was just... hateful. Plus, who would have started undressing already before entering his home, if this was indeed his home. He glanced back and decided he should ask Reese himself. Slamming the door right in front of the man while he was unaware, he approached Reese adn asekd. "So...? That guy's really an acquiantance? Shall I let him in?"

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06-21-2018, 03:48 AM

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