Closed Otherworldly (with Lovebite)
Chris climbs out of the ship as well, looking around for a minute or two. He had already removed his suit, practically falling out of the open doorway and down onto the wheat after a few minutes. He took a deep breath, breathing in the non artificial oxygen.
Peter looked to him slightly, reaching to hold his hand and squeeze it lightly with a sigh, knowing he didn't need to say anything. He didn't want to either, the silence of the world was good enough, as he stared at him a moment then turned to curl up at his side. His eyes closed for a moment as he laid his head on his shoulder, fingers intertwining.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris doesn't speak either, them simply enjoying the silence for a bit longer, that is until they heard voices in the distance. They both immediately take off for the tree line, only Peter doesn't quite make it, a gunshot to the leg stopping him in his tracks.
They had left the babies... This was what karma was giving him in return for being such a bad parent and yet he didn't feel bad, maybe they would be safer in the care of government scientists and kept locked away from the world. He came crashing down once more into the brush of some trees, crying out as he clutched his thigh, blood seeping out from between his fingers,"Chris!"He bit down on his lip hard and tilted his head back, hoping that the other man hadn't left him in the dust. if he was caught he would definitely be captured and tested on, just as they would with the babies, he sobbed,"Help me!"Tears fell from his eyes, ones of pure pain and fear,"Please?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris does turn back for him, only the other men reach Peter before he does. Chris watches from the treeline as they take Peter away, quite easily despite his protests.
Peter screams and tries to kick at them, only making the bleeding worse from the shot to his leg, cuffs were put on his hands and feet as a group of masked men held him down. "You promised! You promised me!"He yelled and turned his head this way and that, his body made it easy for them to collect him as he was carried away back towards the ship. Where white trucks sat, he wondered how they had gotten to them so quickly as he was simply tossed into the back on a gurney. When the doors slammed shut and he was launched into darkness the cries of the infants dulled and he still couldn't think straight. His eyes were wide and he struggled in the cuffs, sobbing quietly into the plastic of the gurney.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
He feels a slight prick in his arm sometime later before everything goes dark. He isn't sure exactly what they do to him while he is unconscious, though he does occasionally come to only to find himself in a white room laying in a bed before he slips back under for a while.
It was a long time, he wasn't completely sure how long, but his hair had grown much longer almost to his shoulder blades, really the only way of telling the passage of time when he was held captive in a simple white room with a cot and bare bathroom necessities. There was no privacy, only glass and blank faces of people who he recognized from his training days years ago, everyone seemed the same although it was like he didn't exist. He had begun thinking that he didn't, that he had never been outside of the facility before, that he was simply a test subject. They had probably told his wife that he was dead, his daughter would grow up without him... He felt that it was karma for hating the children he birthed so much and even attempting to leave them in the hands of cold blooded scientists. All of his memories were blurred and he was confused about his own timeline, where Chris had went and what they did with their babies...
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
What Peter did know is that they kept him pregnant, after finding out about his womb they wasted no time in getting to work. He had no way of actually knowing what was inside him. He had heard talk of them implanting some doner eggs into him. From the way the scientists talked what was inside him sounded human, but there was no way of being sure. They also seemed to have a way of speeding up the pregnancy, keeping him fed and well nourished as they did.
His first birth since arriving at the facility was close, he knew it, could sense it, but that was also the time the scientists entered his room, telling him to load up, they needed to move.
He was confused to say the least, why were they moving? Peter grimaced as he sat up slowly in his flat cot, he wished for something more comfortable to at least be able to imagine this as a good place and yet he was always sooner reminded that he wouldn't be going home any time soon. His legs moved stiffly as he adjusted himself to the heavy weight centered in his middle,"Where are you taking me?"He asked, voice quiet from misuse.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
His captors say nothing, simply loading him into the back of what looks to be an army truck. Once he was loaded they start off immediately, Peter being bounced around as they move down the road.
He didn't ask about Chris, he still hated him for breaking his promise, even though it seemed unkeepable from the beginning. The human male could think straight now that he was alone at least, having whatever it was inside of him growing still made his mind a bit foggy. But being on earth helped that at least as he was loaded up like product, he gripped the inside handle of the door as he sat on the steel seat that protruded from the wall of the truck. Grimacing some as they started off down whatever the hell road felt so bumpy, he felt sick to his stomach as he bit his bottom lip. His belly jiggled in a way that he though whatever heavy thing was inside it would fall out. He hoped it wouldn't, he didn't want to give another kid to them, not again, he had a unspoken duty to protect whatever it was growing inside of him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
They continue down the road for sometime before what sounds like a tire blowing out. Peter didn't really think then as he quickly made his way to the back or the truck, peeking outside for a second or two before climbing out of the back and disappearing into the thick forest that surrounded them.
The pregnant man had trouble struggling away from the truck, he tripped halfway through and collapsed into some brush, gasping out a cry of pain, though instantly biting down on his tongue to keep that from happening again,"No, please, no."He panted, tilting his head back to take slow breaths in through his nose to keep quiet for a long moment to gain his strength, arms cradling the large, ripe swell of his middle,"C'mon... Don't make this hard on me."He grimaced and moved to stand up again slowly from his squat, pushing himself off of the tree truck and shuffling quickly away from the road before they could realize he was gone.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Peter isn't quite sure how far he traveled or how long he had been traveling though it was getting dark rather quickly. With the sun disappearing behind the trees he was loosing his berings on the surroundings, though he did eventually come into a small clearing, leaning against a tree before he noticed smoke billowing from somewhere in the distance.
The man struggled along, groaning lightly at the way the weight hanging off his torso dragged along, he grimaced lightly and panted as he found the tree. Most of the forest must've been part of a forest fire, the trees were all more like saplings and the ground beneath his feet crunched like freshly fallen snow. He groaned lightly at the movement coming from inside of him, it was too much travel for whatever was inside of him apparently as they were awake and active. Peter grimaced as he pushed himself off of the tree and continued on, dragging his feet through the leaves and dirt towards the smoke, there must be people there.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
He travels for a bit longer before eventually making his way onto some grass, fresh grass. Eventually he came to a clearing, in the middle their sat a rather small cabin, smoke billowing from the chimney.
Peter scrambled now, feeling uncomfortable to be in such an open space with what was presumably help just a few feet ahead, he cried out now,"Help! Help me! Please!"He fell just before the steps and dragged himself up them on his hands and knees, his belly dragging until he collapsed at the door,"Help! Help!"He banged his hand against the door as hard as he could, his face was red and feet dirty.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
When the door finally opens he has to do a double take at who he was actually seeing. Chris stood in the open doorway, staring down at him.
Peter instantly frowned, he couldn't help himself as tears came to his eyes, he had never been so happy and yet so angry to see another human being in his entire life. He sobbed in relief and disgust as he pressed his face into the floor of the porch,pounding his fist against the ground,"You motherfucker! You left me! You left me..."He collapsed into sobs and moans as he turned onto his side, clutching his belly that writhed with activity now.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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