Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8)

The stocky man unfolded himself from against the other's chest and sat in his lap as a tangle of limbs for a long moment as he caught his breath after sobbing so long, his tears were drying and the blood and snot as well while he stared down at the floor with Philippe's shirt in his hands. He nodded simply when offered to leave this place,"Y-yeah."He said quietly when he asked about anything he needed to gather, hands buried in the fabric of his suit,"I ruined this, I'm sorry."he said quietly and looked up at him, then back down as he moved to stand up but winced heavily,"Ah." He grimaced and sank back down against the other, his stitches could have torn, and that would be even worse.

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"Dont mind about it....." Philippe stopped midsentence and quickly caught Reese. The waiter had been wobbly , so he was almost prepared for the catch. He frowned hearing the pained wince, and wound Reese's hand on his shoulder. "I am gonna lift you up, hold yourself around my shoulders." He said as he took Reese up from behind his knees, marching forward to the door. He glanced at the crib at the side, Oliver was crying so much he was almost howling now. His voice coarse and broken, his face so red it was starting to turn purple. Philippe looked down at Reese to observe his intentions on the baby.

It took a moment for Reese to reach out and collect Oliver into his arms in a careful embrace, he pressed his head to the infants and rubbed his back. He had been such a coward, he had left his own son wailing in his crib after he had been beaten down by Joel. He blamed himself for all of this, his son's pain, Philippe's jacket, even his own wounds, this was all his fault and he almost broke down again. As he pressed himself and the baby into the other man's chest, he never wanted to set foot in this place again after they left. His shoulders were still shaking as he was placed into the passenger seat of the car, a few things were grabbed like Oliver's supply bag and his own keepsakes. He had been planning on leaving anyway, but this made it harder now,"We're okay."he whispered quietly to the snivling baby and held him in his arms,"You're gonna be fine... Dad's here, you're dad is here." The man watched as the baby stared up at him with wet eyes and he ran his fingers through his short dark hair.

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It wasnt long before they got admitted to the hospital and Philippe watched on as the nurses stopped him from following any further, pulling the curtains over when the doctor did his thing. He sat down on the waiting area, then scooped up his phone to contact his lawyer. This Joel needed a lesson for doing this to Reese. He had just given birth to his son and he had somehow managed to torture Reese so much he looked even worse than when he had just given birth to Oliver. He started strolling afterwards, impatinerly waiting.

He didn't let them take Oliver from his arms and no one argued with him for it after Philippe told them the entire story and once again filled out paperwork on Reese's behalf. The doctors and nurses in the emergency room recognized the trio and the care they gave was kinder because of it. Even though they didn't allow him in they gave the other man memos on the father and son often, soon enough they allowed him admittance when he was done with his phone call. Reese had let them give Oliver a check up in his arms and watched carefully over the little boy who seemed to be in just as much shock as he was. A detective came to speak with Philippe and meet with Reese after an hour or two in the hospital, while Reese was breastfeeding Oliver he seemed to be a bit out of it. He was cleaned up at least and bandages covered his open wounds, his eyes looked up when the curtains were pulled back and he shifted away from the stranger slightly. "Who are you?"he looked at the detective with narrowed eyes.

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Philippr was following right behind the detective and came forward to pull the curtains back closed. "Sorry, we should have made a sound..... we would wait outside." The businessman was exceedingly displeased, though strangely, it was more from the detective seeing such intimate process than anything else. He bit his lips trying to figure out his strange possessiveness and protectiveness over Reese, as he waited for the signal from Reese to allow for their entrance.

Reese was less apprehensive about being seen breast feeding than Philippe was and if he was in a better mood he might have laughed at how red the other man's face turned. "It's okay, Phil... You can come in."he simply grabbed a towel to cover Oliver's face gently as he suckled,"What do you need?" He looked between the two men when they had come back into his room.

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Philippe peeked in first before coming in before the detective, learning from his lesson. He dragged the detective in and made the introduction. "This is Detective Dartmouth. I had taken the liberty to report the domestic abuse case and he was here to take your statement." It came as an afterthought that Reese could be not wanting to charge Joel, under whatever reason, but he decided he would try his very best to convince Reese of it.

At what Philippe said, Reese's eyes went blank for a long moment before his brows furrowed, sitting back more with Oliver cradled in both arms,"A detective?"he repeated.

The older man of the two nodded and took out his badge to show the new father, though before he could say anything Reese frowned at his friend,"Why did you call him? I don't need him."he felt sick to his stomach as he looked down at Oliver's hand when he grasped his finger.

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"Reese. Arent you angry with what Joel did to you? What right did he have over you, when you gave him such a lovely son? You shouldnt be hurt this badly, not by anyone in the world. Come on Reese, think about it. If we charge Joel, it's not.only protecting you, but also protecting Oliver from.his abusive father. You dont want Oliver growing.up under the influence of such a violent father, do you? Please. All you have to do is tell the detevtive of the truth. That's all you need to do to protect Oliver." Philippe said, trying to convince Reese. It had been sad seeing the young man. No father should be feeding a baby on a hospital bed with his body wrapped up in bandages.

The young man pressed his lips together as he avoided looking at them both,"Of course I am... Of course, who wouldn't be angry? I would be insane."He swallowed down the lump in his throat that was forming and felt like it was going to choak him. His slience grew as Philippe used Oliver against him, his face screwed up and he turned away slightly, grasping onto Oliver a bit more tightly. Which made the baby whimper some and he kissed his face to quiet him gently, using the towel to wipe the messy corners of his mouth. Before looking up at the two men,"What do you want me to say? You know what happened, he came to my apartment and beat me. I'm sure they have a report on all the bones he broke, why don't you go fuck with someone else about questions?"He snapped, he wished he could move, he would take Oliver into the bathroom with him and lock the door but he couldn't, he had all these machines tied up to him. His throat was tightening up again.

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"Sir, I need you to be more specific. Who's that 'he'? That guy got a full name? And when was that? Had this happened before? We would need to get some evidence from th3 flat as well, if you give us permission. We would also need some photos on your injuries on top of the doctor's reports." The detective said taking.out his notepad. Philippe sighed and tried again. "Reese.... you have to give thrm more..... i knoe this is difficult. Would it be bettrr if we do this tomorrow? When you have gotten some rest? I know it could be a little pushy ... you have been through so much today." He could sense the shakiness in Reese's voice. Exchanging a glance with the detective, he saw the nod from the policeman as he asked, getting his ok on returning the next morning.

The questions went in one ear and out the other, he could care less about if Joel got convicted for assault, he just wanted silence, silence and his son and maybe a sandwich. God he was hungry, he looked down at the fully fed baby and rubbed his back as he laid him against his chest upright. He didn't have to answer when it seemed Philippe would leave him alone for at least today and he looked at him with soft eyes, it was a silent thank you as he simply turned himself to wrap around Oliver on the bed. The man was silent again as they left him alone and simply watched the window, it was late now and he was tired, he realized this as soon as he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer.

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In his sleep, Reese was moved to a proper room, the exact same room actually for the night when Oliver was born. The baby was removed so that both could get their proper rest. Philippe apologized to the officer for wasting his trip, but he didnt have any useful information to him as well with his limited knowledge on Reese's personal life.

The next morning, Philippe was dragged away by an urgent meeting and was unable to be in the hospital himself. He glanced at his phone every half minute though. He had made the officer promise on updating him on the statement taking process. He really had no confidence on Reese suddenly changing his mind and confiding everything to the police on his own, but there just wasnt a way for him to escape from work that moment.

As expected, Reese seemed like a different man the next day, he gave all that he could to the detective and took care of Oliver. Simply counting down the minutes until Philippe would come back, he felt safe here, he could hear other people, babies crying and the beeps on the monitor. Even the news coming from someone elses tv and all of that comforted him, it made him think that he and Oliver weren't alone.

That made the days easier on him, all three hundred and so of them as an either year passed between what had happened and what was now his life.

It had been a little over a year, he never looked back and he was glad for it, he had a new home and his baby was growing up. He was so proud, proud of himself and his son for making it out, they were strong, it was in their genes. He and Philippe had just gotten home from work, he carried a half box of donuts that had been left over from a meeting today in the office and waited for the sound of Oliver. As he glanced back at Phil with a smile,"Baby?!"He called into the penthouse, soon the patter of little feet came from the hall and the nanny the other man had hired for his son chased after him.

Reese covered his mouth as he burst out laughing, Oliver was butt naked and running towards them,"Daddys! Daddys!"he screamed, still having soap on him from his bath and the man dropped the donuts to catch his son, despite wearing his suit. "God, what will we do with you, you adorable boy."He wrapped him up in his arms and kissed his head softly before the nanny moved to wrap him in a towel finally as she took him from his arms gently.

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It had been a chaotic year, Philippe finding himself waking up at 4am to feed thr crying infant after asking Reese to move in with him. He had also offrred a job in his company in the office. Reese had the education and ability to excel in his company. Some staff had guessed their relationship, as they were spotted leaving togethr several times by nosy employees, but it wasnt a widely known fact. Yet.

Philippe hadnt stopped his laugh seeing the whitr foam covered toddler rushing into the arms of his daddy. "Hey wait there for a sec will you fiona? Oliver! You still hadnt given me your greeting yet!" Philippe stopped the nanny, holding her shouldrr. He then bend down a little and asied the little boy with a wide smile, asking for a smothrring kiss from the cutest baby in the world.

The almost two year old grinned up at both Reese and Philippe as he was swaddled in his towel, his mop of dark hair covered by the hood of the lion towel. Oliver wiggled excitedly in place as he was put down again and bounced up to Philippe as he gave him a sloppy kiss to the cheek. "Hi pa."He hugged him around the neck and Reese smiled brightly as he picked up the donuts again and placed his bag down on the floor beside the door. This was home, despite only being offered a place here temporarily, he doubted he would ever leave, unless Philippe wanted a bigger place. Or wanted somewhere near the coast. This was the happiest he's ever been.

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Philippe bumped Oliver and smothered the little toddler with little kisses, making rhe baby chuckle loudly and squirm in his arms. Philippe deliberately drop Oliver a little, causing the baby to squeal and grab on Philippe even tighter. The babysitter smiled at the interaction. She alproachdd the pair and continued to ruffle Oliver's hair. The 2 adults exchanged a smile, Philippe and Fiona, as they took care of Oliver together. "Now baby let's get you into your pjs. Which do you want? The lion one as well, same as your towel?" Philippe asked the baby, looking down at the child burying his face into his neck.

Reese tilted his head slightly at what he saw, his friend, Philippe and the woman they had both chose to look after his son, his brows furrowed. Though of course he said nothing about it, he grabbed his bag again and the donuts as he went off to drop them on the kitchen counter, slinging it over his shoulder,"I can get him dressed and tucked in."he mentioned as he came back into the foyer. Of course Oliver looked up brightly and grinned as he reached for his birth father, who came over to pick him up in his free arm,"Daddy make Ollie story?" The little boy asked and the man nodded with a soft smile,"Of course, buddy."

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Philippe glanced at Reese quickly sensing his mood seemed to have changed suddenly, but didnt commented on it. He looked at Oliver who's eager tk get to Reese and whined. "Ollie... pa is never as loved as daddy right? Oh baby you broke my heart..." he said covering his heart with his palm, wiping away virtual tears with a smile that he wadnt quite able to hide. "Goodnight then, buddy. Remember to tell me what Daddy's story is about tomorrow! You know.your daddy's always too selfish to share them." He said in a pretend whisper, shielding his mouth to say it solely to Oliver. That had been their game for awhile, and he curled his.pinkie and exchanged a knowing smile with the toddler reminding him of their agreeemnt.

With father and son gone up, Philippe smiled and turned to Fiona. "Thanks so much as always, Fiona. You have been such help! You gonna be here tomorrow as well?" He asked as he turned to fetch the cheque for th3 babysitter every start of the month. Fiona had been a college student, and Oliver loves him. Philippe handed the cheque to Fiona with a pat on her shoulder, smiling at her easily. He didnt particularly notixed the blush on the young girl's face.

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