C A Merc and the Target. ((Luxio018 and Lovebite))

Baxter laid back with a groan, a deep grimace on his face as he pushed down at his pants and took of his coat and hat again. He didn't know what else he needed, the kid was just going to come out fine right? Without any trouble? His jaw clinched and he tilted his head back as he held his cramping middle silently, he wanted to be alone and somewhere familar but apparently that wasn't going to happen. The cowboy hissed as he felt something shift, he didn't know how to explain it, the pain was just intense and he couldn't breathe for a few moments. Until it went away again, his eyes opened and he hadn't even realized he had zoned out.

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Soon the hustle and bustle of the bar is all that he can hear, people coming in and out, talking as they drank. The pains nearly on top of each other now and it was all he could do to breath between them.

It had been a few hours of steady contractions and Baxter was finally conscious of the pain again, he had been shot, stabbed, beaten up, left for dead, and all of the above. Yet, this, attempting to deliver this kid took every ounce of strength out of him already, he couldn't move at all and his body ached. He wished he had gotten the bar tenders name, now he was all alone in the storage room as the other man took care of the rush of folk coming in for drinks and entertainment. Baxter grit his teeth and whimpered as he tilted his head back, his hands cradling his middle while he laid on the pad of towels that were laid out. His head resting on a sack of potatos and it was the most comfortable thing he could think of as a mini person chose to come out through his anus, he cried out as he clinched his fists. A

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Over the music and chatter, thankfully, no one could hear his cries. He isn't quite sure how long he had been laboring, the baby steadily deceanding into his pelvis. Now it just seemed to rest there, waiting for him to do the rest of the work.

It wasn't as if he was a very vocal person either way, it helped to bite down on the wooden rod he had found on the floor where he was, the back room was dimly lit and stuffy even more so now as he struggled with the pain of labor to no avail. As if he had reached this crescendo and couldn't come down, he let out a whine as he tilted his head back against the sack of vegetables again while his hands went lower between his legs. He felt it, the child that was tearing him apart to get out and he wanted to just tug it out of himself so things could go back to normal, back to the way things used to be. His mind wandered to the man at the bar and then the bartender, he hoped this was a nice town because once this was over he was done and whatever happened to this kid was someone else's problem. It didn't feel like a mans way to handle things, but he had no other choice and he was sorry, but knew it was for the best. Maybe not for himself but for the child itself. He huffed in and out as his back arched slightly, feeling his anus gaping like something was going to come out when the pain gripped him and he moaned out without thought, not caring at that moment when he did. His legs spread wider, knees pressed against his the underside of his large, round middle,"Aghhh..."He felt his stomach tighten and quivered as more liquid comes between his legs to stain the towels, he whimpered when hope dwindled.

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John had been thinking as he laid in one of the hotel rooms across town. He wasn't able to sleep cause his damn mind was occupied with thoughts of that pregnant man. He huffed finally before getting up, grabbing his coat and heading back to the bar.

When John came back, Baxter wasn't in the front room of course and it seemed he wasn't there at all with all the drinking and dancing there was. Though the bartender recognized him as the man from earlier, but waited for him to approach, it had been a while since he checked on the laboring man and wasn't sure how he was doing. On the other hand, he didn't feel comfortable checking on him either and so the bounty hunter suffered alone on the floor with his clothes still on. His hat had been tossed somewhere in the room along with his belt holster and he could care less either way. It was the pain he was focused on and he couldn't just ignore it any more, this child was coming and soon.

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John approached the counter, taking a seat on one of the empty stools. He ordered a shot of liquor, downing a few before he noticed that the door to what was most likely the storage room was slightly ajar. He waited for the bartender to approach him before nodding toward the room. "He in there?"

The bartender looked the other man over as he cleaned a glass with a rag over his knuckles,"What's it to ya?"He asked in return, raising an eyebrow, remembering the stranger fleeing and leaving him with this bullshit anyway. The entire time he had no idea what to do or how to help the laboring man, it wasn't common to be doing any of this, let alone dealing with men like them. "Leave your gun here."He nodded his head towards the counter, placing down the glass in his own hands beneath it.

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"Ya think I'm gonna shoot him or somthin?" John had already stood though, slipping his gun out of its holster and sliding it across the bar before making his way into the back room.

"Never know wit a man like you."He replied simply, taking the gun and placing it beneath the counter, lifting up the bar opening for him to pass through. "It's a sink back there, take care of em, I'm busy out 'ere."He then left the other man to take care of his own business with his child being born. Or what he assumed was to be his child, why else would the man care then.

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John made his way back behind the counter, lightly pushing the door to the supply room open. He could here Baxter's moans and groans before he even opened the door though the crowd couldn't here him over the constant music and chatter.
He pushed the door open just enough so he could slip inside, leaving it open just a crack so that there was at least a sliver of light. He found Baxter leaning against a sack of what he guessed were potatoes though it could have been something else.

Baxter was in the midst of a contraction when he heard the creak of the door, his brows were knotted together and he looked defensive almost as he turned his face away from the bright light, he felt like the world was watching him when his space was encroached upon. He just wanted to be alone during this time, it was a personal situation, he was giving birth finally and was all weak and sweat stained like that day he was left alone in the desert after conceiving this kid. His eyes lit up in recognition now, as he remembered the other man,"Johnathan-"he tried to force himself away from the middle of the floor more, though he was simply forcing himself against the sack of potatoes,"Fuck... Fuck, I knew... I knew it."he groaned, tilting his head back as his hands came up to grasp his rounded belly,"Gah!"he cried out as his knees came apart more, his boots were off and his toes curled in their socks visibly, eyes looking downwards after,"I'm going to fucking kill you. I swear to God..."

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John says nothing, simply looking Baxter over for a minute or two before he glanced around the room. It was only by sheer luck that he managed to find an old lantern that still had a little oil in it. He moves to take the glass top off, messing around with something in his jacket pocket before the lantern was suddenly lit, the room now illuminated with a soft glow as he placed the top back on the lantern, moving the close the door a little more. To say that the scene before him was pathetic would be an understatement. Baxter was still in his clothes, including his heavy fur lined coat that hung open around his large stomach. The button up shirt he wore underneath was straining against his body, the buttons about ready to pop off. His pants sat low on his waist and his belt was probably the only thing holding them on as it looked ready to pop off at any moment as well.

Baxter looked away when the lantern was lit, though it was a dim light it hurt his eyes and he looked down at himself in shame. He knew how this looked and he hated the other man with every fiber of his being because he had put him in this position. The man had been struggling to do this himself, he was too heavy to make it back up to his feet and even when he made it with the help of one of the various shelves in the back room. When he suffered a contraction he couldn't help but sink back down onto his knees, he was wet in the eyes from pain and frustration. It truly was a sad sight, his pants were still wet with fluids and his shirt was straining as well as wet with sweat,"What are you still doing here?"he grunted, pressing himself into a corner and the sack of the potatoes.

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John says nothing as he finally approached him. He suddenly pulled Baxter into a sitting position before pulling the soaked jacket off of him and tossing it to the floor. Next he turned his attention to the buttons of the man's shirt. He waited for a contraction which tightened the large orb considerably before he quickly and skillfully began to undo the buttons, letting the shirt fall open.

Baxter wanted to put a bullet right between his eyes but he couldn't, not in this state, he needed someones help and he was slow to realize that as he released his pistol from beneath the cover of his coat when he was heaved upright again. A cry escaped his lips and he pushed weakly at the other man, the large bounty hunter reduced to this,"No! Get the fuck off me!"he didn't put up much of a fight as his coat was pulled off of him and couldn't struggle as another pain climbed through the muscles of his stomach and back. He squirmed beneath his own weight and barely noticed that his shirt had fallen open until the contraction was over, he sank to the floor and pressed his head into a cabinet that sat beside him, defeated as he tried covering his stomach still with his arms and hands.

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John moves to undo his belt next. The stretched leather was a bit challenging to undo as it was stretched around him though John did finally get it undone along with Baxter's pants.

Baxter gasped when the ends of his belt was tugged apart, his stomach sank and he felt as if he would vomit, turning green in the face,"Oh, God." Was all he could say as he collapsed against the wall, his stomach tightening again when he did and his head tilted back,"It's coming..." Fuck- it's coming."He groaned again with a hand grasping onto the sack tightly, his back arched and his brows kitted together, almost as if the belt was what was holding him back from progressing.

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After getting Baxter's belt undone John slowly worked his pants down and off, tossing them to the side along with Baxter's jacket. "Then push."

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