C A Merc and the Target. ((Luxio018 and Lovebite))

Now being half naked and trembling from labor pains, he shook his head at what John asked him to do,"I can't..."he said, pressing his lips together, his knees were apart and he groaned lightly. Though the can't was more of an'I don't want to' as he turned his face away from the other man,"Just leave me alone, haven't you done enough? You no good, son of a bitch."he kicked at him, wincing as he did, his back arching.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John avoided the kick rather easily before he moved to kneel down by Baxter's side. "If you don't you'll continue to lay here. It will only get worse." He knew that the longer Baxter laid there, the higher the chance that both he and the baby would die, not that he would tell Baxter that just yet.

Baxter despised his very face as he came closer to his side, his face scrunched up into a grimace and he let his head fall back as his hands cupped his belly. He knew John was right, but didn't care, nor would he listen to him now just because he had a change of heart,"Where's your gang? Don't you have anything else to do-?"he squirmed back and forth as his stomach contracted again, this time he howled in pain as he felt something barreling it's way down and out of him. Even though it felt that way, he knew it was a slow, agonizing pace.

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"They're keeping themselves occupied." John shrugs lightly before he stands again and moved to lean against the wall by the door. "Take as long as you want, I've got all night."

He took that as a challenge as he looked up at the other man with narrowed eyes, panting heavily after the contraction,"You're lucky I don't have my pistol on you, I'd put a bullet right into your brain-"he couldn't finish that thought as firmly as he wanted to as the pain came back, tears sprang to his eyes and a pitiful whine escaped him. His jaw tightening as he curled forward, falling onto his hands then his forearms as his ass came up into the air,"Ngh-"

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John continues to watch him though makes no move to do anything more. The child would come regardless of whether Baxter helped it along or not. The process would just be slower and more painful.

Despite how cool the back room was, he felt like he was burning up, though he kept his shirt on as a sign of his dignity, albeit thinning. The cowboy wrapped his arms around his middle tightly, for a moment a look of defeat crossed his face, though it didn't stay. As he pressed his face into the nearest shelf, laying down on his side on the floor, he dragged in breaths as calmly as he could, though the calmness didn't stay. When another pain came and he was silent, the heavy breaths stopped for a long moment. Until he gave a cry, cursing multitudes and tossing his head back as he turned over onto his back again, whimpering. He had tried pushing, but had soon stopped, it was one of the most painful things he had ever experienced.

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John continues to watch him. He eventually slipped his pocket knife from his pocket, finding a small piece of wood nearby to widdle on while he waited.

His legs splayed open as he panted heavily, hands on his belly for a long moment, he felt movement and he looked guilty while his eyes focused on the ceiling. It wasn't fair, he didn't want to have to do this, though he shouldn't just deny the kid life after having taken care of it for so long. He had conformed his life to it already, he hadn't drank or smoked an ounce since he had started showing, so why start hating it now? Just because he realized who it had come from?

The man struggled the same way, fruitlessly pushing again and again to no avail, he always gave up at the peak of it and squirmed through the other few seconds of it. Until, as he was bearing down a few hours later, there was finally a shift. Something felt different, there was a burning and he tossed his head back, his hands scrambling to find a tight grasp on anything firm he could find. As he brought his legs up, mouth opening in a silent wail before he was gritting his teeth again, though the head wasn't coming. He sobbed in frustration and pushed the heels of his hands into his face, legs open and braced against a shelf as he couldn't close them now, the head was there. It was coming seriously.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Through all of this John had continued to watch. He had remained silent, simply checking the time every now and then. Baxter had been in labor for hours and even though he was attempting to get somewhere he couldn't seem to see any of the contractions through to the end, when it really counted. There was still music and voices from outside signaling that the bar was still in full swing even though it was nearly 3 in the morning. The lantern was beginning to die as well, it's fuel slowly being burned away. Finally he has had enough. Now the chance of both Baxter and the child dying were quite real, if the child wasn't dead already. He moves over to Baxter once again, kneeling between he splayed thighs.

The other man whimpered, though he didn't yell or kick at him this time, he just didn't look to him as he tilted his head back,"I'm trying, I am!"he shut his eyes tightly and grit his teeth, shifting his footing slowly and moaning at the feeling of the head shifting backward,"No."the protest was weak and he turned his head, tears seeping from his eyes and he hit the sack of whatever the hell it was that sat beside him, biting down on his keep took keep in another sob,"I can't..."

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"Yes, you can." John's hands move to rest on Baxter's knees, keeping his legs spread just a little more. "You have to see them through, your stopping too soon."

Baxter simply shook his head again, though before he could argue, his legs were being pushed apart more and the head came forward again as he was forced to push once more, whining like a young child who had stubbed their toe and making it to the start of the peak. he kept going and going, getting the head to crown again before stopping. He gasped in breaths and still that wasn't enough, he hadn't pushed long enough, even now and he shook his head once more,"I don't want to... It hurts too bad..."he bit his lip,"You don't understand!"he tilted his head back as his back arched and he gasped in a breath, curling forward and turning onto his side, or trying to at least when another pain hit him like a brick to the stomach. Such a strong man lowered to this point was almost a shame, his beard had spittle in it from his crying and weeping and his eyes were red rimmed, it was late and he just wanted this to end.

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"If you want this to end you have to push, you have to see it through." John looked down to see the head peaking out, it moving slowly out a bit with the next contraction before moving back in when it ended.

Baxter looked at John, wishing he could focus his hate for him and just get himself out of this situation but that was out of the realm of possibility. As he nodded, his lips pressing together for a long moment, tears still came and stained his eyes though he looked like he was too tired to argue any more. The older man whimpered as he curled forward, grasping onto the backs of his thighs and attempting to push with the contraction this time as he beared down as hard as he could. His face turning red as it scrunched up, bearing his teeth and clinching his jaw, veins bulging as he didn't let up this time even the contraction peaked. Though the head came and went yet again, leaving the pregnant, laboring man sobbing in exhaustion afterwards.

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John watched as the head peeked out for a moment before disappearing again. Clearly Baxter's current position wasn't helping him. He had always heard that your back was actually the worse position you could be in to deliver a baby. As the contraction ended he decided to change up Baxter's position. "Roll over, get up on your knees."

Baxter almost sobbed when his legs were released and he felt the form of the child come back into him, turning over slowly onto his side and then his knees as he lifted himself up weakly. A groan escaping him as he almost collapsed again, pressing his forehead into his hands and quivering from his thighs to his shoulders,"It's not coming... It won't come."he whimpered, more tears coming to his eyes.

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John moved infront of him to place Baxter's hands on his shoulders as leverage. "Keep trying." He uses his knee to nudge Baxter's legs apart a bit more.

Baxter was sat up, facing John as he simply gripped onto him with his nails dug into his shirt deeply, pressing his head into his lower neck. He was tired of trying, truly exahusted, it had been eight hours he had spent laboring and made no progress except getting the head to crown. It just was impossible for him, his first child, and yet he was too weak to birth them,"Keep trying..."he repeated him with a deep frown, not believing in himself enough to do it. With his legs apart, the next contraction tightened around his stomach and back with force as he sat upright, mouth hanging open,"Uhnn... Mghh..."he panted heavily, the head was coming too fast now and he couldn't stop it, the infant was in gravity's hands now. His ass was loose enough from all the struggling and the child had been in the correct position for eight hours, it was truly coming now.

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"There you go." John's hands ran along Baxter's back before dipping down between his legs to cup the baby's head as it continued to slowly inch its way out. When it suddenly popped free, along with a gush of fluids, John was actually prepared when Baxter basically collapsed against him. He took that time to take one of Baxter's hands and slip it between his legs to run over to baby's damp hair. "Your almost there."

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