C Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite)

Jamie's whole face lit up receiving the praise from the captain, though he hadnt expected the push. He quickly held himself pressing a hand on the mattress, and he gasped with his wrist twisted from the iimpact. He didnt have time to judge thoufh, for he had caught sight of the deputy as well. Quickly standing up straight on bed, he even saluted to Kim as his soldier instincts kicked in, quickly wiping his face with his other to make himself more presentable, no matter how late that would be.

The captian's lieutenant seemed to quickly get over the shock and now it was replaced with disgust as she moved to grab her bag of things. Even while still in her towel, storming out of his room without a second glance. Morrison was red in the face from anger and frustration, knowing he couldn't catch up with her, not as he was and so he let her go,"Shit."he sighed and rubbed his face.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The look of disgust was so obvious the tiny macho deep within Jamie barked, urging him to step up and act like an alpha. He was sensible enough not to listen to his mindless nature though, and crumblrd down onto the bed letting out a sigh. His mind restarted after a moment, finally functionjng again. "Why's the lieutenant here?" He asked, for this had been the captain's private en suite. He knew the pair was very close, but to be this close that they get to share bathrooms.... he started puling on the bedsheet finding it awkward, and ended up hurting himself with his twisted wrist. He bit back the whimper threatening to leave his throat, and just stopped his fidgeting altogether. All moods were killed and the air seemed stagnant, almost suffocating.

Captain Miller didn't feel like dealing with Corporal Jamie's questions, a frown came to his face and he sighed heavily,"It's monday... She always works out in the gym after lights out and heads here to wash up after."he sighed" rubbing his face and pushing his fingers through his hair, he tilted his head back,"Fuck."he complained, turning his head away and moving onto his side to cradle a pillow and sheets to his chest in a bundle,"What a way to kill a boner."he muttered to himself, looking to the other slightly and covering up his groin,"I'm sorry... She wasn't here when I left."

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"It's alright. That was ... just an accidrnt." Perhaos Jamie hadnt noticed but his face visibly relaxed hearing the captain's explanation. He moved up to get dressed, pulling his clothes on carefully avoiding his hurt wrist. He hid it behind himself as he looked back at Morrison. He shifted before asking unsurely. "Do you.... still want me to stay?" He asked in such a quiet voice but he knew Morrison could hear that perfectly in this silent room.

"Yeah, a really, fucked up accident." The captain turned to look at the corporal as he pushed himself to sit up,"What are you doing?"he asked him, as he watched him get dressed,"Of course I do."he replied, moving to take hold of his arm and lead him over toward the bed again without getting up,"We can just talk until one of us falls asleep first."Morrison looked up into his eyes, wrapping his arms around the smaller male and leading him back down onto the bed with him as he closed his eyes quietly, tucking his face into the crook of his neck and running his hands up his shirt.

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Jamie gingerly circled his arms around Morrison. He gradually increased his strength until he was holding the captain like a giant teddy bear, sniffing between his hair that's surprisingly soft. He had always done his hair so meticulously, this was the first time he saw and touch it without products. "What do you want to talk about? I mean.... I don't think we really know each other. Let's start somewhere.... I come from a little family, my parents only got me. My father was killed in a battle, that's why I wanted to become a medic... I love my mother, and he supported my decision even though he cried like a baby the day i departed to the military school..." he trailed off as he recalled his mother, who's an omega male. A sad smile broke through his face as he relived the sweet memories back at home.

(LOL i actually forgot how much background of Jamie i mentioned before.... i hope i didn't contradict with anything here -.-)

Morrison smiled softly at the squeezing, he let him, Jamie wasn't hurting him so he allowed it as he laid his head against his,"Hm... Yeah that sounds like a nice start."he nodded some as he looked down at him, his belly cradled between them as his own fingers ran through the others hair. A soft smile was on his usually hardened face and he held him by his back now,"I was an army baby too, but both of my parents were in the military, I guess that'll stay in the family."he went quiet as he thought about more to say,"I had both a female and male parent, so I always looked up to my dad, like any little boy would... It took me until I the day I presented to figure out that my father was the omega... I... I stopped talking to them, or him at least..."his brows furrowed and he thought about going and speaking to his father, it had been so long,"God... That's- Not the tone I was looking to talk in."he tilted his head back just a little, then said,"Let's talk about something lighter, huh?"he offered quietly and licked his lips,"How did you spend your freetime when you were younger?"

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Jamie was very curiosu, he couldnt imagine not talking to his mother. He had developed a close bonding with him over the years, and his mother, "mother", was tbe typical omega as everyone portrayed. He's fragile and easy to cry, and that had affected Jamie a lot so he developed into someone who fitted the traditional view of omega. However, his mother got his tough side. Being a single parent wasnt easy but he managed, even excelled in it, against all odds. That part of his character was also inherited by Jamie.

"During my freetime? I like playing with other children, hmm. Yea. That's kind of it. And usually i would go play around the river. There's so much to eat around." He cleared his throat as he recallrd how he had been indulged in by all other kids. He was the little angel of them all, being both the youngest ane the smallest. Therr had been fights over the right to sit next to him, quite frequently in fact. The other children fought so fiercely they got nasty cuts all around sometimes, whivh contributed to how Jamie was familiar with tending to wounds even before he went to school for that.

Morrison's fingers made their way beneath Jamie's shirt, trailing over his soft skin with his callused hands while half listening to the other. He thought about his own childhood, though indulged in the others. His own parents were only still mates for show, they had given up acting like they loved each other when he went off into the army. They both held high positions on earth and so they simply stayed together as a show for the public. A sigh escaped him and he looked down at the smaller male before pressing his lips to his again softly after a moment,"Wanna mark me so we can sleep?"he asked in a murmur, it was late, and despite likeing their chat, he was tired.

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"Right. Mark you. Yea. Yep. We should get it done." Jamie blurted out as his face once again heat up from the mentioning of the mark. He fidgeted and slid down further the blanket, only showing.his eyes above. "Er... yea. I would, err, just slide down." He said awkwardly before whimpering and buried his entire head under the blanket like an ostritch. He squeezed his eyes shut when he moved further down, his hands touching all over Morrison attwmpting to get between his legs in the total darkness. He couldnt face it in broad roomlight, he was sure, and he might just complete it all underneath to escape from the embarrassment he was feeling.

"I think so too."The captain watched as the corporal blushed like a tomato, he lifted the blanket to allow him more space for going lower and he watched him while he did until he could only see his eyes,"You don't have to explain."he smiled lazily,"I know what you're doing."he wrapped his leg around him, watching as he disappeared beneath the sheets and then tilting his head back with his eyes closed. A gasp escaped him when his groin was palmed blindly, he groaned lightly and grasped at the blankets and the other's hair beneath it, legs falling open as his length grew again slightly,"Know what you're doing?"he asked,"It has to be perfect, or we'll just have to try again."

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Jamie's voice was muffled and he seemed to have answered something in the affirmative, though it wasn't really possible to decipher what he had been saying exactly. He searched blindly beside Morrison's cock, sizing up either side as he had a difficult time determining which to choose. The cock in between was also very distracting. The scent that was unique to the strong omega was tempting. Jamie finally licked on his raised balls, tasting each side and finally focused on the left. The side of the heart. He licked on the area several times, caressed the area with his teeth, before taking a deep breath and bite down.

Morrison nodded himself at the muffled sounds, it was silent and still for a long moment before he felt his ball sack being licked only slightly by Jamie, when they were inhaled he almost cried out if it wasn't for him biting his lip as he arched his back some. His eyes rolling back from the intensity and anxiety of not knowing what would be next, his cock was fully hard now and he felt it's throbbing as he licked his lips, feeling the drag of the other's teeth and almost speaking before they sank in. He gasped and tossed his head back, his free leg wrapping around him and grip tightening with a long moan.

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The skin was soft and delicate, where he was biting, and it was easy for Jamie to draw blood. He didn't know how the shape would appear, everything was done in darkness, but somehow it strengthened all other sensations. The iron taste in his mouth, the equally muffled moan and the legs around him. He wasn't sure if he should be feeling anything, and he just went with the flow. He hoped the bitemark would be perfect, if anything, it would be a good sign for their relationship.

The older man tugged at the younger's hair to remove his teeth after a reasonable amount of time and sat up slightly as he tugged at him to kiss his lips. Despite them being covered in his own rich blood, the thought of it made him feel even harder than he was as he sank his tongue into his sweet alpha mouth. "Thank you... Thank you, you're good... It felt good."he said, yeah he looked horny as all hell, he was more exhausted than anything else and closed his eyes as he kissed him deeply and sank back in his bed.

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Jamie had obviously misunderstood, or it could be the bonding making him aroused. Either way, he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry looking at his erection. His cock was still pitifully small compared to Morrison. He just wished this killed off erections would culminate to promote its growth. He blushed when he found himself craving to be those alphas on the porn he stumbled upon, with a massive pack which seemed to driive every omega crazy, imagining that to be Morrison. He quickly snapped his eyes shut and once again buried his head into the blanket and drifted off, nudging closer adn closer to his omega in his sleep and wrapped his arms tightly around his thickening waist.

Letting himself fall asleep hard just a few moments after his alpha had marked him seemed to be a bad idea as the night passed into morning. Though he was recordly hard when he woke up, his cock seeming to appreciate the fact that he had opened up his eyes once again. The larger omega turned so he was belly to chest with his smaller alpha and he shivered as his cock brushed against the other's. Their arms wrapped around one another as he leaned in to sleepily kiss him, a sloppy wet kiss. As he turned over more so he climbed into a straddle on top of the other man, leaning one arm against the headboard while his other rested on the pillow beside his mate's head. He had to shift himself so the other's cock was in line with his ass and took the hand that was grasping onto the pillow to stroke Jamie's shaft, biting his lip in concentration.

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Jamie was still fussy in sleep when he was kissed, and had for a whole minute thought he was dreaming when he returned thr kiss, suckling and nibbled the delicious lips. It wasnt until his cock getting stroked that awokened him. He moaned even before opening his eyes, and was thorougjly surprised when the first thing he saw was the bulging belly of Morrison. He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut as his hips thrusted upward as much as he could with the captain straddled on him.

"Ha...cap....hmm.... captain!" He gasped when his cock woke up as well, like a trembling flower, with a dew of precum forming at the tip.

Morrison licked his lips that were moist and warm with Jamie's breath and saliva as he twisted his hand when the other lazily thrusted up into his closed fist. It was hard to work with his round stomach as he tried to get himself stuck up with the corporals prick, he looked to his face when he called him by rank. "Yeah?"he smiled lightly, now letting go of his cock as he tried sinking down on it, rubbing his pre over everything but his pucker until he trusted again. "I need it... Sorry..."

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