C Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite)

"Cap.... Mori....." Jamie muttered as he called his mate. He smiled at the endearment and thought it.fitting for Morrison. He moaned as his mushroom head got in touch with something incedibly warm and enticing. He heaved up but it was so sliplery it missed its target, to which Jamie whimpered in disappointment. He panted and thrusted up again, desperately wanted to get into Morrison, uniting in one with his mate. Morrison was large and his belly was in fact pressing against his stomach, making Jamie unable to see whatever was going on.down below.

He hasn't noticed his name being shortened to something easy to say during their love making session, a heavy breath escaped him as he felt the tip press against him. Only slightly before slipping away, until his mate thrusted up again and he sank down at the same time with a groan, quivering as he sank down. His lips came down to kiss the other, younger man and slip his tongue into bis mouth with a small smile,"You gonna fuck me? Or let me do all the work?"he asked breathlessly, grasping onto him and turning over so he was on top instead and his legs tucked behind his thighs.

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Jamie whimpered as he was manhandled, but he was quite glad at the shift. Bending down, he nibbled on his ears and panted. "I wouldnt mind having you do all the work, maybe you would ride me next time. I think it would be great." It could be the first time for the young man to say something as explicit as that, and even though he tried to sound calm and in control, his ears betrayed him by turning redhot, and his voice quivered with nervousness and anticipation. Straightening back up, he grabbed the captain's shoulders and started moving.his hips. At the first test thrust, he pulled out too hard and his cock ended up slipping all the way out, which got them both groaning in frustration. Jamie quickly grabbed his slippery prick and inserted back in. Thanks to his alpha nature, he soon grasped the essence of such activity and started a rhythm that got them both sighing with satisfaction.

He thought so too, he would take advantage of being small around his waist for now, letting his mate do all the work, knowing that he wouldn't have a choice but to ride him when he gets bigger. Morrison kissed him as his hips hovered in the air for better penetration, groaning long and loud as he was pushed into repeatedly. It was satisfying the burn inside of him, a pseudo heat, as many omega's had when they were incapable of getting any more pregnant than they are. They made love for an entire hour, until it was time for them to get to work, they were two important people, him being the captain and Jamie being the only doctor. People would miss them, though he needed to come before then or he would be hard all day again.

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Jamie's cock was throbbing as the knot started flaring up. "I'm close.... hmm... i'm gonna...hmm......" he continued with his thrusts, lifting Morrison's strong thighs up and pressed them back to get even deeper into him, pressing against his belly slightly. "I'm gonna...cum.." he panted as his thrusts got increasingly difficult, his knot starting to impede his shoves. He could feel Morrison's cock trapped between them, wetting their belly as it spurted out pre like crazy. "Mori...." jamie.finally muttered as his pumps got more erratic, finally stopped when his knot flared up to full size, lodgimg into the captain's prostate as they erupted at the same time, groaning so loud togrther.

Morrison felt the fat knot against him, he wanted to tell him to keep it out of him, they didn't have time to be knotted together. Though it would be hard to keep a young alpha from doing so anyway, so he let him as he covered his face with his arm. His other wrapped around his mate and jostling as he pushed himself in to his ass repeatedly, almost stopped with the knot pressing flush against him every time. His stomach rolled when he pushed his thighs up and shuddered as he was given his cock so thoroughly,"Yea... Yeah, go ahead... Come in me."his back arched to allow him more space, or at least tried to as he groaned out, gripping the other's hair when he shoved in so firmly. Releasing between their bodies as cum spurted against his prostate and collapsing as he let him go, tossing his head back with heavy pants.

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Jamie was so tense. Even though this wasnt the first time he had knotted, he was much more aware of the process this time, less clouded by hormones. He gripped Morrison's legs tight while cumming so deep in the captain. When the first wave of ecsatasy past, he slowly lowered himself beside the captain, aware of how he had been pressing against the cute potbelly. Flopping down beside the omega, the alpha clasped all his limbs around the larger man, possessing him in his own childish way as he buried his face into his shoulder. "I-i am sorry....i j-just couldnt help with the, the, the knot....."

Captain Morrison was dragged with him, back onto his lap to straddle him when he laid down, he shifted himself in a way not to crush him as they laid on their sides. He wrapped his arms around him and buried his face into his hair while his mate's limbs wrapped around him,"It's fine."he was panting, his eyes closed and belly and chest pressed together,"Just need more time than I thought."he murmured, kissing him lazily and stroking his back down slowly before grasping onto his small ass. "I answer to no one but myself... I think you're the only one who has to worry if someone gets a bad papercut."he chuckled lightly.

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Jamie squealed when his bum was grasped, and buried his head even deeper into the captain for sounding so much like a girl. He nuzzled against him like an ostritch fibding its way into the sands, whining slightly for always making a fool of himswld in front of the captain. He pouted and lifted his head up when he heard about their duties, his blond curls all messed up, appearing to be even fluffier. "I deal way more than papercuts! I am a professional. I am capable of dealing with emergencies, even without the help of machines." He pouted at first but quickly his face turned to a proud one when he mentuoned about his profession.

Morrison laughed at Jamie as he ran his fingers through his hair and kissed his head softly before their eyes met,"I know, J. I know."he then kissed his lips and looked down between them where his belly laid, he could see the tip of his own cock but nothing more. As he squeezed around the knot,"Maybe you can study up on delivery."he mentioned,"You could help this kid into the world. Who better to practice on than our own kid." He rubbed his cheek and smiled softly, reaching down between the backs of his legs to feel around the knot, humming lightly at the estimate of time it would take for it to go down.

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Jamie's face lit up with what he heard. "You are willing to let me deliver for you? I have always thought, that you would think it, unprofessional for me to... you know, do the job." He said. He grinned at the offer. "I would do my best!" clenching his fist, he gave Morrison the best "determined' face he could muster. Jamie squeaked at his knot getting squeezed, and panted as that triggered another squirt that got him trembling, and how the captian was reaching behind him got him moaning hard for the slight twist of his body nudged his oversensitive cock in all the right ways.

The captain nodded at the corporal when he asked him if he was serious about the offer, he didn't like thinking about the birth, though now he couldn't seem to think of it without seeing Jamie's face. So of course he offered and the emotion that showed on the other's face made him believe that he had done the right thing in bringing it up. Though knowing he had ruined such a serious moment with playing around with his mate's knot, he didn't regret it. Simply bringing it up was enough for him at that moment.

The secret kept for another month, in that time, Kim didn't even look at him more than to receive orders and he did his best to disguise his scent after being mated and approaching his sixth month of pregnancy. He was now seriously considering leaving the crew and be released to a clinic until the baby was born. This was sadly the day he would bring it up during a staff meeting, he hated to leave them like this, things were getting heated up galatically and soon he knew there would be war. Though this baby was coming and he could do little about it. "Quiet, quiet."he said, lifting his arms slightly to gain his crew's attention as they stood on the flight deck, all a hundred of them. His heart ached, though he knew it was a right decision as he swallowed,"I will be leaving you all."he started, standing up straighter as he had taken to hunching as his suit grew tighter around his middle. It was now noticable and he wondered how many people have figured it out,"If you all didn't know, or get the rumor, it's true... I am...a pregnant omega, and will be leaving soon to finish my time in a clinic with my...partner."he looked over their faces for some sign of disgust or hatred towards his news.

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The bomb was dropped. And it was met with dead silence. No one spoke. It was like everyone was holding their breath. Jamie had slipped in from the backdoor. He hadnt been summoned, and he wasnt qualified to attend such staff meetings. He simply wasnt usually included, even though everyone know him and that his part was crucial. Seeing.how everybody wasnt reacting had him quite nervous as well. He would hate to see the captain losing his support, especially from these people who had been such nice comrades. The force between the glorious name of the captain.

While Jamie was at a lost of what to do, someone in front said, in such a sincere voice. "Congratulations Cap. You should have waited for another month though.... that way I would have won the bet!" The lieutnenant said with a stern face at first, but it soon crumbled with a huge smile as he bumped fists with the one next to.him. "i.knew it!" His neighbor exclaimed as he cheered, standing in the air to high five with the one opposite to him. All of them started clapping and hurraying. The change was so sudden Jie immediately looked at Morrison, only to find the omega equally shocked. He scurried his way to stand behind Morrison, but not before someone in the crowd yelled. "We knew it all along cap! And finally.... congratulations!!"

He smelt Jamie before he saw him, his focus was on the people in front of him,his stomach fluttering as he stared between them all. His eyes watered and he hated hormones so much at that moment as he pushed his hand through his hair with a nervous laugh. "How many bets were placed?"he asked,"I want some of that for gifts."he half joked as he sank back into his chair slowly, rubbimg his eyes and not able to hide his smile as the others cheered and laughed at his news. When the shock wore off he turned to look at Jamie slightly, reaching for his hand and laughing himself as he shook his head,"Can't keep a secret, can I?"he pressed his lips together for a moment, then pressed his palm against his middle,"Thanks... Thank you all, I... I don't know why I was so worried about it... I... I can't be more grateful for a crew like you all." He reached for Jamie's hand and squeezed it subtly,"Then I suppose none of you want me to leave either then?"

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"Of course not cap! We would have an army baby to indulge on definitely." Another man cheered on, where rhe others responded by "ayes". Jamie gave Morrison a shy smile of his as he nudged closer to the captain, almost hiding behind him. He was very touched by how supportive the crew had been, and somehow he felt a little less guilty to know the captain would be staying. He felt like he has.ripped him of too much, needing Morrison to leave the ship that's more like his life would be very cruel.

None of them paid much attention to Jamie at first, and the captain also did quite a good job of obscuring.him from their view just by standing in front of him, but soon some of them spotted his trademark head of golden curls and asked, still oblivious to their linked hands. "Jamie? Why are you here? Well you really should have spread the news. You ought to be the first to know about this, you are the medical expert here!" He said, still oblivious to their relationship.

The older man, once again, shook his head as he was full on grinning now, he hadn't thought he had done such a good job of bringing his crew together, he had the best of the best and they did think of him as family as he did them,"She's definitely going to be an army baby, that's for sure."he replied and felt Jamie inch closer behind his chair, intertwining their fingers as he did and glancing up at him when they asked him a question. Knowing his rank didn't insist that he always come to these meetings, he stayed silent in it for a moment before responding for him,"He's here because I asked him to be."he replied and smiled crookedly as he added,"He was one of the first to know actually,"his smile faltered a little and he looked towards the faces of his crew again,"not just as a medical expert, but as the father...or... other father, I should say."

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Jamie could see, or rather, feel all the incredulous gazes on him, a few even gasped. The room once again fell eerily silent. The timid alpha could hear someone sneered, and some others' quizzical look on him hurt his pride. His face was once agaib flushed, partly from fury for being looked down upon. He squeezed his fists tight and used all his energy to release the alpha scent he had, wanting to prove to all that it was indeed him who was Morrison's marked mate. This somehow backfired as a few of the alphas nearing their rut thought that as a challenge, each started growling lowly and it became a little chaotic when the others tried to stop them.

Morrison regretted saying anything instantly as he stood to his feet again, he let go of Jamie and looked over the faces of everyone, trying to keep the light tone from before. "Yes, yes. There's jealously, I know."he smiled lightly at all of them and cleared his throat,"Everyone calm down. It's a little thing to start a fight over."he explained as he continued,"No need to worry about anything, the doctor will be restationed on earth when the kid's born to look after them. You're not losing anyone, I can promise you that."he had life experience, calming alphas, and being an omega himself he had hormonal experience as well.

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Perhaps Morrison had been able to calm most alphas in the room, but Jamie paled at his words. He knew this would be best, and somehow he also felt comfortable being thr homemaker in the relationship, but how the captain just dismissed him by promsing he wouldnt be staying here for long still hurt. He pushed back the tears and told himself to be strong. He reminded himself he shouldnt feel hurt from this. It was the most probable arrangement and he was comfortable to that. Afterall, what else did he need to worry about when he had marked Morrison.

Morrison didn't know what he meant by the words himself, though it was what the other alphas wanted to hear and so he finished with it. As he reached for his mate again, sighing quietly at the way he had to protect him, though he wouldn't complain, it was his own hormones climbing off the charts. He felt sick,"I think on that note, the meeting is dismissed."he said and was the first one out, with Jamie's hand in his own, he was panting as he waddled quickly out of the congregation room. He didn't force himself to walk normally now, he let himself waddle all the way down to the hull wall of the ship, leaning forward against it. As he dry heaved lightly, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to breathe through them.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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