Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8)

Oliver nodded as he looked up at his birth father with a bright smile, Reese kissed his head and hugged him to his side as he caught the blown kiss with one hand. Mimicking placing it into his pocket and biting his lip at the licking as he lifted the little boy to place him down on his feet again,"Go play, while I fix us the food, yeah?"he offered him and the little boy nodded as he signed off with Philippe and got to work while the little boy turned on his game.

Those three weeks had him nervous, his due date was growing closer and yet Philippe wasn't back, Reese wanted to complain and whine some more. Though he knew that wouldn't do much in their situation, his partner just had to do what he had to do and there was no other way. He came back from work, exhausted and just wanting to collapse into bed, but of course that wasn't an option for him. Despite how his back and feet ached, his son would be happy to see him after so long a day without him.

When he pushed open the door to the apartment to find it dark and quiet, he was confused and then worried,"Fiona? Oliver?"He called as he shuffled inside, placing down his briefcase and tugging off his jacket before turning on the lights in the foyer.

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Philippe had to keep Oliver quiet, putting a finger on his lips as the boy couldnt help with the giggle. He had dismissed Fiona through a call, ignoring her attempt to tell him something. He had picked Oliver from the playgroup and went striaght home, and prepared dinner with the toddler, completely ignored how there was new crib in the nursery. He didnt even enter that with all the preparation.

Hiding behind the doors, Gil counted to 3 before bursting on all the lights and yelled. "Surprise babe!" He leapt out of his hiding place with Oliver on his left side, extending his right arm ready to hug Reese, only to be stunned by the image he was seeing. "Reese....." under his suit, he appeared to be sporting a bump. An unmistakeable bulge in his midsection, the size of it was approximately a 6 month pregnant belly. In his shock, he ignored the waddle and the posture of Reese indicating therr could be more hidden from view, and paled as his brain rapidly connected the dlts and jumping to conclusions. He stepped back, he had to put Oliver down as energy drained from his whole body, his lips trembled, unable to utter a single word.

The smell of food was obvious, he was confused as all the lights shut on before he could flip the switch and that confusion turned to panic as Philippe jumped out for him. He took a step back until he was pressed against the front door, his hand going toward his belly to support it as the sudden simulation processed within him and he looked down. Reese felt a wetness inside of his pants and as he then realized what was going on he grinned, the half hug turning out to be a failure . The hug was forgotten about when his partner looked at him fully, and he couldn't breath,"Y-Yeah, surprise."he realized the look on Philippe's face wasn't one of good shock, though he didn't have much time to talk this through with his amniotic sac having drained down his pants leg. "I... I think you surprised me into labor."he laughed nervously and reached to grab his coat again,"C-Could we talk on the way to the hospital?"

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"W-what do you mean you have gone into labor.... that belly.... it would be more like a miscarriage." Philippe said coolly. He was surprised he could get a full sentence out. He strided forward and tore away the coat that Reese was about to reach, and demanded for some answers. "What is it Reese? I-i....." he was hurt and it showed in his tone when he looked at Reese with shocked eyes, his hands still trembling with the shock, he couldnt bring it to himself to look down at the belly, so he failed to see how quickly the wet patch spread down his slacks.

Reese felt his throat tighten as he looked at Philippe, his brows pinching together,"Phil... I'm going on full term... Wh-Why would you say something like that?"he felt his heart clinch as he stared up at the taller man, he stumbled when the coat was torn from his hand. Fear struck him and he had a flashback to before he had moved in with Philippe, he couldn't breathe and he wanted to crumple into a ball to protect the life inside of him if he was to be beaten. "I-It's our baby, Phil, please."he was covering his face and he realized that his son had came to embrace him, he wrapped his arms around the boy and held him to his chest as he looked up at Philippe from beneath his brow.

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"You are going on full term? Look at it yourself!" His voice trembled pointing at Reese's belly,though it came out more as a hiss as he couldnt control his emotions. "I have been away for more than half a year... that belly, are you gonna tell me that's any longer than 6?" He asked but couldnt help but see how Oliver's trying to.protect his father, and he somehow felt a little betrayed even by the little boy. He silently put down his coat and decided he could do with soem fresh air, turning around he was about to grab his keys.

Reese knew he was almost done with his eighth month of pregnancy, he hadn't went to the doctor because he had no idea how to tell Philippe or pay for the check ups without him. So he took to being his own doctor, he had schedules and everything he could do to help himself along with Oliver to look after too. "It's been eight months... I've been keeping my health up, I don't know, the baby is just small."he looked up at him helplessly, though tried to grasp onto something solid with a small groan as he felt the first contraction. "Philippe, please... Please don't leave me... I-I'm not lying."

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"If - and i am saying if, the baby's indeed mine, why didnt you say anything? Instead choosing to delibertaely hide it from me? Is it you just didbt have the means to abort it yet…" Philippe continued in his fury and was about to brush away Reese's hand, but the groan made him hesitate, and that was when he saw the strange thcikness around Reese's waist. It looked like there was something under that shirt, which reminded him of something. As soon as the thought crossed his mind, he bent down to quickly rip Reese off of his shirt to confirm it. "You wouldnt have that corset...."

"I wanted it to be a surprise for you. I wasn't hiding it, I just never told you... I wanted you to be so happy when you came back home because we had another baby on the way."he was tearing up now as he looked down at his son and his belly, his other hand coming down to cradle it,"I wouldn't abort our baby, Phil. I couldn't."he shook his head, looking down as he tried biting his lip so it wouldn't quiver, Oliver was pushed out of the way as his button up was ripped open. The buttons clattering to the floor. Reese had flinched, thinking he would hit him and didn't have to see the restraint to know he had it on,"I didn't want to ask you for new clothes... I made sure it wasn't too tight!"he didn't know what else to say to him.

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Philippe groaned seeing the hateful corset. He frowned so hard turning to Reese's back to rip the restraint away. With that gone, Reese's belly popped out and down. "Is this how you call it wasnt too tight?" Philippe wasnt going to scold Reese anymore, but looking at his full term belly and the horrible indentations made by the corset on it, he just couldnt hold it in. With their close proximity, he could also see how wet his pants had gotten with his water brraking.

Remaining silent, philippe tore away his gaze from Reese's face, for he knew he would forgive Reese if he looked at it. "Ollie, it's ok. Evedythign's fine. Follow daddy and papa please? Grab your coat too." He said to the crying toddler who was so at lost of thr situation, then lifted Reese up and took him to the car, still avoiding eye contact.

Reese couldn't help the groan that escaped him once again, despite his stomach finally being able to have space another pain was tightening up around his belly. He whimpered and tried covering his face with his hands, he was so afraid, he loved Philippe so much and he just might lose him because of how insecure he was. His tongue was trapped between his teeth and he couldn't say anything to Philippe without thinking it was the last time he would actually listen to him.

Eyes searching for any sign of the man he loved as he looked up at Philippe, Reese looked to Oliver with a small, silent nod. The little boy was just as teary eyed as his father as he went to grab his jacket and follow his parents out of his home quietly, holding onto Philippe's leg.

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It was a bit tricky to get Reese into the car, but they managed. With Reese secured in the passenger seat, philippe turned to Oliver and raised up his hand to caress the boy. "Dont be scared little one. It's alright, baby you are going to become a big brother, are you excited?" He smiled gently ans bumped him. "Now sit tight. We are going to take daddy to the hospital. You have to stay quiet so you wouldnt scare your littlr brother or sister ok?" He fit Oliver into his carseat and wiped away his tears before getting on himself.

Through the drive, Philippe just focused on distracting Oliver even though he placed Reese in the front seat to keep a close eye on him. He would glance at him from time to time, but still wouldnt say anything.

Reese almost laughed as he shook his head, reaching up to grasp onto the handle of the door tightly, holding himself slightly above the seat because the pressure was already moving. "We still have to get a bigger car."he said quietly and pressed his lips together, looking in the mirror to watch as Philippe put Oliver in his car seat. The boy nodding silently and looking down at his hands in his lap.

It was a long awkward drive to the hospital, Reese was silent for the most part as well and made only a whine or a whimper when he felt a pain. Though it wasn't horrible, he knew what was on the way to happening, despite it being a slow process.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

When they arrived, Philippe just went into the hospital to ask for help. They came back with a wheelchair and fitted Reese on it while Philippe took Oliver. He tickled the little boy. He chuckled and squirmed in his arms while they followed Reese into the emegrncy room, ignoring Reese's half scared look at them.

He somewhat felt guilty of himself, though.Oliver served as a great distraction.while they were waiting. It wasnt long until they were transferred to the paternity ward. Philippe silently put Oliver on bed,.he himself just sit down on the chair nearby.

Reese had never felt so distant from Philippe, it hurt in a way he though he had stopped hurting, he simply looked down as if ashamed of himself. He wiped his eyes and grasped onto the handle bars of the wheelchair silently for a while longer, he almost wondered if he should have gotten rid of the baby. His lower lip quivered and he bit down on it quietly as they waited until he was pushed forward again to a room.

When Philippe moved to help him onto the bed he pushed him away, not saying anything as he stood to his feet slowly and transferred his weight onto the bed. The mab gathering his son up into his arms and then deciding to speak,"You don't have to stay... If you don't believe me, you can just go home and pack our things."

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"I do believe you now." Philippe said, his voice calm. "After seeing how you tortured yourself with that corset I thought i am never gonna see again. My suspicion wasn't that unfounded, you know, since you had been so desperate in hiding the baby. Can you see those lines on your belly?" He said accusingly, pointing at Reese's belly. "Don't get all defiant, I never said I don't want to stay." He said and added after awhile, biting into his lips to look away. "If you, however, don't want to see me, just say it. I could always wait at the corridor."

Reese glared at Philippe,"Now?"he mimicked him, he was angry now as his fear passed,"I told you it wasn't tight, just enough to fit into my suits."he grit his teeth,"I wasn't desperate about anything, people knew. I told them, you can ask anyone, I was just so...excited for you to come home...but you kept staying longer and longer."he swallowed as he felt a lump in his throat, he wanted to snap at him, to hit him and yell, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. The pregnant man simply nodded at what he said,"Yeah... I-I think that would be for the best."he replied,"For you to leave."he looked up with his fingers buried in his son's hair as he laid against his belly and chest, looking to Philippe as well, though of course he didn't know half of what was going on.

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Philippe paled a little at Reese's accusation. He knew he had been away for long, though duty calls and he didn't have much of a choice here. He thought Reese understood that, and maybe he did, he just wasn't without his frustration. "Yea, it could be said the same you know, i am so excited to come home. I was, anyway. I am gonna leave now." He said, though his heart melt seeing Oliver's confused eyes. He walked forward and could see Reese's body tensing, he snorted as he imgained Reese could be expecting a slap or whatever physical threat he would be inflicting on the pregnant man, when all he did was ruffle Oliver's hair and kissed him. "papa's gonna be away buddy. Sorry about that... I love you." He said that, seemingly only to Oliver, before turning away not letting Reese see the the expression on his face.

"Where Pa gonna go, daddy? Back home?"he asked before Philippe even left the room and his birth father nodded some as he smoothed his hair back again after the ruffle. The man sat back and ran his hand over his middle slowly, breathing through a cramp again, he was still small in size for someone almost completely full term. Though he made sure to look up every symptom and research all he could, he made sure he and their baby was as healthy as could be. Despite his intense morning sickness and nausea at the beginning of his pregnancy, he wanted to bring up that point as well, that Philippe had been around when he was sick. But the other man was already gone and he felt sick to his stomach.

((Want to play out the doctor or nurse?))

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

((Ya i could. I am thinking philippe would be bringing Reese home or Reese would just be too.poor calling a cab while in.labor xD))

Philippe wasnt too far away. After getting out , he just leaned against the closed door, sighing. This had gone downhill right from thr start. A doctor came forward holding a board under the company of a nurse. Philippe hesitated before approaching them. "Are you, the doctor for a, Reese? I am his partner.... erm, we sort of have an argument, look I know this sounded strange, but can you update me on his status? I am the one checking him in if that proves my credentials... please?" He asked the doctor, who glanced at him and shook his head. "I am sorry Mister, we are not.in the position to leak any of the patient's privacy. Now would you excuse me?" The stern doctor asked while passing his side.

The doctor introduced himself and asked the nurse to get the child down. "How far apart are your contractions?" He asked marking.down details on the chart while instructing the nurse to set everything up. "Spread your legs please." He said without emotion, sitting down at the end of the bed.

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06-21-2018, 03:48 AM

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