C A God's Obsession. ((With Luxio018 and Lovebite))

Archie leaned into his embrace and his eyes closed as he was held, adjusting the child so he laid against his chest, looking down at him and watching the newborn. He rubbed their back after feeding him, looking for the burp that came after being so well fed. The man closed his eyes at the nuzzling and then looked back to the baby,"Okay."he murmured quietly and sank further down with a sigh, relaxing until he sank into a deep sleep.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Archie slept rather heavily for the next few hours. He awoke a few times early the next morning to feed Eddie and shift his position on the bed. He was sore and the few shots of pain that still ran through him were getting worse.

It didn't take long to realize what was happening to him, there were still labor pains, another baby was coming and realizing it was both exciting and mortifying at the same time. He couldn't lay there much longer, everything ached and he would rather stand than sit any more, his eyes looked to Lucien and he spoke,"I'm going to go up front."he told him and moved to sit up more, looking down at Eddie who made a noise as he was moved against his breast. He wiped his cheek and lip gently before kissing his head, holding his head against his nose as he pushed himself slowly up to his feet.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lucien didn't follow him right away, allowing him to have some privacy. If he was needed, then Archie would call or either enough time would pass and he would go find him.

Archie rocked himself slowly from side to side in the kitchen, arms wrapped around the newborn in his arms, supporting his small but chubby body. He had his eyes closed as he hummed softly to the baby, there was a connection to him that he had with the twins but much stronger. Not that he would admit it of course.
The human moved to sink down onto the couch in the front again when the pains grew tougher to stand through without worrying about dropping Eddie. So he sat and waited through contractions, he thought about another name for the twin and how weird it was to be having another set. Though he wasn't upset about it, he had begun to think that he was born for this, to breed demi gods, he must've been.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lucien was awoken sometime later by a series of low moans coming from the living room. He laid there for a moment before slowly slipping out of bed and silently making his way to the living room though he stood just inside the doorway, able to get the perfect view of Archie as he sat on the couch, legs splayed open and head laying again the back of the couch, another low moan slipping past his lips as his stomach visibly tightened with a contraction.

Archibald held the newborn against his chest and belly as he laid back against the armrest and a pillow or two, a leg tucked up against the couch cushion and the other planted on the floor as he lifted his hips. Another groan escaping him, long and low as he tilted his head back further, his hands keeping the baby steady as he slept against his heartbeat. The human was pushing and it was the calmest experience he had felt, he didn't know what was going on inside of his head but he felt it as he pushed and pushed. Slow and steady, his legs falling open more, and from Lucien's place he could see the head of his second child come, spreading the human open more and more.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lucien continues to watch though says nothing, not wanting to break whatever spell Archie was under. He was currently enjoying his view too much.

Archie didn't know what came over him either, he felt a mix of ecstasy and pure unadulterated need to do this, to birth their next child as it was his job to do so. He barely struggled, despite the size of the second child rivaling that of it's older sibling, a cry didn't pass his lips. As he rolled his hips slowly, getting the pressure right up against his prostate as his eyes rolled back in his head, his stomach a shiny orb. When another contraction gripped him and finally, slow but suddenly the childs head was born and his eyes opened as he was panting heavily afterward. His naked body covered in sweat and now a bit of cum as he had came to the orgasmic moment, he looked out of it as he realized where he was again,"Lucien..."his face tightened up as he shifted care fully with a child hanging out of him by It's head.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lucien approaches him then, kneeling down infront of him to slip his hand underneath the infants head. His other hand moved to rest on Archie's leg. "I've got him."

Archie looked to Lucien as he revealed himself and an exhausted smile crossed his face as he nodded,"Okay..."he breathed out before his stomach was visibly tightening again and more of his child came out into it's fathers hands, it's head covered in a reddish color hair and it's fists coming out before it's shoulders. A whimper escaped the human and he tilted his head back again, careful with his grip on Eddie as he struggled slightly now.

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"Your doing fine." Lucien uses one hand to support the head while the other moves to run along the stretched skin of Archie's rim. "Come on, nice and slow."

"I know... I know."he bit his lip and shifted his hips forward with a grunt as he sat up some, turning his head and propping his other leg up against Lucien's knee. The human was breathing in slow deep breaths before he dropped his chin to his chest again and bore down with a long grunt. His toes curling and stomach tightening with the contraction, he ended up crying out at the end of it despite how strong he thought he was and the baby whimpered some at how tightly he was holding him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The slow rubbing partnered with Archie's pushing allowed for the first shoulder to pop free before being quickly followed by the second. Lucien grabs a towel and draped it over Archie's chest before he brought the newborn up and onto his father's chest.

His ass yawned open with the girth of the child until it spat it out, dribbling fluids lile mad as it was brought up to his chest and laid there. He moved Eddie so there was space and he cradled the squirming body with his other arm, watching it's face pinken as it cried and pressed a loving kiss to the crown of it's head. "Hi... Oh, it's okay... You're okay little one,"he whispered and rocked them slowly so they slowly stopped and he looked between their legs to find they had another boy.

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The newborn continues to cry until he manages to latch on to Archie's breast, suckling hungrily as his cries slowly quiet down.

He smiled softly at the sight and looked between their two newborn boys,"Four boys."he murmured and laid his head back slowly, grimacing slightly at the sting between his legs and sighing,"We're going to have our hands full..."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lucien chuckles softly before he moves to slip his arms underneath Archie before he carries him back to bed to rest for a bit. He cuts the umbilical cord before wrapping the newest baby up in a towel even as he continues to suckle.

Archie laid his head against Lucien's shoulder and let him do what was needed as he drifted of himself silently, he felt the baby be adjusted against his chest and looked down slightly. His hands supporting both of their son's backs, he watched them as they seemed just as tired, drifting off with drools of milk on their lips. He smiled dreamily as he laid back in bed, looking to Lucien,"I think I want a thousand."he joked.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lucien hums lightly as he brings the blanket up over Archie. "A few at a time, we'll get there eventually."

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