Plot: The Kingdom of Austaraxia, a realm in an unknown land, set in medieval times, is a very peculiar place. First of all, in that kingdom (and in a few other kingdoms near there), men are able to get pregnant due to a strange magic that is activated on every full moon. Usually these men are impregnated by another men, but there are potions that can make a woman able to get a man pregnant for one day (Guys who doesn't want to get pregnant simply avoid having sex on full moons).
The second thing that make Austaraxia a different place is that, instead of having a King and a Queen, they have two Kings (the king and the king consort). Both of them are very loved due to their actions in behalf of the people, like promoting schools, shelters, healers and many other things. There is even a section in the palace where people who doesn't have anywhere else to go can live for a while, and are offered job in there too.
Many years ago, the king consort and the king got married, and found out, a few months later, that the consort was unable to conceive, which made both of them very sad. But eventualy, after many attempts, they found a way to heal the consort so that he would be able to get pregnant, although no one exactly knows how it was possible (except for the kings). Some say they made a pact with an evil spirit, while others say a good fairy or witch was sad for them and decided to help them. But that is not important now, it's already past. The kings already have six biological children (5 years old twins, 3 years old triplets, and one 2 years old baby) and a few adopted ones.
Everyone is free to join this roleplay, please use the example file below. You can play as pretty much any character you want as long as it is not already taken. You can be a servant, a member of royalty, one of the kings' children (if you want to be older than 5 years old in this case, then please be one of the adopted kids), a commoner, someone who lives in the palace, a traveller, anything you can think of, be creative, be new, create conflicts :D
Pregnant (Y/N):
How far along:
How many babies:
My Character:
Name: Samuel Ravenheart
Age: 26 years old
Species: human
Role: King Consort
Alignment: Neutral Good
Pregnant (Y/N): Yes
How far along: 7 1/2 months
How many babies: 3
Appearance: Tall, slender built except for the huge pregnant belly, pale skin, short and wavy black hair, bright blue eyes, fine features, usually dress simple clothes for a king.
Personality: He is a very kind king who tries to be a good king for his people, but can sometimes lack wisdom, for being young. Is afraid of losing his babies, has a tendecy to be a little reckless sometimes.
Samuel was sitting on his throne, resting his hands over his big dome as he waited for his husband to arrive to begin the reunion where they would listen to some people and try to help them with their problems if they could. Samuel was feeling a little bit uneasy, because the babies were moving a lot inside him that day, and it was easy to see that he was paler than usual.
The second thing that make Austaraxia a different place is that, instead of having a King and a Queen, they have two Kings (the king and the king consort). Both of them are very loved due to their actions in behalf of the people, like promoting schools, shelters, healers and many other things. There is even a section in the palace where people who doesn't have anywhere else to go can live for a while, and are offered job in there too.
Many years ago, the king consort and the king got married, and found out, a few months later, that the consort was unable to conceive, which made both of them very sad. But eventualy, after many attempts, they found a way to heal the consort so that he would be able to get pregnant, although no one exactly knows how it was possible (except for the kings). Some say they made a pact with an evil spirit, while others say a good fairy or witch was sad for them and decided to help them. But that is not important now, it's already past. The kings already have six biological children (5 years old twins, 3 years old triplets, and one 2 years old baby) and a few adopted ones.
Everyone is free to join this roleplay, please use the example file below. You can play as pretty much any character you want as long as it is not already taken. You can be a servant, a member of royalty, one of the kings' children (if you want to be older than 5 years old in this case, then please be one of the adopted kids), a commoner, someone who lives in the palace, a traveller, anything you can think of, be creative, be new, create conflicts :D
Pregnant (Y/N):
How far along:
How many babies:
My Character:
Name: Samuel Ravenheart
Age: 26 years old
Species: human
Role: King Consort
Alignment: Neutral Good
Pregnant (Y/N): Yes
How far along: 7 1/2 months
How many babies: 3
Appearance: Tall, slender built except for the huge pregnant belly, pale skin, short and wavy black hair, bright blue eyes, fine features, usually dress simple clothes for a king.
Personality: He is a very kind king who tries to be a good king for his people, but can sometimes lack wisdom, for being young. Is afraid of losing his babies, has a tendecy to be a little reckless sometimes.
Samuel was sitting on his throne, resting his hands over his big dome as he waited for his husband to arrive to begin the reunion where they would listen to some people and try to help them with their problems if they could. Samuel was feeling a little bit uneasy, because the babies were moving a lot inside him that day, and it was easy to see that he was paler than usual.