O The Institute (open to anyone)

The Institute is a seedy, out of the way hospital run by the head doctor and a special team of nurses. They specialize in natal care, especially natural deliveries and male pregnancy. They're the only hospital certified to handle male pregnancy in the local area, so other hospitals send them laboring men and men in difficult labors. Despite local rumors of subpar care, there is no other choice for any fathers in the area.

And the head doctor is good at hiding his true agenda. A sadist and psychopath, he likes to see his patients suffer, and his nurses do too. His methods include special pain-causing drugs he has developed himself, physical torture, forced orgasms, and withholding care from complicated labors. On special days, he reserves his favorite patients to experiment with his newest contraptions and may even breed them again for further data collections. After many deliveries, he drugs his patients so they can't adequately recall their traumatic experiences to the authorities. His nurses help the accountants fudge their slowly, but surely rising death count.

Today, the doctor is in early, helping the grounds man take the mutilated corpses of post-labor men out back, where they'll be buried later. He wipes the dirt from his hands, pulls on his sterilized gloves, and tells his secretary that the practice is open for intakes.


(If you want to join, just jump right in or post an intro if you'd like to)

It wasn't like he could go unnoticed because of his wheelchair, but that also helped him in his work. How many mouths he closed by doing his job exceptionally, giving him high recommendations after his internship in different hospitals.

And that's why he was there. Passing a hand through his short sage hair, he exited the nurses' room after changing into his works clothes, already with a full day if task in the hospital. He was the new nurse there and, as always, the newbies were screwed.

He only hoped, if the rumours were true, he weren't as screwed as some seniors member were.

Dr. Nerine Sargasso placed her keycard to the door, eager to check in on her favorite patient. It was the early hours of morning, and the Institute wouldn’t open for another hour. The door slid open and she took in the sight before her. She’d kept the patient there overnight, naked and bound by his wrists and ankles to a cold operating table. The man breathed heavily out of exhaustion and fear, his massive belly rising and falling with each breath. Nerine smirked. Men looked awfully cute all trussed up like pieces of meat. She approached slowly, her heels clicking against the metallic floor. Not bothering to put on protective gloves, she placed her cold hand on his warm belly, feeling the kicks of the unnatural children within. The man had originally come to the institute to give birth to twins, but after Nerine took an interest in his suffering, he’d been trapped in a back room ever since. She was using him to test her studies in accelerated pregnancy, and this was his sixth pregnancy in the past two months. “You’ve been such a good boy for me…” Nerine sneered as she rubbed his swollen stomach. “I wonder how much longer you’ll last?” She chuckled and her hands wandered up to his nipples, pinching them slightly to make her patient moan. The man squirmed in his confinements,  crying out in pain, pleasure and terror. No one would hear him, though. The walls were soundproof. Not that anyone would care anyway.  “Now don’t cause any trouble while I’m on the job, baby.” She gave his belly an affectionate pat and typed a few commands into the machine that monitored his pregnancy. He should be ready to give birth to quintuplets by the end of the day. “All set. Goodbye, darling.” She grinned and exited the room, making sure to lock it behind her. “Now then.” She clasped her hands together gleefully. “Time to get to work!”

(Do you mind if i join?)

( @tjopj44 go ahead! )

@paulaenlaluna @Salamander

Dr. Sargasso and the nurse enter the intake hall at about the same time. Although the day has only just begun, there's already a very uncomfortable looking man. His stomach stretches far past the usual size and he's leaning against the desk speaking with the secretary.

"Yes, I was told I was scheduled for a c-section here..." he managed. "No, I'm not in labor. I've been on drugs that delay my contractions so the triplets will be fully formed.... yes, exactly... over due by ten weeks... no, no that's David Greene. With an E at the end. Yes that's the--"

He's forced to stop speaking and groans heavily. He shakes his head. "No, it's not a contraction," he says to the secretary. "Those drugs, remember? It's just that the babies are so large that they're beginning to damage my body and--Ahhh!" His sharp cry rings through the hall. "I needed this c-section weeks ago, but it took so long to find a place that would be willing to give me one..."

Florian groaned as another contraction hit his body, his fist clenched as he tried to focus in something other than the pain. "Why is this happening to me?" he thought to himself as he rubbed his huge and round belly "i'm only 23 years old, i can't be pregnant. How can i care for babies if i can't even care for myself?". He tried to look on the mirror, and saw that his short and wavy black hair was still a mess, since he hadn't stopped to comb it before going to the hospital, and his blue eyes made his fear obvious to anyone that looked at him. He took deep and steady breaths until the cab driver looked at him with a somewhat annoyed expression and said "We're here" as he parked the car in front of the institute. 

Florian didn't like the driver (who had asked him, in an irritated tone, if Florian 'was going to give birth in his car' as soon as he noticed he was pregnant. Florian was already 9 months pregnant with triplets and had started to feel the first contractions during the night, so decided to go to the hospital. When he arrived there, though, they said they didn't do male deliveries and recommended the institute.

After recovering from the contraction, Florian paid the man for the drive and opened the car's door. He got out of the car and looked at the driver, who now had an apologetic look on his face. The man looked back at him and said "Good luck" with the same tone as before and drove the car away, leaving Florian alone. The pregnant young man turned his back from the street to lock at the clinic, which looked like any other hospital should look like. He took one last breath before entering the place and walking into the desk.

"Hello..." he said to one of the secretaries "My name is Florian, Florian Davis, and i... uh... Well, you can see what my problem is" he said, pointing down at his own belly "I started to feel some contracions last night and i think i might be in labor, but i'm not sure yet." He looked to the right and saw another pregnant guy, which seemed to be in severe pain, talking to the other secretary. "In labor too, huh?" he asked to the guy, trying to distract himself and maybe the other guy too.

@tjopj44 The secretary takes down Florian's information. "Lucky for you, the doctor just got out of her last appointment."

The nurse entered the intake hall with some hospital attendants, ready to take a patient to the labor theatre. He looked at his archives to find the name of the soon to be father. David Greene. Maybe it was the man talking to the secretary?

He called his name, and the secretary pointed at the pregnant man. He went quickly to the other's position followed by one of the hospital attendants. "Hello! Nice to meet you. My name is Angel Reyes, and I'm your GP today. We have a room prepared for you to stay before the C-Section. Please get in the bed and we'll take you to your room"

He secured the pacient to the bed with the help of the attendants, and was about to go when he saw Dr. Sargasso. He heard about her. She was one of the most proficent doctors in her area, but she was also one of the principal suspects. He should be careful with her. He looked at the patient, hoping that he could go outof the hospital with his children safe.

Nerine took in the scene with interest, glancing between the two heavily pregnant men. "Jackpot, eh?" She smirked, turning to a coworker and lowering her voice so that the patients couldn't hear. "But C-sections are no fun. Don't you agree? Why take the risk when we specialize in such safe, painless, natural birth?" She straightened her lab coat and strode over to the secretary. She took them aside for a moment, and whispered a few unintelligible words in their ear. The secretary simply grinned and nodded before typing vigorously at their computer. Nerine looked over as the first patient was carted off by the new nurse. Without speaking, the secretary handed her a folder of information. She flipped through it briefly, seeing nothing of terrible importance. Still, she had a foreboding feeling about the new employee. It always took the new ones a while to get... acclimated... to the environment of the Institute. Shrugging it off, she then turned to the second pregnant man.  "Mr. Florian Davis, I presume?" She said with flourish, offering her hand to shake. "I am Dr. Nerine Sargasso, pleased to make your acquaintance. If you'll follow me, we have a room all ready for you."

David tried to brush his sweat-damp dark hair out of his eyes. Reyes had a surprisingly calming voice and gentle demeanor and he felt a trickle of relief for the first time in days.

"It's... Ah... Not took late for a c-section, right?" David asked. "I get the feeling that my last few doctors didn't know about my... Condition.... To give me an accurate opinion."

He gasped again as one of the children kicked. The sharp pain made him shudder and he clutched the front desk harder. "They're... Getting more active... I don't think I can walk."

"Good luck" Florian whispered to the other pregnant guy as the nurse came to take him. He looked at the secretary and smiled as she typed down his information. He was glad to know that the doctor was there, it made him feel more comfortable.

When the other doctor arrived, Florian shook her hand with a hand while still supporting his belly with the other hand. He looked at the doctor and said "Yes, that's me. I'm very pleased to meet you, Dr. Sargasso, I've heard many good commentaries about this place"

He started to follow her and said "Uh... I'm sorry, but I'm not sure about how all of this works, it's my first pregnancy. I'm having triplets, and I started to feel some contractions during the night, but they are still weak and far from each other, so I think I came here too early. But I was scared of staying home alone and have to deliver my babies there" he realized he was talking too much and stopped "What I mean is: I'm not sure if I should have come here already, and I'm sorry to take your time if I shouldn't, but I had nowhere else to go"

Angel wished he could get up to help David, but being bound to a wheelchair had its disadvatages. Movin bad thoughts aside, he read the patient report.

"You're overdue by ten weeks, it's too risky to try natural labor. We can't afford to let these kids without energy, am I right?" He said, rubbing slowly the patient's belly. They reached the room, where the ultrasound was prepared to locate the babies' position before the surgery. As the one in charge, Angel was responsible of the interview part.

"Allright Mr. Greene, first of all, you must get your shirt up. We're going to make an ultrasound in order to see the children" he began. "While we're doing this, would you mind to answer some questions? Don't worry, we'll ask only necessary questions in order to proceed with your labor"

David followed Nurse Reyes as he wheeled down the hall. The secretary, noticing the way David struggled, left her desk to let him lean on her shoulder.

As per the doctor's instructions (the doctor often left the secretary with a list of tasks, such as checking up on the experiments' vitals on her computer) she had printed a fake perscription label--all based on his medical files, of course--and placed it on a bottle with sugar pills inside. Reaching into David's back pocket, she removed the perscription and left the placebo in its place.

"Thank you, miss," David said. He heaved himself onto the exam table and removed his shirt. For a minute, he was so exhausted that he could only pant. His over large stomach was riddled with red, angery stretch marks. "Anything to get these babies out, sir."

Just then, his watch beeped. He took out his medication and downed a pill. Right on schedule.

Angel brought the gel and began to rub it softly on his patient's middle. "It's a bit cold at first, but don't worry about it. Allright, about the first question. Are you still taking medication? Painkillers? Anthibiotics? Vitamins? We need to know before getting the anesthesia"

When the gel was spread across the patient's belly, he began to monitorized the children. He saw them with barely difficulty. "Here they are. Two boys and one girl. They are lovely, but a bit cramped there. Yes, natural labor seems unlikely and dangerous. You made a good decission programming a C-section. Do you want to see them?"

He turned the screen to his patient. "Look at them, aren't they beautiful? Just wait to see them in your arms" He listened the alarm and saw David taking those pills. "I guess we'll have to wait before getting the anesthesia, right?"

David watched as Nurse Reyes showed him the ultrasound, a sterile, uncaring glint to his eyes. He nodded as the nurse spoke and then paused as a pain struck him. He tried to breathe, but his entire midriff seemed to tighten like a vice. He gasped and shuddered, before going limp again on the table. He rubbed his eyes with his hands, exhausted and thoroughly sick of this torture.

"I'm on this medication, uh..." He took the bottle out of his pocket and handed it to the nurse, since he could never pronounce the name. "I was given that so I wouldn't go into premature labor before my kids developed... lungs or brains or whatever? But then my doctors weren't equip to deal with my delivery, so--oh! oh god!"

He gasped again and arched his back. He remembered the concerned looks on his doctor's faces, when they saw the bruises that littered his stomach and the muscle spasms that made him gasp for air. No human was made to carry babies this large for this long, and it was clear that his previous doctors had made a huge mistake. Now the pain was much worse and David was truly scared that he may be seriously injured by the things inside of him. "Oh god they hurt so much, please just get them out of me, please, please don't wait."

Nerine pretended to listen to Florian with a concerned look. Honestly, she couldn't care less if he was nervous or scared. But she did mentally take note that this was his first pregnancy. If he was fertile enough to conceive triplets on his first try, he might make a good breeder for her experiments... She would have to remember to ask if he had been on fertility treatments.
"Nonsense, Mr. Davis, our doors are always open to expecting fathers. There's no need to worry." She gestured for him to follow her down a long, well lit hallway. "If your little ones are ready, we can induce labor and get started right away. Or, if you'd prefer to take your time... You're welcome to stay here until you give birth naturally. It shouldn't take more than a day or so. In the meantime..." She stopped in front of a door and opened it with her keycard. Inside was a small, neat hospital room with the bare essentials. Bed, chair, bathroom, IV pole, usual hospital stuff. It looked comfortable enough, but there were no windows, and a single video camera was mounted near the ceiling. "Please, make yourself at home, Mr. Davis. I'm afraid I must go tend to another patient, but a nurse should be in shortly to take your vitals. Are you in need of any pain medication?"

(( So there are two doctors, yeah? The head doctor that was burying bodies and then Sargasso? Just making sure. ))

(( @salamander oh I thought you were using nerine to fill the roll of the doctor but I don't actually have any preference lol so I could play another doctor if it helps the plot ))

(Room for one more patient (

(( sure! ))

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