Painfully Overdue (OPEN TO ALL)
Finn waddled into the paternity center of his hospital one hand supporting his aching back while the other held onto the wall. He was quite a sight to see: a 5'1 young male with a large belly supporting eight babies. He could hardly manage his steps as he walked up to the receptionist's deskĀ 
I was waddling down the street, resting both hands on my massively huge pregnant belly jutting out of my frame. I was 8 months pregnant with 9 kids, feeling like I could pop any time soon. I made my way towards the paternity center of the hospital I spotted. "Man, these kids are heavy..." I groaned.
(Is this still open i want to join (
Edward waddle to the paternity center of the hospital he's 9 and half months with 8 large kids he has trouble walking beacuse of his babies he had a one night stand with a guy and now he's pregnant with this guy kids he sits down on the chair right next to the center "I can't walk anymore I feel like there coming now
Sam walks in sporting a eight month pregnant belly holding eight babies.
pregnancy is a beautiful thing, though fleeting it can bring one comfort to know they are giving new life in a world where things die all the time. They are in control of something truly important... whereas some of the choices we make on a daily basis are trivial; In a universe so vast this seems like nothing, but this small little thing can make a huge impact... right? We often leave our fates to gods, ones we don't even know exist at all... but creation is the closest thing to being one. Doesn't that in a way make us our own type of god?
Ewdard sees a pregnant man he trys to stand but couldn't because his stomach
Ryne rubbed his belly as he was entering the paternity ward. But he got stuck because of his massive belly. He carried over 20 babies in his womb and his overdue belly showed it. "Help!" He cried out.
Edward sees the pregnant guy gets stuck he waddle to him "sir I can help you
Casey groaned as he rolled over in bed--which was quite a feat by itself. At 43 weeks, he was well overdue with all twelve of the large children he carried in his overstuffed womb. Every bit of his belly was achingly sensitive as well.

As much as he wanted to stay in bed all day, he knew he had an appointment to check up on the babies' health. His doctor refused to induce (which Casey agreed with), but still needed to make sure everything was okay. So, he hefted himself up with some difficulty and went to put on clothes so he could head to the paternity center.
Edward holds his large stomach in pain his water broke "I need help my water just broke

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