Closed Hurricane, videoshop and baby (closed with tjopj44)
(oops sorry i have missed out about the bed part....)

Florian's obvious enthusaism was amusing for Rex, and he decided to probe more into this young man's life. "Oh, which one of the eight do you enjoy the most?" He smiled and tugged Florian closer. His belly pressed tightly against his abdomen as the contraction hit, and he was delighted to find Florian initiating a hug to him. He traced Florian's scrunched up face with his eyes, outlining every little detail, even the tiny freckles on his face was fascinating. He sighed silently when Flroian immediately released him, wishing he hadn't for he revelled in the feeling of holding teh pregnant man. He cleared his throat and shook his head. "Of course I am ok, are you ok?" He asked with a gentle smile. "You are the one getting squeezed from the inside." He teased and looked around. "You would have to tell me where all the harry potters are.... and then we could see how to drag the bed out and position it at the best way so we could enjoy the show."
"Well, i like all of them, but my favorites are first, the fourth and the fifth - The philosopher's stone, The Globet of Fire and The Order of Phoenix. What about you, what are your favorites?" Florian asked, excited. "Yes, i'm okay, thank you" he said, blushing "Yes, it seems like the little ones are really wanting to come out today. What bad boys they are going to be, right? Coming out in the middle of a freaking hurricane..." He joked a little, although he was still kinda nervous, and hoping the babies would wait until after the storm. "The movies are right... here" he said, finding the harry potter collection on the shelf and letting Rex choose.
"The first is nice, I still remember the thrill of seeing the book transformed in the cinema, but i think the 4th is my favourite as well. Since we got so much time, how about we start from the beginning? We could continue down the series... the storm wouldnt be cleared until well into tomorrow." He had to chuckle hearing Flrorian's hoke. "Well you got three boys, they would be naught anyway...." he smiled and collected the videos then went on to gather Florian up again. "You would be fine.... probably towards the end of the storm, the ambulance would be able to come already. Come on, let's get started to the show tonight." He smiled and went along the way, holding Florian's waist as thwy moved forward, just in case.
A few minutes later and Florian had already set up the makeshift bed with the help of Rex, and soon both of them were lying on it comfortably and watching the movie together. Whenever a contraction hit Florian, he would hold Rex in a kind of cuddle, unaware he was doing it, just trying to forget about the pain. He noticed that the contractions were really starting to come closer now, and the feeling of pressure would only grow.

At some point, almost at the end of the first movie, a contraction hit Florian, so hard he couldn't help himself and let out a loud yelp as the pressure inside his womb reached incredible levels, and then was relieved as a gush of water came out of his ass "Oh, shit" Florian said "My water broke"
Rex thought himself paying more attention to Florian than the movie. As the familiar theme music culminated to its peak, he was finidng himself busy deciphering Flroian's minute gestures. Whenever a contraction started building up, he would first shift his legs, then rub on the side of his belly, then press himself closer to him and then moan so cutely, biting his lips. Rex always wrapped Florian up then, letting him know he's supported. He was even kind of grateful the bed was so small so that even when Florain wasnt cuddling into him, they were still very close to each other.

The yelp was somewhat expected for Florian was scrunching up his face amd squeezing his eyes shut, shiftiny uncomfortably as thr contraction built up to unexpected height, but that subsequent wetness hitting Rex's pants was unexpected. Rex's brows knitted tight together and looked at Florian, his expresssion unreadable for awhile before he smiled, and then the smile turned into outright laughter as he sat up, still holding Florian tight. "It's ah,.... sorry, I thought you peed... i guess that's because that Harry Pottwr was too exciting that the kids couldnt wait to join in for the movie. Hmmm how about we remove those wet clothes first?"
At first Florian was confused to why Rex was laughing, but when the man told him he thought he had peed, he couldn't help but engage him in the laughing, which was good, since the water breaking had gotten him scared now, and, laughing, he was able to let go of the nervousism. "You are right, it is funny. "

When Rex suggested he should take off, Florian blushed, but nodded. Although he was ashamed of being naked in front of someone he had just met (specially someone as cute and handsome as Rex), he knew it was necessary, for his babies, and he knew Rex would be mature about it. 

So, still with his cheek and and neck red, he started to take off his clothes. First, his shirt, revealing his huge belly in contrast with his muscled pecs and arms, his torso without any body hair. Then his pants, soaked wet from the water that had just broke, and then his white underwear. He was still a bit uneasy with the situation, though, and instinctively tried to cover his parts. 
Florian's blush spread so quick, his whole face and neck turned tomato red within a second, whivh Rex thought amusing. He smiled and kept stealing glances from Florian while he removed his clothings.

The huge belly unveiling itself was nice to look. Though marred with some faint stretchmarks, it looked perfect for Rex. The tear drop shape of the belly was as beautiful as Rex would have imagined. He quickly lifted his shirt as well while Florian struggled with his pants, showing his own toned torso. His washboard abs would make many envious. Rex almost chuckled when he saw how Florian futilely tried to hide his parts, when indeed his hands couldnt quite reach it with the belly in the way. His chests were also on full display, his engorged nipples quite striking.on his otherwise pale body. Rex removed his boxers as well, not that shy in showing his cock, even showing off its size a little.
Florian didn't know what to think when he saw Rex taking off his clothes too. On one hand, seeing the other guy naked made easier for Florian to deal with his own nudity, it made him feel more comfortable with exposing himself fully in front of Rex. But, on the other hand, the laboring man found it really hard to look away from Rex's body. He would catch himself admiring the man's toned body, his six packs and pecs. He would even often realize he was giving glances at Rex's parts, although he tried to avoid it. Soon, Florian found his own cock getting hard and throbbing against his huge belly.

He blushed even more when he realized that and, when another contraction hit him, the moan he gave even sounded differently, perhaps because it was a mix of pain and pleasure that he felt (is this okay?)
(You mean Florain taking both pleasure and pain from the birth? Sure thing!)

From Rex's angle, he couldn't quite see Florian's erection with the belly obscuring vision, but he could somewhat see his nipples hardening up. It could be because of him being cold from going naked, but the other possibility got him smriking. He removed his boxers and casually laid the clothes at the side, before he turned around from the moan of Florian. It sounded sweet, almost like one filled with pleasure and he couldn't hide the smile when he saw how blushed Florian was. He took his arm and slowly lowered him to the bed again, even though it was slightly wet, and sat much closer than needed.

When they sat down, Florian's cock unavoidably got pressed down and rubbed against the makeshift bed. "You ok? You looked flushed." He asked deliberately, pretending he misunderstood his blush to be something else.
When Florian sat down, which he had to do slowly, and his cock got pressed between his belly and the bed, he had to bit his lips to avoid moaning once again, now fully out of pleasure. He enjoyed having Rex so close to him, it made him feel more secure, more safe. And the fact that Rex was naked made the moment even more special, like if it was a moment that belonged to them only.

"F-flushed? Nah, it's just the... the heat, yeah, I'm so hot, I mean, I feel so hot right now" he said, trying to catch his breath and look away from Rex's wonderful body. The man was just so handsome...
Florian scrunched up his face when he sat down, and it was all too obvious now that he was hiding his arousal. Rex couldnt deny himself getting excited by this as well. He decided to risk it and nudged even closer to Florian, his arm across his back and his face just inches against the pregnant man's. "Hmm yea, you are so hot...." Rex murmured.

The hitched breathes and the blush that migrated to Florian's eartips and neck was so cute, Rex smiled huskily and added. "Do you think you would feel better if I rub your belly? You know, loosen things up a bit, maybe also stroke it..... caress it..... especially down your belly....." he said and placed his large palm on the side of the belly, then slowly moved lower, pass his bellybutton and further down.
Florian smiled and looked down. He hadn't been called hot ever since his boyfriend broke up with him and it felt good to have someone looking at him again. He shivered when he felt Rex's touch on his belly, caressing it softly and going town, he could feel waves of heat now spreading through his body, his cock hard against his belly. He moved closer to Rex and, for a moment, stood still, looking inside the man's beautiful eyes, thinking if he should do what he was thinking. 'Oh, fuck it' he thought to himself and kissed Rex passionately 
Rex could swear he could see sparks in Florian's eyes, and before he knew it, he was attacked by a pari of lips that's as soft as he imagined. He buried his head into the bushy hair of Florian's and deepened the kiss, tangled their tongues together and explored each other. It felt amazing, even more so than he could remember for all the times that he had kissed someone. He wrapped his arms around Florian and pulled him forward, holding him tight wandering his spare hand all over Florian's ripe and pregnant body.

Time seemed to froze - until he reached down his huge and oblong belly and got in touch with Flroian's hardened member.
Florian almost couldn't believe he was actually kissing Rex, and that the man was kissing him back. It was such a tender moment, although a bit urgent, that Florian could literally feel himself lighter, almost as if he was about to float.

He was almost apologizing for kissing Rex without his permission when the man touched his member, and Florian couldn't help but moan out of a mix of pleasure and pain, caused by a contraction. 
Rex didnt realise how much of a mess Florian had made himself, but in fact the whole of his underbelly was smeared by his precum. He smiled at the moan until he heard the tinge of pain in it. The belly had tightened up again and Rez gently rubbed his belly and murmured soft words to Florian. His hand reached lower to stroke along his member. Florian's legs twitched at his advancement and he continued down to fondle the base of his cock, then fondled his balls playfully before moving back up to envelop it entirely with his hand and stroked slowly. "Breath on Florian... it's ok, it will pass soon, keep your breatjes steady..."
Florian moaned as Rex touched him, it was so good and so warm that he couldn't help himself. But when the contraction came, they came with a thought and soon Florian forced himself to stop kissing Rex "I'm so sorry" he said "I... I shouldn't have kissed you, I'm sorry, you didn't have to... you know...kiss me back" He blushed, embarrassed for feeling pleasure in such a time and fearing that Rex had only kissed him back out of pity. As Rex rubbed his belly, they both could feel how hard his belly was and it was funny to see how it would move up and down as he breathed steadily
"No! I am.quite happy yoh kissed me in fact.... i, i wanted to kiss you... I had been wanting to, ever since I came in. You are such a nice looking lad, I was infatuated the moment you approached me." Rex smiled and reassured Florian. "I.know you probably wouldnt believe me... but feel this." He pulled over Florian's hand and pressed it against his own heart. "My heart beats real fast for you.... can you feel that?" He then switched to continue rubbing Florain's belly and pressed small kisses on his flushed cheeks. "I think that's really love at first sight.... and that's a lot of love. Enough love to spread to all 4 of you..."
"Oh, Damm hormones" Florian joked, his eyes filled with tears at the same time a large smile spread through his face. He was really touched by what Rex had told him and couldn't help but shiver when the man took his hand and placed it over his chest. He could feel Rex's heart beating fast and the heat on the male's naked and strong chest. "I don't know what are my feelings for you" he said "but I know they are good feelings and I hope I can keep feeling them with you for a long time. I want to spend time with you, I want to get to know you, I want to touch you. And if this is not love, then I don't know what love is" he said, smiling
"You are making this all very poetic.... did you learn those lines from whichever movie here?" Rex smiled and nudged close to Florian. "I dont think that's from harry potter, right?" He smiled and kissee away th3 tears falling down his cheek. "It's fate putting us together... this very night. I am so thankful now for this storm." He smiled and stroked Florian's hand then kissed him again. They tangled themselves together and as he pressed forward, he gently laid Florian down on the bed, hovering over him as they passionately kissed one another.
"Well, I am very poetic" Florian replied, in what he expected it was a sensual tone. "Believe me or not, but I did came up with this one. Although I have to admit I may be watching too much romantic movies" he joked, feeling strangely peaceful in that moment; he had almost forgotten that there was a raging storm out there.

He smiled when Rex hovered over him, and almost laughed as he realized that his belly was between them and making it harder for them to kiss. They took a few moments to adjust to that new position in a way that Rex could kiss him without pressing down on his belly. They kept kissing for a few minutes, eventually being interrupted by a contraction.

(Sorry for being late in my last replies, I was kinda dealing with a writer's block)

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