Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8)

Reese cried out as the head came like a boulder against his ass and it burned like someone stuck a hot rod into him but he kept pushing until those numbers stopped. Listening to his partners words and collapsing again with a moan, though he still held himselc up half way, whimpering and curling his toes,"It feels so big-"he bit his lip and tears fell from his eyes, how was he going to do this? It felt so long ago when he had birthed a child, it felt like an entirely new experience.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe chuckeld drily. "Yea... I bet this baby wasnt any smaller than Oliver. Just pant if you feel like the burn's too much, and let the baby just come by himself. That's what i was told last time during that ride to the hospital. You have no idea how long the doctor tried to lecture me on my rash decision to help you deliver last time aftee your were admitted to the hospiral. I really frlt like a schoolboy all over again." He smiled recalling what had happebed. He never mentioned it to Reese. He kissed his thigh again and tried to keep their optimistic view. "It would be alright, i am serious. Just push, breath and pant. Simple as that, you are going to be fine."

Reese teared up,not from the pain this time but from the overwhelming emotion as he looked to Philippe and pressed his quivering lips together into a thin line for a moment. "I-I love you so much."he said weakly though couldn't get much else out as he tilted his head back and grit his teeth, pushing as hard as he could with his feet planted against the couch cushion. He sounded like he growled as his stomach tensed and his anus gaped with the size of the child, coming out and out and out, he didn't stop pushing. Until finally, just as the contraction ended that head was half way out of him, lodged inside of him and he whimpered.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippr's heart skipped a beat at what he had heard. He was almost thinking Reese would want to break up after this with how they had quarreled just a few hours before, but he smiled wholeheartedly at this unexpected declaration. He was about to say the same when Reese strained to push again. Hid whole body tensed up and all Philippe could do was to hold the skin around the baby's shead and somewhat guided his pushes. "Yea doing great Reese, keep this coming." The baby was getting out and even the forehead was showing, it's enormous and Reese was in danger of tearing had the baby came any faster. "Good job Reeese.... I love you." He added noticint the contraction was gone and Reese was panting again.

He didn't want to tear so he listened to Philippe and panted as his stomach tightened, whimpering and trying his best not to bear down on the pressure that came out of him in the form of their child's head. The skin around the head pale and thinning, he tried not to breathe as hard but was getting light headed before finally with a groan of relief it came. The head and face of their child, revealing itself, dark hair and eyebrows, he moaned as he struggled not to keep going without the help of the contraction, whimpering. It only took a few moments in between before Reese was pushing again, his hands moving to grip the backs of his thighs now as he bore down, face red from the struggle.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Doing so good Reese, yes just pant, let the baby come himself... pant." Philippe encouraged even though he could hear from Reese's breathing how hard he was trying to fight against his urges to push. The head was coming steadily, inching out with every breath Reese took. Philippe did his best to hold Reese's opening, hoping to keep it intact.

He let out a huge sigh when Reese went through the most critical part and yelled for himto push now. "Push, push down as much as you can." The baby's head was coming, his nose slowly coming, his ears, and Philippe held the emerging head, applying slight counterpressure to preveent it from coming too quick.

Reese went silent, pushing as hard as he could, moaning out, loud, almost a cry of pain while the child came forward out of him and he looked out of it for a moment as his head rolled back. Keeping a tight grip on his thighs and moaning as he curled forward again with an intense push, he moved carefully then to brace an arm behind him and grip the back of the couch. He pushed himself up into a squat and panted a few times, letting his body work with the weight of the heavy child and he bore down again. Groaning out loudly, shutting his eyes tight and his mouth hung open in a long, loud forceful cry of agony.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe wasnt expecting such dramatic movement from Reese. He was quick to follow what Reese tried to do and moved himself to sit beside Reese, helping him balance so he could focus on pushing. The baby's head was coming out, its weight helping itself in getting out of his mother. He could see Reese's eyes were red from.his desperate push. "Doing very well, Reese, you are on the right track, just this push, one last push." He said holding the head which was slipping out steadily. At this rate, the baby should be born without a problem soon, despite its difficult start.

Reese's legs trembled as they held his weight and he struggled to stay completely upright but managed to do so as he bore down hard again. He moaned as his head tilted back and he pushed on that pressure, though it was more like a weight now, he could feel every pound of the child as it came out of him more and more. Heavy and hanging out of him now as he forced the head out finally, revealing that it's cord was wrapped around it's neck. Possibly attributing to the fact that he was having a hell of a time delivering.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe was quick to spot the chord. It tangled itself on the neck ot the baby and as Reese pushed, it tightened against the baby's neck and it showed. The more it came out, the worse the color of the baby appeared to be. "Stop Reese, stop pushing immediately!" Philippe knew how dnagerous this was and snapped at Reese, squeezing his arm tight to get his attention. "You are strangling thr baby! STOP!" He said firmly realizing Reese didnt get thr message as he was prrtty out of it pushing. Philippe held the baby's head in place, preventing Reese's push to move him any further and tried to get a hold on the chord.

Reese couldn't stop, his body was working against his wishes and he could only look on helplessly at Philippe as he struggled frantically to keep the cord from snapping their baby's neck. He teared up again, face a dark red color from the embarrassment of losing control of his own body and the terror that he might single handedly ruin everything they worked for. "I-I'm sorry- I'm so sorry!"he looked down at himself, his body still trembling and ass burning from the girth within his hole, panting brokenly. Not knowing what to say or ask, he looked at the other man helplessly,"Wh-What? What's wrong?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Dont panic Reese, deep breathes!" Philippe said forcing his finger into the space between the chord and the baby's neck, but wasnt seeing any difference in tbe baby's color yet. "Reese DONT PUSH. the chord's around the baby's neck. Can you keep the baby in.... keep him in as much as you can." He said and already was trying to push the baby back in slightly. The chord was much too tight to be loosneed up around his.neck and it's very dangerous now. "Try, I.dont know, pull the baby back in." He knew he sounded ridiculous but he needed to loosen the chord to have room for manipulation.

Reese did breathe in and out slowly, biting down on his lip and moaning softly as the weight of the baby pushed out and just hung there. Lodged within him, aching his pelvis, whimpering and tilting his head back as he brought his other hand up to grip the couch as well. His legs were shaking like he would fall any minute but he was trying his best not to do so, knuckles white and face deep red color,"I can't-"he didn't want to push but his stomach just felt so full and he moaned brokenly, shaking his head and leaning almost over the couch,"I'm sorry!"he shook his head and pressed his face into his hands with a whimper, his mouth opening in a silent cry, he needed to push, he HAD to.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The baby was still inching forward and Philippe was seeing the danger, the baby's color was getting even more purple and he bit his lips and went drastic. He pushed Reese down to lay flat on the coach again, and stuffed a few pillows below his hips to raise his bottom up, holding the baby in position, he pushed as hard as he dared to shove the baby back inside of him. The effect was immediate. Although Reese had beeen screaming from the manipulation, the chord loosened with the head going back inside of Reese and Philppe tugged hard on teh chord to force it around the baby's head.

Reese collapsed onto the couch carefully and moaned as his feet were pushed up onto Philippe's shoulders, taking care of the head of the child as it pushed out of him. Even without the help of him pushing, he whimpered and held his stomach as his hips went numb from struggling with the child's birth. "Phil-?"he almost couldn't breathe, not sure what was happening below his stomach for a few moments, grasping onto the couch tightly.

Until he felt a pain like no other burn it's way through his nerves and into his mind as he screamed out in agony, he truly had no idea how Oliver was still sleeping. Or even if he still was or was just too scared to leave his room, he understood that fear, he was a grown man and yet his own cries were scaring him.

He could barely understand what was happening before he was pushing again, curled into himself and pushing as hard as he could at the intense pressure within him. The head coming again and soon after, the shoulders pushed out one by one before the body was coming, pale and almost blue in color.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

(Haha sorry did i linger a little too long on the birth? Yep i often get carried away... or simply enjoyed the tug of war a little too much LOL thanks for bringing me back)

Philippe was too concerned over the baby that he completely fogot about Oliver. He was so nervous, his hands bloodied from all the manipulation he had been doing, and honestly he was just glad Reese still had the energy, or instinct really, to push as hard as he could when teh chord was gone. Without the hinderance, the baby came quick and before Philippe could really register, the baby was half way out, his color not quite good. His hips proved to be the last hurdle and Philippe just tugged the baby out.

Philippe could only wish that there wasn't any permanent damage. The baby wasn't even crying as he laid there on his hands. He pulled the towel over and started rubbing on the eerily purple body, even checked his mouth for any blockage. He was getting more panicked by each passing second and eventually he flipped him over and patted on his back, tryign to clear his airway hoping that was the problem.

((No you didn't. It's fine. ))

Reese cried out again when the weight inside of his ass was tugged out, spreading him open wide and he almost thought he would tear before there was an immense relief. He thought he had died, but he hadn't, he was sure he hadn't, but he couldn't hear any crying, what was wrong?

His head lifted slightly and he couldn't see past his belly,"P-Phil?"he pressed his lips together, shifting his feet and looking between his knees at the worried face of his partner. He saw movement, though he wasn't sure what was going on,"Are they okay?"he asked further,"Philippe?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I-it's it's fine...." Philippe answered even though he was borderlining on panicking himself. "T-the baby's....we have a daughter." (sorry I have forgotten if we cleared out this part.... i would change if it should be a son LOL) he said continuing to pat on the baby's back, keep hoping for the color to return to normal. The baby seemed to have twitched, but still no crying. PHilippe was getting desperate and he put the baby down and tried to blow air into her tiny mouth, pressing on where her heart should be trying to illicit some breathing. He noticed hwo Reese struggled to get up and stopped him, sternly. "Stay where you are! I would make sure everything's ok, so, please, I need to focus entirely on teh baby now."

His eyes teared up, a daughter, they had a daughter, he saw him bend to breathe some life into her lungs and his brows knit together as he moved further upright. Before he was being snapped at to lay back down, he was trembling as he looked for that sound of crying, it was supposed to be there already. The ringing in his ears from how loud they were, he sobbed softly, what had he done? What was going to happen?

He teared up more and couldn't breathe as his chest constricted, it was going to be his fault if she didn't survive. If she didn't take her first breath it would be his fault, why couldn't it have been him?

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If PHilippe looked up he would discover Reese to be trembling in his sob, but the truth was he was too focused on his newborn daughter. He once again blew air into her little mouth, made sure her little belly rose up with the incomign air, and continued to rub her body until - finally, a weak cry. All strenght drained from Philippe's body as he just sat down, relieved.

He took the blanket to wrap the baby up properly, his hands still trembling, and lifted the baby up to her birth mother. He laid her on his chest, trying to coax the baby to take her first meal, when he realised Reese hadn't been looking too good himself. He carefully lifted Reese up enough for him to slip in behind, and half held him up as he moved his ahdn to take their daughter. "here... it's alright now. Everything's turned out fine." he whispered looking at the baby whose little whines had turned into tiny hiccups.

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06-21-2018, 03:48 AM

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