A Modern Day Werewolf Romance (with gre-y)

Name: Luck Connor
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Looks: He is a average height  male, rancher tan and build from working on his brother's ranch with brown hair and sea blue eyes and a full brown beard.

Wears: Justin cowboy boots, jeans, button up shirt with a western work vest and a cowboy hat
Wolf form looks: average  with black fur that is brown at his paws and tail sea blue eyes 

Other info: Gay, Stays in his werewolf form much to the dismay of his brother Marcus and his mate Hank saying be proud of your wolf. A descendant of Fang and Steel through Blaze, only staying to help out his brother on Hanks ranch while Marcus is pregnant with his third litter. Afterwards he is is going on the rodeo circuit, a bit of a slut he likes one night stands and being the bottom

Luck stopped at the diner for a bite to eat then getting the horse feed for his brother since his pregnant again with their third litter. He as beginning to feel his wolf wanting to come out he had managed to not shift in over a year and a half. He ordered the usual 2 cheeseburgers and read the paper and saw the article on Rick Wulfton finding his mate. He knew Rick he was a relative but from wulf. As he ate his lunch he saw someone entering the diner and could smell that he was an alpha. "Great must be another of Hanks alpha buddies he is trying to set me up with" He didn't like his brother's and his mate Hank matchmaking. He saw the alpha noticing him and walking towards him.

Name: Mike
Age: 25
Gender: Male/alpha
Looks: thick blond hair, kinda has some stubble and emerald green eyes. His wolf form as green eyes and creamish colored fur.

Mike had pulled into the diner to grab some food. He was in the middle of moving into this new town. He walked in, the smell of greasy food in the air, and the scent of an omega. He lifted his eyebrows, scanning the crowd until he saw him. He felt a strange pull to him and he cane nearer. He spoke in a low, husky voice. “Hey, I’m Mike. What’s your name?” He asked, smiling slightly.

His saw the alpha ask for his name "its Luck" he said. "Did my brother and Hank put you up to this thinking I am going to settle down well that aint happening I have a ranch to help run until my brother is over his pregnancy then in hitting the rodeo tour, now if you excuse me I have to go", he said walking to pay for his food and driving to pick up the horse feed. His wolf was even more anxious to come out "You can go to hell for all I care but you are never coming back out", he said to his wolf form. De decided to turn on the radio and began to flip the stations "Cher no, ABBA god no, Prince might, Scorpions hell yes". He picked up the feed and went home and walked in the house. "Marcus, Hank I know what y'all did", he said in the living room. "What are you talking about we're watching Night Court now say it calmly", Hank said confused. "You know about the both of y'alls latest matchmaking scheme by sending that alpha in the diner", he said. "Wait their was an alpha at the diner we never sent him", Marcus said Luck felt it was genuine. "Ok I believe y'all now I'm going to bed" and went to his room and lied on the bed watching TV, MTV had Cher's IF I Could Turn Back Time on. "Ugh no one wants to see that Cher especially those Navy sailors" and flipped the channel until he found TNN and listened to it while thinking about that alpha in the diner and how he would be good for a one night stand in human form at least werewolves were not affected by the AIDs virus if it did he would have gotten it a long time ago. After all he did have at least 2 one night stands each rodeo he went to and sometimes with the ranch hands. Hank caught him having sex in the hay with two of his ranch hands a few days ago. He wouldn't be in heat for another month and wanted to get laid as much as possible. he liked being the bottom it was way more pleasurable than the top.

Marcus was talking to Hank about Luck's latest one night stand that became a threesome with two of the ranch hangs 3 days ago. "My brother is going to get himself pregnant before he finds his mate." "I surprised he isn't doing gay porn wait better not give him that idea cause he would do it", Hank said. "Who is that alpha that Luck was talking about Hank". "One of the hands said he is moving into town and single Marcus". "If that alpha wants Luck he's going to have his hands full with his slutness". "Well this will be interesting to watch unfold Hank."

(They are going to see each other again tomorrow)

The alpha looked confused and a bit hurt. “Wha.. I don’t know who that is..?” But the omega was already gone. He shook his head, confused and picked a table. He ordered some food, a burger and fries and ate in silence. Oh well, maybe there would be other omegas here? He’s have to find out. He finished his meal and paid, then went to his home.

His house wasn’t too big but it wasn’t too small. He had a huge field of a yard.

"The next day after grooming the horses and feeding them he decided to go back into town to apologize to that alpha luckily he found him at the diner and walked towards him. "Hey I'm sorry for yesterday I thought you were another alpha my brother and his mate tried to match me with. I'm just not ready to settle down" as soon as he said that he felt himself beginning to shift against his will and ran to the bathroom and into one of the stalls. It felt so painful and was screaming as he took off his clothes because he had not shifted in so long. When it was over he found himself in wolf form and tried to shift back but couldn't. A panicked look of his face as he said "Im stuck am I going to me trapped in my wolf form for the rest of my life". He saw the alpha come in to the bathroom "Help me please im stuck in my wolf form and don't know what to do and tell Pam, she's the waitress today and tell her to call my brother and tell him what happened"

(Oh the only way for Luck to be able to shift again after all what he did mistreating his wolf form is to become pregnant with a litter of pups. He isn't going to like his choices)

(Ohh I see. This will be interesting!)

Mike was a bit surprised to see the omega back again, interrupting his lunch with an apology. He was going to say it was okay but then he rushed away to the bathroom. He could smell the fear on him and became concerned. “Hey- you okay?” He got up after a few minutes and followed him to the bathroom to find him as a wolf. Weird.
“Wh- okay, I’ll go, uhh stay here ok??” He rushed off to find Pam and tell her what happened. He was quite concerned for the omega.

Luck was totally scared he should have shifted once in a while instead of not shifting at all. The alpha came Beck and stayed at his side until his heavily pregnant brother and Hank showed up. "Well Luck your wolf form finally retailated against you come on lets lake you to the doctor to find a way for you to shift back.

Two hours later and the doctor finally checked him out. "You didn't shift in over a year no wonder you can't shift back well their is only way to regain the ability to shift back Luck. When is the next time you go into heat cause the only way is to become pregnant" the doctor said. "Thats the only way doctor isn't their another way", Marcus said he wanted Luck to settle down but not like this". "I go back into heat in around a month doctor", Luck said. "Then I am afraid your trapped until then". "Hank find one of your alpha buddies to do it" Luck said. "No Luck you should ask that other alpha to do it", Marcus said and Hank agreeing "Fine Hank bring him to the house and i will ask him". "Oh and Luck until you do you are sleeping in the basement with our younger pups", Hank said. "I never told the both of you this I wanted to have pups when I was in my 30s and been with my mate for 2 years and we both adopted a few orphaned pups who need love", Luck said.

Mike was worried and he wasn’t sure what to do. Finally the omega’s family came and picked him up so all he could really do was go back to eating his food. He paid, and left the diner. As he drove home he wondered what had happened to that poor wolf. He walked into his home, flipped onto his couch and turned on the tv. He signed a little. The house was so quiet with only one person living in it.

Hank got the address of that other alpha and knocked at his door "Hey in Hank you know me as Lucks brothers mate well we are in a bind he is stuck in his wolf form and he wants to ask you something cause this may be the only way to regain his ability to shift and wants me to take you to him. So ever wanted pups before?".

Mike heard a knock and was confused. Who was it? He stumbled to the door. “Oh hello! I’m Mike..” he said. He nodded and listened. “Oh sure, I’d be happy to help him if I can, but what do pups have to do with this?” He asked curiously. He did want kids though.

"You will find out" as Hank walked into his truck "Hop in" and they drove to the ranch. Luck was waiting in the living room and thanked Hank "Listen Mike this is a strange request but as Hank said you are my best show to regain my shifting ability well here it is i will go back into heat in a month and the only way to shift back is for me to become pregnant and I need to know would you help me".

(In stuck between giving luck a small litter of 2 pups or a huge litter of 9 to 11pups though he won't like Mike's house after all he might be a omega but has the spirit and soul of a cowboy)

(I think a bit litter.
By the way I’m not really interested in cowboy stuff so I might have trouble playing a character with this farm setting but I’ll do my best.)

Mike stepped into the house and listened carefully to what the wolf had to say. His eyes widened a little and he blushed. “I can help you.” He pause for a moment. He felt like the omega would not want babies so he had another question. “What about when the pups are born..? If you don’t want them, I can care for them. I’ve always wanted a family.” He offered.

(Luck was raised in the cowboy way but is will dill it down to raise his pups he will only takes care of the horses currently Hank does the rest)

"You will thanks and I do want to keep them its just I wanted my first litter in my thirtys and wanted to wait to find a mate". "I can't help out anyways around here so I would like to know the pups father is it ok I stay with you to bond with" he said while thinking how if they do this than he would select Mike as his mate.

In real life I’m a city kid so if I mess up and farm related stuff it’s because I don’t know any better lmao but I’ll do my best

Mike nods. “Oh sure- if you’d like to come over you can. I have a spare room if you’d like that. My house is a bit messy though, I’m still unpacking.” He said. He shifted a bit nervously. He didn’t think he would be approached by this situation today.

(I don't mind helping)

"I can wait until your finishing unpacking I have to sleep with my nieces and nephews since the upstairs is for our human forms only.

(I was thinking of a time skip to the day Luck goes into heat won't write any sex in that day)

(Sure you can skip!)

Mike frowned. “You have to sleep next to pups? If you don’t mind my place being a little messy you can come today!” He offered. He tried to make a little joke “just as long as you don’t get everything muddy with your paws!”

"Thanks Mike" he said

*Time skip to the day Luck goes into heat*

Its been a month since Luck got stuck in his would form but he enjoyed Mike's company. They had great laughs when Mike came in with a dog bowl with his name on it. They had the same taste in music and pretty much watched the same shows and movies. He had also fell in love with Mike and realized he wanted to be his mate and be with him for the rest of his life.

He knew he was in heat now and wanted to ask Mike now to take him as his mate. He heard Mike coming in the house and said "Its time Im in heat. The past month has been amazing and I have grown to love you will you take me as your mate", he said nervous for Mike's reaction.

(Mating is considered the equivalent of marriage for werewolves in eyes of the law both would have to file papers saying they are mated and Luck would take Mike's last name)


Mike had quite enjoyed the omegas company. He had usually used his wolf form when he was around him so he wouldn’t feel left out. The month went by very smoothly and they seemed to be a very good match.

Mike was entering his home after work. He had managed to get a job and it was going well. “Oh you are?” He asked as he locked the door behind him. He blushed when he heard the next part. “Y-yeah! I’d be happy to be your mate!” He bent down next to the wolf and smilied, hugging the canine.

Luck woke up in Mike's bed and saw he was back in his human form. "I did it I can shift again", he also realized what that also meant. "Im also pregnant", he said to himself he saw Mike sleeping next to him and got closer to him. "Well never thought that was going to be how I find my mate" he thought.

Mike grunted and woke up, raising an eyebrow. He sat up. "Oh hey you're human again!" He said with delight. It was nice to wake up to a human man instead of a huge dog hogging the blankets. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

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