Closed The Priest & The Shepherd (w/Bhdire8)
He was punched a couple of times until his eye socket was bleeding and he could barely see anything, blinking weakly and still trying to struggle away. As he tried so hard to do so he ended up worrying even about the life inside of him as he growled and kicked as the grasp on his leg loosened. It was obvious what they wanted from him, he had owed money to their boss for almost a year now. He was trying to earn some when he had been shot in the first place and look where that got him, it was barely any use in struggling. With two men holding his legs and arms and the other trying to fight off Jamie now with a knife in his hand. "Are you that cowardly that you have to fight a pregnant omega?" He cursed at them and tried to keep kicking but he was growing winded, too heavy to really do anything.

"We're the cowardly ones?" The ring leader of the bunch laughed and did his best to fight off the small alpha with one hand, pointing the knife at Morrison's stomach. The cool blade running along his stretch mark covered skin,"Maybe we'll take this as payment, since you owe us." The man grinned and Morrison felt fear come through him as his eyes darkened and he knew the baby felt it too as she squirmed beneath the knife that threatened his and her life.

The fear transformed into anger at the audacity of the gang, coming into a church and threatening him while he could barely defend himself. Even almost hurting the priest as he only wanted to protect him, he stopped struggling as he looked to the man that held that knife,"I swear to god you'll regret that." He replied with a dead look on his face as he glared at the man above him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(HAHA i thought he's chased after coz he messed around with the daughter of whatever place he had been working in, a mob head or something? - he had always lived the life of an alpha more than an omega ;) HAHA lol anyway.... we could still worka round this owing money thing i guess xD)

"No!" The small alpha tried his hardest to kick and yank the guy to pull him away from the omega, but he was too small and someone from behind him shoved him up clutching his neck, pressing him high up against the wall cutting his airway as he squrimed against the large hand. Jamie was crying seeing the danger his omega was in, and hated himself for being so small and weak even though he was an alpha. He screamed and struggled, "waht do you want! let him go!" he yelled, fighting with all his strength to set himself free. When all wouldn't work, and he saw the threatening blade pointing at Morison's belly, he bit on the hand and got dropped to the floor.

Jamie whined as a sharp pain shot through his ankle, but he was quick to move and he charged towards the guy, shoving him onto the floor and rod on top of him, again biting on his hand that held the knife. The other man tried to pry him away, but jamie already snatched the knife. "Stop right where you are, or i WILL hurt him!" he shouted, his hand was trembling holding the knife close to the leader's neck. "I know where the aorta is... one slice and he's gone, not even God can save him." Jamie's voice was trembling as well, but htere was a determination in his voice that had the others holding still, knowing the petite priest was serious.

"Morrison are you ok? if you can, can you get the thing from teh drawer?" he asked of the omega, gesturing towards the drawer closest to him. Inside there was a pistol - aged, but that should be working. It was given to him by a passing by criminal who was nursed back to health by him long before.
((I mean who says it has to be one gang after him? There can be two.))

Morrison was barely scared now, more so angry than anything else especially after the threat to his unborn child, no matter how he tried to hate being pregnant and especially by Jamie his omega hormones made him love it too much. He was growling at the strangers he barely recognised, he had always been in a mess of trouble and he guessed being trapped was lucky as he didn't have to worry about any of that for the longest. Jamie was brave for such a wimp that he took him for, he almost smiled at him in pride as he laid there beneath the other two men and their loosening grips.

"I'm fine." He replied and glared at the man gripping his legs as he kicked away from him, making sure to get him right in the nose. But not without repercussion as the other slapped him and he fell back against the bed, though his arms were loose now and he pushed himself back up. Spitting on the man and punching him in the face, he didn't need a gun, the distraction helped him gain the upper hand. He climbed over the bed while they were both stunned and almost fell trying to get to the dresser, pulling open the drawer and grabbing the gun when he saw it. Pointing it at the men near the bed now,"We can't let them go now." He said, they knew where they were and that he was pregnant, they could get to him and he knew it.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(LOL you're right... HAHAHA isn't Morrison a troublemaker ;))

Jamie looked on holding his breath, whimpering when he saw his mate slapped on the face. He was cherring for his mate who'd fought his way,despite carrying a child within him, managed to subdue one and incapacity the other. He had added on whatever sound effect, gasping when Morrison was shoved to the bed, and yelp when he succeeded in reaching for the gun. was secured, Jamie almost collapsed on top of the leader - and immediately realised his mistake when his hand was clutched and bent backward. He whined at hte pain with his wrist twisted so much, and he again used the only method that was effective so far - he again bit on the leader and pressed down on his neck with both hands, forcing him to breath in heaves.

"w-what should we do then?" he asked in half panic, his eyes widened at what Morrison was saying. "w-we cannot n-not let them go? where could we hide them?" he asked, "we didn't have a prison or anything... we can't keep them either." he said looking at the perpetrators. When the leader attmepted to surge forward and overthrow him, the alpha managed to shove right back down, causing his head to thud dully on the floor and the man whined in pain. 
Morrison pulled back the revolvers hammer, readying the gun as he pointed it at the two of them,"We kill them. No one'll miss them anyway." He said and glanced to Jamie who was having trouble keeping the larger alpha down,"I'd say we start with the child killer." He said and stepped back just a bit as he instead pointed the gun at the man on the floor now, looking at the two of them who were going to help him hurt their child. "But first, tell me who sent you and I might make it quick."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
The trio visibly flinched at Morrison's unforgiving words. the two followeres were more nervous than the leader, even though they weren't restrained. they shook at snapping of the revolver.

"what no! we cannot kill them!" Jamie cried, horrified by Morrison's suggestion. Before he could follow up, the man under his hold struggled again and spit on teh floor. "you knwo who sent out... don't tell me you forgot how you begged me into borrowing you money at the time! you kneeedl in front of me. had i asked you to lick my boot, you would have done it in a second like a dog." he smirked, his teeth bloody with a tooth knocked off during the struggle.
"And why not? They were going to kill me!" He said, glaring at Jamie now as he argued against him, he grit his teeth and was restraining himself from loosing his temperature,"Fuck you." He spit on him,"I should fucking shoot you right now." He pointed the gun right between his eyes, looking to the others,"They wanted to kill the baby you've been on my ass about having and you want to just let them go?" He sneered, and pointed the gun at one of the other two,"What if I just knock them in the knee caps? Then we can just leave them in a alley some place without having to worry about them chasing."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie didn't know how to make of this. Obviously killing someone was unacceptable, but even with his alternate suggestion, Jamie wasn't sure if his conscious would have allowed for the possibility of crippling someone for life.

"What if... what if we just tie them up and send them to somewhere no one can recognise! yes..YES! we can have them let lose like those animals who mistakenly barged into the fields. They woudln't be able to find their way back.... " his eyes sparkled, thinking he had come up iwht a brilliant idea. He let lose of the leader slightly and almost lost grip of the big man, but he was able to regain his control and - with a determination not easily seen from him - slammed his head hardly onto the hardened floor and the man was out like a light.

"ok, ok, yea! just like that! we knocked them out and...and we'd figure a way out to send them to some far far away place." he said looking at Morrison with his innocent eyes.
He frowned, hating the idea of just letting them go, but he would if he didn't have Jamie's help to kill them, he was too much of a cripple with his healed wound and the pregnancy. Morrison scoffed,"They aren't animals, they're men and men who don't die always come back. Especially for money." He looked at the alpha while pointing the gun at the two before him again, it would only buy them time not true safety and he would rather not take that risk. Despite what Jamie says, he adjusted his aim and with a pull of the trigger one of the three guys only stared at him as the hammer of the gun fell but it didn't shoot. His eyes widened as he realized he lost his advantage and threw the gun straight at the man so the butt of it hit him in the forehead. "Mother fucker-" he grunted and charged at the last man with as much force he could.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie saw the determination and he gasped. "no Morrison... NO!" The priest couldn't take it and he squeezed his eyes shut, expecting huge splashes of blood ... but that click of the gun was dull. He cracked open his eyes and saw Morrison throwing the gun at the shocked man, then charged against the other which was frankly, no less of a fright for the priest.

"Morrison wait! ah..." he was going to leap forward to stop Morrison from doing something as dangerous of charging towards somebody, but he was dragged down by the 4th man who had realised they were out of bullets. "let go!" the alpha was grunting, he had to get to his mate and he HAD to get loose... which was why he kicked hard on the guy's crotch and had the large man whimpering like a puppy.

"oh...oh... err, i'm sorry....." he bent down realising what a cruel thing he had done to the man. "did i... did i break anything?" he asked almost timidly, only to have the guy quickly recovering and seizing his arm, choking him on the neck.
Morrison grunted as he ran the stranger into the wall and grasped the collar of his shirt as he threw a punch, struggling to keep his balance as he wrestled the other man down. Or tried to, he wasn't fighting fair either, even being as pregnant as he was he put up the fight, the big man tossing the other onto the bed. He looked back to the alpha and was just about to help him before he was kicked in his leg and grunted as he collapsed. His hand going to the nightstand and his belly as be hissed, struggling to stand up again and grasping one of the utensils from the plate. He pushed himself up and went for the man hurting Jamie, he turned with full force and stabbed the man in his arm with the fork.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie's face went from beetred to purple when Morrison stabbed the guy, and thankfully it worked with Jamie released immeidately. The man wailed in pain holding his wounded arm, blood oozing from between his fingers. Jamie could only cough, he saw stars and wasn't able to recover just yet, when all he heard was whines and grunts. "Morrison! Morrison be careful.... " he panted, his voice crooked and he wasn't able to finish his sentence when another bout of coughing seized him.

Jamie held his neck and coughed some more, finally regaining his breath, he looked up to see a man about to hit Morrison from behind and the little guy charged forward to shove the perpetrator against the nightstand. He gatehred his guts and punched him right on his nose, and the guy fainted just as Jamie whined in pain - he had bruised his fist landing that punch. "i... i got one Morrison. y-you..." the alpha struggled to his feet, ready to give the omega some meagre assistance.
Morrison looked to Jamie and for a moment he looked worried as he met his eyes, before he ripped the fork back out and shoved the man against the wall. Angry that they would come into a church and start shit like this, when he was obviously pregnant and his supposed mate was barely large enough to fend for himself. He glared at the man as he stabbed him again in the gut, he screeched horribly unlike any grown man should. "If I fucking kill you then maybe I'll scare your crew enough into not coming back." He grunted at him and he shoved the utensil deeper into his gut, his anger peaked and he imagined that it was Jamie when he had first mounted him the day he had pumped a kid into him. Before he was trapped here with the pathetic alpha and when he could actually put up a fight, as he stabbed him again and again until the man collapsed and he couldn't hold the fork any longer. The blood was too slippery.

He panted and looked back at Jamie as he slammed into the other and he punched him, the man collapsing against the nightstand and slumped over. The omega was exhausted as he wiped his bloody hand on his shirt, leaning briefly against the wall,"Get the other, there's one left." He huffed and he looked over towards the door where the last of the trio stood, he was young though, probably a teenager and he looked terrified. Frozen in place, he stepped towards him but felt faint as he sank against the wall again, with the body of their leader at their feet. "Get outta here kid. Just go." He told him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
The alpha was shocked. Morrison was standing there, his hand bloodied, with an unconscious body beside him. The fork slipped from his hand and hit the floor. Jamie shivered at the look Morrison threw him. There were turmoil in his eyes, and Jamie, the timid and sensitive one, shivered again for he felt negativity that wasn't only targeting their perpetrators.

He took a step back when Morrison gestured towards him. The hand was still blood soaked and he just wiped it on his shirt like it was nothing. Jamie was shaking by now, and that obvious fear had spread towards the young man standing at the door. Even with Morrison's faltered step, he was still easily the largest guy in the room, and the blood that had splutterd onto his face made him look rather intimidating.

The young man at the door shook like a leaf and ran away for dear life. Jamie bit his lower lip, trying to keep his fear in check and crumbled to the floor. He gasped when his feet touched the cold hand of the 'leader'. "is.. is he dead?" he asked quietly. The priest stared at the motionless body, unable to drag his gaze away although he was terrified.
Morrsion watched as he fled and he looked over to the unconscious man, now crippled, and his dead leader, he frowned at the three men. The boy hadn't even helped in the fight and he was almost glad that he didn't, he didn't want to hurt a kid and that was ironic coming from him. He looked to Jamie as he fell and he looked to the man he had just stabbed to death, silent for a moment,"Should be." He grunted in reply and nudged the body with his foot, he wouldn't be coming for his money now, that was one less thing on his plate. "Fucker." He pressed his palm against his stomach and sighed as he then moved to the last man they had to get rid of. "Couldn't be avoided, but if you want to still drop him off somewhere-" He stopped and leaned against the headboard of the bed, his hand not leaving his stomach, he breathed heavily and sank down onto the mattress. Rubbing his face, he shouldn't have exerted himself like that, it wasn't smart.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie was shaking. He couldn't contain the idea - a man, dead, stabbed by Morrison. He shivered and climbed forward, hoping so hard that he was mistaken, that the man wasn't dead.

But he was. The moonlight shed in from the window and he could see the chalky white face of him. the man still had his eyes wide open, and looking like he was shocked. "no... no, no, no. this couldn't be it... you, you killed him..." he swallowed with difficulty, but that lump wouldn't go away. "that's... that's, Morrison please. please, you gotta pray to god, you have to... this is the evilest form of sin... we couldn't... Morrison?" he said, stopping his mumble seeing how pale the omega had become.

"no don't rub your face!" He yelled suddenly. the bloodied hand of Morrison's smeared the bloodstain all across his face, making him look more like a demon than a human. "stop right there!" he said, shakily getting to his feet, the priest rushed towards the tiny sink and frantically came back with a towel, wiping across his face with shaky hands. "no, so much blood.. so much blood, this shouldn't be, this shouldn't be how things are..." the priest's voice was broken, his lips quivered and tears streaked down his face.
Morrison looked at Jamie, he was trembling from the aftershocks of adrenaline but everything else seemed fine as he listened to Jamie. Though didn't make any more moves to speak, he didn't seem to care that he had just taken a life, he looked to the body again and he frowned. He didn't enjoy how easy it was to do so, he had done it before, but of course neither time was the same as the other. The omega startled when the alpha yelled at him and froze slightly as he stopped himself from touching his skin with his bloodied hands. It would be hard to get the blood out of everything,"I'm sorry. I ruined your room." He said finally as the other hurried over with a bowl of water and a towel, looking down as he was cleaned. For a moment he felt guilt, as he stared at the floor and then down at his protruding belly,"You must hate that you've fallen for a sinner like me." He mentioned and half smiled, though it was weak as he sighed and pressed his hand to his middle again before pulling his shirt up and off of his head, tossing the bloody fabric across the room.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"the room wasn't important... but you had to apologize, you have to admit what you've done to god. God's our merciful father, he will.. he WILL forgive you and bestow his blessings on you once you've shown your repentence... this would be all fine again, all fine..." the priest was very shaken. he kept muttering while wiping the omega clean, repeating things like that, more like he needed the reassurance himself than anything else. "shh Morrison, jusst close your eyes, say a prayer in your heart, I will get you through this... yes i will. this will all be fine again..." he mumbled with more tears falling down. "why's there so much blood.." his handling of Morrison was gentle, but it was getting more and more obvious he did it compulsively, using the wiping to clear the sin he was so convinced became engraved in Morrison's soul now.

What tipped him off the edge was Morrison's quiet words. "no, YOU were dragged down with a sinner like me. it's me... had i not forced myself on you, this wouldn't happen at all. you woudln't have to defend yourself. if you weren't pregnant, they woudln't be able to hurt you in anyway. you were so strong before this, I'm the reason to weaken you..." the priest cried out loud, sinking onto the floor beside Morrison. "and had i been stronger like a true alpha, i would have fought them all off... i'm so incompetent. i'm the reason for all these... i'm the origin of all sins..." he mumbled and clutched onto Morrison's legs like he was holding the cross. "I... i'm so sorry Morrison..." he sobbed out.
The man laughed as he looked down, biting his lip and at least closing his eyes like Jamie had told him to, but he didn't say any prayer, he knew no god would listen to a man like him. Looking up at the other again and pushing away his hands when he didn't feel the stickiness of the blood against his skin but only the roughness of the towel as Jamie rubbed at him. He frowned lightly,"You look like a baby, crying so much." He muttered, taking the towel from him and dipping it again, staining the water as he wet the towel and rinsed it out before wiping at the smears on his wrist and hands. Then his belly, where the current resident stirred within him and stretched, he frowned again at the thought that he would be bringing something into this world. Something innocent, untouched by even the man who would be its birth father.

Morrison grimaced, he had put those thoughts into Jamie's head and of course he believed them, he was barely into his twenties and so damn stupid. Gullible, more like. He watched as the young man sank down onto his knees in front of him, he smirked lightly and sighed as he looked away from him. Though his hand came up and he rested it on the others soft head of curls, he stroked them a few times,"I think you're serving your sins well in trying to fix them. You've been taking care of me, that's something. Even despite the pain in the ass I am." He pet his head, somewhat uncomfortable with the begging now as had sighed,"But you've got to keep working for my forgiveness, I'm not going to make it easy for you."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie felt a slight bit relievd seeing Morrison closing his eyes following his words, naively believing he was praying like he said. He let go of the towel for Morrison to take. "i-i'm not a b-baby... I never cry a-as much when i was with the villagers." He sobbed anyway and tears continued to flow down when he spiralled down the vortex of guilt.

Hearing Morrison's words was a straw to a drowning man, and Jamie clutched onto it for dear life. He nodded frantically at his words. "yes, yes, whatever I do to get forgiveness... and once i got yours, I can work towards getting god's forgiveness... i will do whatever you want me to. you just have to tell me." the young man looked at Morrison with hopeful eyes, his sincerity showing through the innocent face of his. "and, a-and.. i will try to be a good father to.... the little one." he bit his lip and with trembling hands, he touched the rounded belly of Morrisons.'

"Are you feeling any discomfort?" he asked, tilting his head when he saw the large cut that was beginning to heal on the side of Morrison's body. "y-you hurt in anyway?" he said already scrutnizing the cut, nodding to himself when he could see no signs of re-opning of the wound, despite the fighting they had done. "a-and... what now." he squirmed, moving a slight bit away from the corpe on the floor.

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