Pregnant family (open to all)

Eric pushed again and stopped after counting to ten. Joanah tells him “You did a good job you got the shoulders out now give me one last push and you’ll have you’re first born.” Eric pushed again and felt his first baby leave his body he heard the baby cry and Eric cried tears of joy at hearing it. “Congrats you have a beautiful baby boy.” Jonah cuts the cord “Alright I’m gonna go clean him off.” “We should be at the hospital real soon.”

“Well done Eric! You’re a daddy! Only two more to go”

Eric was still crying slight tears of joy “I can’t believe it I’m finally a dad.” The baby was cleaned off and held him in his hand “He’s beautiful my little Lucas.” Eric then felt another contraction “Oh I guess Lucas’s siblings want to be out to.”

Jonah comes over to him “Sory you’re gonna have to hold off on pushing for a bit we’ve arrived at the hospital.”

Sadie waddled out of the ambulance with them, oliwing him all the way to his toom

Once Eric was in his room he was placed onto his bed Jonah told him “Don’t worry they took you’re son off to go get examined to make sure that nothing went wrong.” “As for you I’m gonna give you this before I go.” He handed Eric a slip of paper and left the room. Eric felt another contraction but breathed through it waiting for the doctor to come in. After it past he looked at the paper it read ~Call me later Cutie~ Jonah (I can’t think of a number for him so I won’t put one.) “He gave me his number.”

(You can play the doctor if you want.)

“Wow, what a guy. Still finds you cute even in labour. Think he has a thing for preggos?” Sadie asked, rubbing erics belly gently

Eric says “I don’t know, but when I wasn’t pushing Lucas out he did seem pretty cute.” “Maybe I’ll give him a call after I’m done here I’ll have to see if it’s a good match though.”

“He did look pretty cute, you should give him a shot”

Eric felt another contraction go through him he resisted to urge to push “Ugh where is the doctor I wanna push these other two kids out of me?”

“Do you want me to go look?”

Eric answers “Sure I’d like to have these kids out ASAP.”

Sadie stood up and left the room, searching for a doctor, eventually finding a young looking doctor who seemed to be looking for her brother

Eric waited for his sister to get the doctor.

(I was wondering if you could play the doctor?)

(Yeah i can)
Sadie returned with the young doctor
“Hi im doctor edwards, ill be helping you today”

Eric greeted the doctor “Hi I’m Eric.” He felt another contraction through him “Can I push now because I feel like I need to get these two out?”

“On your bext contraction you need to push, okay?”

Eric felt another contraction and finally felt relieved to be able to push again. Eric pushed down feeling the second head start to emerge.

“Ease up a bit now, this is going to hurt, so we’re going to guve you some meds”

Eric breathed as he was injected with some pain meds he felt less pain, but still felt the need to push “That’s gonna make labor so much easier can I push now?”

“Yep push now!”

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Last Post by orocroc33
08-09-2019, 04:48 PM

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