Jungle Fever (Open)

Name: Luke Pierce
Age: 21
Codename: Snow Leopard
Specialization: Scout (Sniper)
Affiliation: Soldier gone rogue (Terrorist)
along with his squad
Height: 6'2 with a lean muscle build.

Luke had been on the run for a few days in a thick forest that closely resembled a rain forest. Along with his group, they decided to carry out their next set of orders, but the only hindrance were the marines trailing closely behind. They were not that much of a problem as he hefted a rail gun along with him. They came into a city that gave the impression of an ancient mayan or aztec civilization. It did not appear anywhere on his map, but it could serve as a holding place for them to take care of their pesky problem.

Okay. I thought to combine action and mystery with a mpreg rp. As the name states, those exposed by an agent of a virus in the city (courtesy of the ruler who will be revealed later) will find themselves doing things they normally would not do such as going from straight to gay or from enemies to lovers. That's entirely up to the person as those were just examples. It's up to the characters to try and escape or if they begin to enjoy what is happening. Mpreg is the main theme involved as well. The options are not at all limited as the person could be a soldier, terrorist, to even a villager. You could also start off pregnant if you want. Anyone could fill in the role of the king as well.

Name: Rafa
Age: 23
Codename: Translates as 'Unforgiven' in the local parlance (he accidently killed his wife a few years ago)
Specialization: Scout/warrior
Affiliation: Villager
Height: 5'9; lithe build, black hair and intensely-green eyes

From the branches above Rafa watched the newcomer curiously. He'd often heard of the Outsiders--men who lived beyond the borders of their fertile river-valley, whose skin was pale and whose hair was the color of straw---or even blood-colored. In earlier times the village elders had even traded with these men for things like guns, fishing nets, silk ribbons and metal knives. Then suddenly no more Outsiders came; none had been seen in the valley for a decade, at least. Until now.

Rapidly approaching was the sound of a group of others whom this stranger had brought with him---Rafa couldn't help wondering if the heavy, ominous weapon the leader was carrying, was something they would all have. They were soldiers of some kind, that much was obvious, but where from? Why were they here?

What did they want?

Luke examined the area a little more, his light brown eyes examining closely. He rose his hand slightly, motioning for his commander and other cell members to rest. The kingdom looked ancient and partly vacant. At least his eyes revealed as much. His ears and nose told a different story. He could smell the scent of many around him, but several stood out. One was of someone he thought he got rid of a while back: Jon Befort. The other was of someone else that vaguely matched the scent of the forest and village. The dark skinned male ran a hand through his light colored mohawk -the pattern resembling a leopards- as he figured he could lure them out. He trailed away from the others, hiding away as electricity slowly gathered. He could weed out the pests and go from there.

Now here was something interesting---another Outsider had come, bringing men of his own! This one was shorter than the darker-skinned one----and had black hair like Rafa's own, rather than the other man's strangely-cut blonde. Soldiers too, apparently, but wearing the grim expression of a hunting hound chasing down wounded prey. Were the other men traitors of some variety? And why was the group splitting itself off in different direction? There was nothing to be found at the riverbank this time of day but some deer tracks and a few lazy frogs. And where did the other soldier think he was taking his men? That side of the village had fallen into disuse; they'd find no one to trade with there! This strange behaviour warranted closer investigation!

Keeping to the trees Rafa followed the squad, always staying just out of sight. Let them think the rustle of his passing was no more than the sighing of the wind or a leopard chasing monkeys.

Luke chuckled lowly at the sound of trees moving above him as he rested on the ground near a building. Several of their pursuers ran past him, not noticing him once. He would have killed them, but it was not his style. He only killed when he had to. The sport was endurance, something he could do for a good while thanks to his training. He knew who was after him and his cohorts now. It was Jon. His tongue rolled around his lips as he found the time to act. The soldiers that ran past him would find themselves dealing with other rogue soldiers. That left Jon and the ever watchful pest in his sights. He could have mistaken the movement in the trees and bushes, but humans gave a different scent compared to animals. The man was no exception. With a smoke grenade popping off, he.chuckled madly as he moved from his position.

Luke hid off in the trees after hiding his cover from both watching eyes. With the large rail gun activating with a charge, he planned out his next action accordingly. If he fired at Jon, the "watcher" would think they were bringing war into their town. It was true, but.it was apparent to Luke that he dealt with Rafa first. Then again, he could not pass up this chance to send Jon rolling towards the river in an effort to dodge. The sound of electricity surged through the air as it aimed directly towards the ground near Jon. He fired off again just to see him dancing. The male was not running. He was just waiting around. He was the predator after all.

When those dark eyes locked on his, Rafa froze. Did the other man see him? Or did he simply feel his gaze on him? Hm, and if he waited too long to find out, was the man the type of person to simply shoot in the direction of the noise and find out the cause of it later?

Deciding it was better to take the risk than to stay hidden and wind up dead, Rafa started towards the ground---only to panic as Luke's smoke grenade causing a choking cloud to billow up, blinding him. He had to get back into the trees, back to the elders; they had to know that these Outsiders were dangerous---

He never made it that far; Luke's tazer-bullet struck the ground not a foot from him, sending thousands of volts of electricity racing through his body. He spasmed dizzily then flopped to the ground, limp. Not unconscious, but dazed and temporarily vulnerable. Unable to move, he'd have no ability to defend himself from whatever the soldiers might do next....

Luke watched the events unfold around him. To think his aim had actually hit someone when he was not intending to. He purposefully missed, yet the one that wad curious was hit, dropping down quickly. He was not dead, just merely stunned. He chuckled at Jon's comment. "That's right...run right where I want you to..." he drew the large rifle back, standing up as he took notice of all the other soldiers engaging the opposite side. That left Jon and his little toy all to himself. Drawing the rifle back, he landed on top of a building that adorned itself in a pattern up a hill. Jon would think to lose Luke in the forest, but Luke was a stalker. He would bring shame to his codename if he did not drag Jon up a tree 50 feet in the air like any Leopard would do. His laughter pierced the air as it echoed in the forest.

Rafa tried to struggle as the man fitted the strange, unwieldy thing over his face, though he realized immediately that the mask facilitated breathing and calming down at the relieving influx of fresh air. He offered no resistance as Jon scooped him up, especially since the Outsider's foreign speech was suddenly the same as his own, in his ears. The soldier promised not to harm him, and thus far he'd given Rafa no reason not to trust him. Luckily this particular Outsider did not seem to be a bloodthirsty one, like the one with the straw-colored hair. THAT man's mad laughter chased them into the forest, sending a chill down Rafa's spine.

"Thank you," he replied--unsure if the other man could now understand him too but hopeful--then, when they were a safe distance away, added, "Who are you?"

Name: Wolftrail (Wolf)
Age: 20
Codename: Savage
Specialization: sniper
Affiliation: Soldier under Jon
Height: 6 ft

Wolf watches Jon talk to the young male. Being a native american in the army wasnt easy but he wanted to serve his country too. His long black hair is tied back as to not get in the way a eagles feather is in the tie as well. His brown eyes match his tan skin.

By the time Rafa could move again, they were holed up in a small cave beneath a large bolder. Back when the western side of the valley had been inhabited, this cave had often served as a makeshift shelter for hunters or scouts caught in the darkness outside the village proper.
"Welcome and greetings, Jonbe Fort," Rafa communicated via thre translator chip, leaning in to study the patch he was shown. He was very keenly interested in the insignia; generally his people didn't wear much adornment, so to be boldly emblazoned like this must mean Jonbe and his men were very important people indeed!

"I am...better now," he added wryly as the last stiffness of the shock wore off, "never have I seen lightning fly out of a rock like that. That other soldier....tehrr-ist...he must be very dangerous, it seems. I am Rafa; what is this soldier of yours called?," he inquired, nodding towards the heretofore-silent Wolftrail. Rafa studied the man with undisguised curiousity; eagles were difficult to catch even for the most skilled of hunters, so to wear a feather in one's hair was a high honor among his people.

"Your....tehrrist....he does not know the peril he is in. That flank of the valley is devoid of life for a reason. No one goes there anymore, not since the spirits came."


Wolf "you can call me wolf and the terrorist is very dangerous. We have to fight him to stop him from hurting other innocent people like yourself." He looks at Jon unsure how much he should say or if he should of just stayed quiet.

Luke watched from his scope as they retreated into a cave, some stranger tagging along. His leader would probably expect him to return soon, but he could wait for as long as it took. His eyes stared at a large snake slithering by on the tree and around him as if it was unaware that he was there. That usually happened to him on occasions. It was no fun if they hid in the cave, so he was going to weed them out. He chuckled as he pulled more grenades from his waist. Since the area did not appear on his map, he would scope out the cave the more natural and fun way. When that happened, it was very fun to watch bugs scatter from smoke.

Wolftrail trys to get eyes on Luke. He knows trying to snipe a sniper is practiclly impossable but he had to try right. He scans the jungle from a crack in the entrance. His gun at the ready.

"Wulhf-twrail," Rafa tried out, deciding he liked the sound of the name and nodding in respect to the soldier. "Welcome and greetings also, of course," he added belatedly. He might have said more, but two more of those hissing rocks flew into the cave, filling the space with blinding, panic-inducing smoke which billowed out of the entrance to the den in a way which would likely please Luke very much---at least until Jon produced the vacumn device to filter the air and permit them to breathe more freely. Calmer now, he listened gravely as the others explained that this Luke Pierce was a very dangerous man, one of their own, in fact, until recently. Rafa's eyes glittered with scorn.

"This Luhk-Pierce....he has killed men, yes? Turned traitor to your Kingsguard? I see....then we must find shelter from him, before dark. It is of greatest importance. Jonbe Fort, Wuhlftrail, how many men are with you? The safest area in this part of the valley are the tunnels in the cliffs. My people retreat into them for safety when the rains flood the valley. From above, your sniper cannot reach us with his lightning-rocks and smoke-rifle. But we must cross the swamps to reach them, and it's difficult with large numbers of men."

He smiled a little though, and added, "But your traitor's numbers are larger still, and he does not know the way. If we can confuse him in the forest, make him lose the track if only for a while, the advantage will be ours."

Wolf nods "we could use a good spot what are these caves like?" He glances at the male and Jon then resumes scanning the jungle if he could get a trajectory on Luke then he might ba able to wound him with a good shot before he moves

Luke grinned as the two grenades were sucked up. They did not think smoke were the only grenades he had did they? He stared from his positiin, noting the snioer peeking out. Snipers should never stay in the exact spot for so long. With his night vision strapped on, Luke moved slowly but quick enough to follow a pattern of several animals moving near him, most notably the large constrictor. That was after two more grenades were sent off. With a blinding bright flash, the grenade went off signaling some of his men to the location. His laughter slowly faded into the forest as several soldiers climbed on numerous tree branches, their guns fixed at almost every location on the cave. "Have fun. We have what we need already"

Luke headed off back to the vacant village. Shooting one of Jon's men in the neck, a dart revealing itself, the man fell asleep. Luke never once killled anyone before and would not start now. It took the fun out of everything. His leader and the others could have fun with such a sport. Grabbing the case, he headed off. It would dawn to them at some point that he was the objective in the first place and not them running away. Even if they did get away, there were other things at stake for them. He wiped a small form of sweat off his head as he looked at all the unconscious soldiers on Jon pathetic cavalry.

Wolf backs away from the crack "the others terrorists are here we need to move fast Jon." He could feel blood start to move down his arm. today was just not his day was it.

(Idk if seedful is going to respond)

Wolf shakes his head "no sir they haven't reported yet" he keeps up and try's to hide his injury not wanting to slow the group down. "They have some time left though. So I'm not counting them out yet sir"

Wolf"I'm fine enough to keep going sir. We can't afford to slow down for a scratch" he try's to go faster to prove his point but can only keep the pace for so long.

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