Closed Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite)
Despite all the concern fro his laboring mate, Jamie blushed at the omega's comments. "yea...? i hope she looks like a mix of us. She'd be beautiful either way." He smiled shyly and bit his lower lip, already beaming as the pride of becoming a father overwhelmed him.

Jamie's smile faded when he slipped his finger through Morrison's stretched opening. This was delicate job and Jamie was being very careful not to cause Morrison further distress. He wriggled his finger gently, grateful that he had kept his nails short, and felt around the neck of the baby. "yes, oh..." he gasped when he felt the baby crashing forward again at the return of a contraction. his finger was almost trapped against the tight opening and the baby's neck, but like Morrison said, the neck was free. Jamie could feel his finger clenched down as well, the insides of Morrison's canal was spasming around him, trying hard to push out not only the baby, but also the finger.

Jamie saw with his mouth gaping open as the omega pushed so strongly against the baby. his belly once again heaved and tightened up as he pushed. Jamie reached up to hold Morrison's belly with his free hand and felt the strong contracting muscles attempting to expel their big baby. "Good job Morri, keep this coming, you're doing so good, I'm so proud..."
Morrison was getting used to calling her by what she was, their daughter, a little baby girl who he would deliver any second now as he moaned with the most current contaction. His hands white knuckled as he gripped the frame of the bed as tightly as he could, rocking back and forth slowly on his heels, groaning as his stomach tightened and he pushed hard again. Silent and turning a bright color of red while he bore down on the form of their daughter inside of him, he didn't think he was as beautiful as Jamie told him he was. Out of the two of them, Jamie had to be the most beautiful, not him, but he didn't argue, he didn't care to when all he wanted right now was to birth their child. "Oh my god..." He grunted out and panted, the push only turned the child, her shoulders bulging at his super stretched pucker.

Moaning as he tried opening his legs wider than ever and tilted his ass down towards the bed, he panted weakly and laid his head on his hands. He moaned and licked his hips, rocking his hips still and he waited only a few moments before he was pushing again. Screaming as he pushed out their child, the first shoulder coming crashing down and struggling to shove its way out of him,"Jamie!" He groaned and sweat and tears dripped down his face, the baby came suddenly after the first shoulder.

It popped out of him with a release of hot fluids, and the rest of the baby came crashing out of him, twisting and falling out of his wrecked hole and into Jamie's arms. He cried and collapsed against the pillows, panting weakly for breath and crying as he heard their daughter cough and sputter before screaming. Life filling her lungs.
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Jamie pulled the finger out - and gently guided the baby towards his side from the surge forward, avoiding her to come into contact with the bed just yet. "keep going Morri... this is it!" he said, responding to his desperate cry of his name. The baby was big, the head landing squarely onto Jamie's hand, almost filling his palm entirely. The shoulders were crashing into Morrison's tight hole and the omega was on the verge of tearing when it finally came through, the slippery and thick trunk of the baby came crashing into his hand.

Jamie was stupified when all of a sudden the baby came. Squirming, feeling heavy in his hands, he found himself cluthcing the baby on her armpits, holding her awwakrdly. the wailing and slight cough startled him awake and he was quick to clear her airway, grabbing a towel to wrap it around the robust new life.

"You did it Morri... our girl." he smiled through tears, looking at Morrison who had clashed onto the bed. The thick cord was still connecting Morrison with the baby. Jamie demonstrated extraordinary composure now, clipping and handling the baby with expert hands. "Do you want to cut the cord...?" he offered shyly, "Oh... y-you... how bout you hold her and i'll help you sit up." he said, realising the awkward position the omega was in. 
The omega was in shock, he had collapsed on the bed and panted weakly as he laid there, moaning softly,"Oh my god... Fuck..." His hole felt wrecked, his cock spent and his body just utterly limp with the birth of their daughter, he knew tears were streaming down his face. As he listened to those cries and couldn't bring himself to look, he didn't know why but he was terrified of seeing their little angel. His head turned though when he heard Jamie and he blinked as he lifted his head,turning over slowly onto his back with a groan. He sank back on the pillows and looked down between his legs over jus puffy belly, he was trembling still and touched the cord that connected them then reached out. Morrison had just delivered a baby, a real live baby and he hurt as proof, every inch of him was sore and he moved like he was. As he nodded,"I want to hold her, Jamie." He said in a weak breath, he opened his arms up for him to place her on his chest. She was so big, he couldn't believe he had birthed something like that, something so alive and...goddamn huge. "You cut the cord, you're her father." He said and looked up to Jamie briefly, it was something Dad's did and officially they were both parents now.
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Jamie watched the baby starting to wail on Morrison's chest. Even on her omega father's broad chest, she still looked like a big baby. Jamie nodded, his eyes still fixated on the baby until he had the scissors in hand and had to focus on where he was cutting.

Once he looked down, the doctor's side kicked in and he started handling the mess with ease. it was almost second nature to him and he went through all the steps even though he was still shocked at the arrival of his daughter. He laid his hand gently on Morrison's puffy belly, which was still large making him look like he was still in his 2nd trimester, to help ease the placenta out - he was distracted again when he caught eyes of their baby starting to squirm towards MOrrison's nipple, clearly ready for her very first meal.

"oh my ... hungry little girl. already wanting to eat." Jamie smiled. his voice broke as relief and emotions overwhelmed him - and in the heat of the moment he crashed his lips onto Morrison's.
Morrison was engulfed in that chubby face against his chest, his slight breasts were dripping already at the sound of their daughters loud cries of life. He sobbed softly and tears flowed from his eyes as he held her tightly but not enough to crush her, almost wanting to meld with her once again. He couldn't believe he birthed such a beautiful being, she didn't even fit in his hands she was so chubby,"Hello... Oh my god, you're so pretty..." He breathed and he used a part of the towel wrapped around her to wipe her face gently so he could see more of her eyes and hair without gunk on her. "How could we have made you?"

He was in awe, watching as she made her way to his nipple and easily latched on without any help from him, he grinned and didn't even feel the pain of delivering the placenta. He was already stretched enough for it to slip free from his ass easily, he looked up to Jamie just as he came to kiss him and he laughed when they broke away. "I love you. I love both of you. Thank you." He said and he shook his head, still crying so much.
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Jamie broke into a huge grin through his tears. "thank you... thank you for loving her. thank you for loving... l-loving... both of us. for... loving me." he stuttered, his entire being beaming with pride now not only from becoming a father, but also from his mate suddenly declaring his love to him. It was as great as things could go now.

it was messy stuff - and while Morrison was still distracted with the baby, Jamie gathered everything and even slipped on a diaper for adults for Morrison - he would be having discharge for the days to come. the general probably wouldn't agree to this in his usual mind, but right now was a great chance.

Jamie took the baby away after her meal to get her swaddled up and diapered up. he was again awed by how stocky the baby was as he weighed her. "Morri... that's. do you want to guess how much our duaghter weigh?" he said, eyes widened at the figure appearing on the board.
It was strange, they were mates now, true mates and they even had a child, he looked down at the baby in his arms and he watched her with pride while she ate. He nosed her head, rubbing her back slowly, not realizing as Jamie put him in something to keep him from making a mess with all his discharge. The omega hummed softly as he held their daughter close, her belly full apparently when she let go of his nipple and he wiped her chin gently. Though let her go when Jamie wanted to go weight her and swaddle her, he watched closely as the other man held her as if she would break. She was too big to break, he chuckled to himself and rose his brows when he asked that of him,"Uh... Ten pounds?" He asked and smiled as he watched her squirm on the scale.
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"10.5 to be exact.... well, perhaps that was a little bit heavier since she'd enjoyed her first meal already. couldn't believe i made such a rookie mistake not remembering to weigh her before that. anyway...." Jamie scratched his chin at the stupid mistake he made, but there was no other way than to mark her current weight on the official record. it wasn't like he could manipulate the figure..

Jamie came back feeling -more than seeing - the intense gaze from Morrison. "alright Morri, i'm bringing the baby girl back to you." he chuckled interpretting that look as an intense desire for the new 'mother' to want his child back. "you should be resting.... but yes, i can't bring myself to not look at her yet." he admitted sheepishly, climbing back onto the bed to settle close against the omega. "look at her... thanks for giving me so strong a baby." Jamie secretly let out a breath when the baby was again transferred to Morrison's arms. He wasn't too confident handling the new born just yet....

They were both looking at the baby with love... Jamie wouldn't notice Morrison had drifted off gradually, leaning against him, and when he did discover it, he chcukled lightly at the larger man finally succumbing to exhaustion.

(lOL hmm, so what next? xD)
((Dunno. What did we have planned? I know she won't be the last baby. Also she doesn't have a name lol))
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(HMM i think we planned on something about the general heading back up to his ship and there were some struggle in power over leadership in his absence... lOL i dunno. HAHA that felt sorta grand but perhaps not exactly what i want now

LOL right no name yet. They could discuss on that for a bit - and then later Morrison would start wanting to get up and start training to prepare for his return to the battlefield? what would be his view on breastfeeding? i didn't know if that's entirely feasible for him to return to work with him still lactating. maybe he consciously stopped breastfeeding wanting to return to work soon. but that 1. didn't quite stop his body from producing milk and 2. brought his heat forward since he wasn't feeding and that natrual contraceptive measure of his body wasn't kicked in? that's gonna bring them a second child i guess ;))
((Oh yeah. Well instead of that maybe he goes back up but it isn't the same? So he ends up retiring to be a father? Maybe takes up a similar job on earth?

Yeah he could start training and everything. He'd probably pump milk for a while. But stop and his body just makes more and more? I could see him going into heat, omegas could be their most fertile right after having a baby?))
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
((yea that all sounds pretty neat. the retiring could be a point of struggle,and the high demand of work would cause some scene perhaps? hims uddenly finding his unifrom soaked wet with milk he's leaking during an intense drill, the symptoms of the (accidenta 2nd pregnancy) surfacing to render him unfit to run the ship.... that sorta thing?

ohhh that stop lactating could have him uanble to sleep at night with hsi chest so swelled up ;) what handier source other than jamie to relieve it.... then.. oopsie, heat kicked in xD quite like the idea that omegas are more fertile right after having a baby~).
((Yeah. He'd have to find someone qualified enough to take his job while he's struggling with the newborn and Jamie and trying to find a house or a place for them to live. He'd be mad at Jamie for a bit for getting him pregnant *again*.

Lol. We can do all these scenes. We have a lot more for these to go through before we're done. ))
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
((HAHA yeaa, couldn't agree more. They' an interesting pair - i quite fancy morrison's stubbornness and Jamie...altho he might be a little more juvenile than i would picture him to be LOL i would try to imrpove on his characterisation going forward!!

Care to start us off with the naming? and i'm thinking there would be alot of discharge for Morrison, the diaper's gonna get into the way of his movements, and Morrison might get annoyed at Jamie for all the discomfort that he wasn't relieved of even after the birht of the baby?)
((Yeah. But they make an okay pair! Lol
You wouldn't mind skipping, would you? Since I did the last one? You can offer a name and I'll have Morrison either agree or disagree lol, it's gonna be hard for them to find common ground. ))
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
((haha ya sure. LOL gotta practise on timeskipping i guess xD))

The time when Jamie wasn't tenidng to Morrison - who, by the way, kept on insisting he could do things on his own now - he was obsessed with looking at their girl. The proud new father was too obsesssed with his daughter's cute face that it didn't occur to him until much later the next day that they hadn't settled on a name yet.

"Morri... you think we should come up with a name?" Jamie laid himself over the edge of the crib, just mindlessly stroking the bbay's chubby cheek. "how about Meryl.... .she's gonna be a lovely one growing up." he smiled goofily, eyes still fixated on the baby at the tiny yawn the baby made.
Morrison turned over onto his other side slowly to look at Jamie, he was mostly bedridden now and slowly healing but he still tried doing some curl ups when Jamie wasn't looking. He had to get back into shape and soon or he couldn't make it back onboard as captain, they'd replace him if he wasn't fit enough for duty. He had been picking at his lunch before Jamie asked him that, glad to have some distraction from the unhealthy food his mate had delivered him. "Of course. How's she gonna grow up without a name?"

He smiled and he propped his head up on his hand, keeping a hand on the covers to keep his lower body hidden, subconsciously embarrassed by the diaper he had to wear. Their daughter was so big she had wrecked most of his insides, especially with how old he was as an omega, he was recovering though. And that was the only thing he really cared about. He rose his brows,"Meryl? That's the oldest name you could ever give her." He laughed softly and laid his head back with a sigh, smiling at the two of them,"What about Teresa?"
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Jamie didn't notice what Morrison had been doing - and had he known about it, he'd stop him from agitating his battered midsection and womb prematurely. It takes time for the muscles to regain their strength after the massive stretch, and to work out so soon after the birth would only make it more difficult for his womb to heal - and probably send his body a wrong message that it's 'READY'.

Jamie knew as a fact Morrison would probably require more time - much longer- than young omegas to recover, so he refarined from making comments on that. "Hey! Meryl's lovely...." Jamie pouted. "Hmm, Theresa? with an h?" hetilted his head to the side. "That's gonna make you a Terri... hmm, quite cute." he nodded weighing the name with the chubby little one, who'd started crying. "Ah, i guess little Terri's hungry..." he lifted the baby up to hold her securedly in his arms. He'd become remarkably good at taking care of the new born over the course of a few days, with Morrison mostly on bed . "You ready to feed her?" he smiled looking at the omega. His pecs now looked almost like before at first sight, looking like those muscles were still there. Jamie found it amusing how it had gradually been replaced by milk... 
Morrison frowned just a little, he disagreed with Jamie and hated the name 'Meryl' but he didn't complain for long as he looked at Jamie as he stroked their daughter's cheek while she slept calmly,"Yeah, Theresa. I like it."He said,"Don't you?"He smiled as his mate agreed with him, their baby deserved a nice name, she was beautiful and would be the sweetest person in this dying world. Morrison loved her so much that it hurt him. He sat up more as he heard her start to cry, smiling still and opening his arms up for him to bring her closer and lay her in his arms.

"I can feed her, just fix her a bottle."He said to him and gathered the baby girl in his arms, rocking her slowly and sinking back against the pillows again,"Shush.. Shush..."He murmured and kissed her head softly as he held her against his chest, his nipples ached to feed her but he had heard that breastfeeding took the body longer to heal and so he set about trying not to feed her from his chest but use the bottle instead.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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