C Have My Baby Pt. II [Closed with Hockeypreg2]

The nurse nodded as she wrapped the blood pressure cuff around Sirius' upper arm and secured it into place, she put on her stethoscope and set it at the crook in Sirius' elbow while pumping the bulb. She recorded Sirius' blood pressure "It's a little higher than normal, but it could be the stress of being sick and not knowing why." she said as she grabbed a thermometer next.

She put the thermometer into Sirius' mouth after he opened it up and then looked at the man curiously "Stomach bugs usually only last twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Why didn't you come in sooner?"

Gio snorted and shook his head "Because he's stubborn and insisted that he was just taking a little longer to get over it because he's bigger than his nephews. I practically had to twist his arm to get him here in the first place."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I thought it would get better," Sirius mumbled around the thermometer. The nurse gave him a look and he shut up. She took the thermometer out and looked at it.

"Have you been running a fever?"

Sirius shook his head. "No, not really. Maybe a low one once or twice. Mostly just the throwing up and being really exhausted."

"Mmhmm," the nurse looked between them briefly. "Are you a carrier?"

Gio rolled his eyes and crossed his arms "He insists that its not that..." Gio said as he stared up at the nurse and Sirius - he wouldn't give his boyfriends information away so, thinking quickly on his feet "His brother-in-law has been pregnant twice, his brother once, and apparently..." and he raised his fingers to air quote "...'The symptoms do not match up to that of a pregnancy...' Honestly, right now, we're not sure what he has going on with him... That's why we came here."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius sighed heavily. "I am a carrier but I have been pregnant before and the symptoms were different. So that's why we're here."

The nurse nodded and filled in the information on his chart. "Well the doctor is going to want to rule that out since it is something that falls under those symptoms. So I'm going to have you give us a urine sample if you don't mjnd."

She handed Sirius a cup and he took it reluctantly. "Okay but it's not that."

The nurse rolled her eyes this time, "Go pee in the cup, please." she stated, pointing toward the attached bathroom.

Gio chuckled softly and bit his lip "I'd listen to the nurse, Sirius - she doesn't look like she wants to listen to your professional medical opinion!" Gio teased and stuck his tongue out at Sirius, black ball tongue ring flicking back and forth as he looked up at Sirius.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius grumbled but went to the bathroom to do as told. He came back a few minutes later, handing off the cup to the nurse. He sat back down on the exam table, yawning widely.

"Okay, thank you. We'll take this and test it. The doctor will be in to see you shortly."

Sirius watched her go, the door shutting behind her. He slumped down on the table, looking at Gio tiredly. "How funny would it be if it was positive?"

Gio snorted "I don't think it'd be funny at all, Sirius." Gio said rather seriously "Having a kid isn't exactly 'funny' - and not to mention, your apartment is not big enough for another human being in it, let alone an infant - they need *so much* stuff... We'd be pouring out of the apartment with all the things you own, I've brought over..." Gio paused and looked down at his hands.

"We don't even live together, technically. I mean yes, I stay at your apartment almost every single night now... but I still have *a lot* of things at my other place. We aren't married or planning a wedding... It's a bad time, Si... Bad timing, if you are."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius chuckled a little. "I guess it's a good thing I'm not pregnant then."

There was a knock on the door and the doctor came in. "Hello Me. Flint. I'm Dr. Abrams. So I hear you've had a bit of a stomach bug."

"Yeah," Sirius said with a yawn. "I'm really exhausted and I've been dizzy as well. I haven't had much of an appetite either."

Gio sighed and pulled his legs up onto the chair, wrapping his arms around his shins "He's also been a bit cranky, unexplainable pains in his back..." Gio said as he rested his chin between his kneecaps.

Dr. Abrams nodded his head, looking over at Gio before refocusing back on Sirius - his main concern currently. He came over to Sirius "Well, I'd still like to rule pregnancy out before we go any further - I already have the urine test back." Simply because they just use pregnancy test sticks to test the urine. "It came back positive, Mr. Flint, but I would like to check your stomach - ultrasound, palpate, and make sure that its not a false-positive."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Excuse me?" Sirius said, staring at him. "Did you just say I was pregnant?"

"Yes but I would like to verify it by ultrasound and give you a quick exam," Dr. Abrams said again, slowly. "I'm guessing this comes as a bit of a surprise to you?"

"Can you run the test again?" Sirius shook his head. "That can't be right."

"The ultrasound is the best way to verify that it's not a false positive. Would you please lie back for me so I can do an exam?"

Gio rolled his eyes and quickly slipped to his feet, padding over to where Sirius was sitting on the exam bed. He reached up and lightly stroked Sirius' brow with his thumb "Hey... just let the doctor check, okay? If you're not pregnant, then you can say 'I told you so'... but if you are, Si... Then we *need* to know, so we know how to go forward from here."

Gio leaned up on his tippy toes and pressed a kiss to Sirius' lips "Please, just do it for me." Gio whispered softly against Sirius' cheek and the corner of his mouth.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius swallowed thickly and then nodded. "Stay here with me." He reached for Gio's hand before he laid down. He felt really nauseous now but he was pretty sure it was because of fear not being ... the other thing.

"Thank you," Dr. Abrams said, pushing Sirius's shirt up carefully to press along his stomach. He took the small portable ultrasound the office had and brought it over, squirting a little gel on Sirius's stomach. "This isn't as good as a real ultrasound. We mainly use it as a diagnostic tool. If you are pregnant, the OB will do a more thorough examination."

Dr. Abrams moved the wand around slowly until he stopped. "Well you are pregnant. That wasn't a false positive."

"Fuck," Sirius said, closing his eyes.

Gio looked down at Sirius and frowned heavily. Dr. Abrams cleaned up Sirius stomach quickly and then took a few steps back "I'll just give you both a few moments." He said before leaving the room quietly.

Gio rubbed his thumb over the back of Sirius' hand slowly, resting his forehead against the side of Sirius' face "Why are you upset by this news, Sirius? I mean..." he paused and bit his lip slightly "I know it wasn't planned, nor are we exactly ready - but... It can't be all bad, can it?" Gio asked quietly. He was truly confused by the reaction he was getting from Sirius - he may not have been ready, himself, to become a father, but he was with the man of his dreams - the man he loved more than anything; he wanted to become a father, if only it were with Sirius himself.

Tears welled up in Gio's eyes at the thought of not having either, now that all the cards were on the table, and he hated himself for it "I'll leave... if you want me too... and you can deal with this how you see fit..." Gio whispered miserably, thinking that running away would be easier than the clear rejection to their love was.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"No," Sirius said quickly, grabbing Gio's hand and pulling him back to him. He closed his eyes again, trying to keep himself from crying as well. "I'm not opposed to having a baby. I just...this isn't how I wanted to do it. I wanted to do things right. The last time I did this ... it was pretty awful for me. So I promised myself if I did it again it would be planned. Not an accident. At least this time it's with someone who won't leave me."

Gio opened his eyes and looked down at Sirius, pressing his lips to Sirius' lips and kissing him lovingly. After a few seconds, he pulled away, resting their foreheads together "I want this baby, Si." Gio said quietly "I don't care that its not how we planned it - or that it was an accident... I love you, I love it..." Gio whispered and shook his head, tears dripping down onto Sirius' cheeks.

"I will never, ever, willingly leave you over this - This is our chance to bring something beautiful into the world... I want that, with you. Only you."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius nodded and pulled Gio close, resting their heads together. He was not prepared for this and frankly he wasn't positive this was the best idea right now. But they were going to do this and he was going to have another baby.

"So I guess we need to look for a new place to live," said Sirius, sniffing a little. "Silas is going to be terrible about this. He is the worst."

Gio laughed a little and shook his head "We do need a new place, that's for sure." kissing Sirius he sighed quietly "Silas is not going to be terrible about this. Little birdie told me that Theo and Titan were born out of wedlock and they were only dating for three months before Sidney wound up pregnant." Gio said quietly and rubbed Sirius' cheek with his thumb lightly.

"We've got a longer time together than that - a solid foundation for each other. I know we may not be ready, but at least we're closer to being engaged than what Silas and Sidney were." Gio said with a smile on his face.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Sidney was Silas's donor carrier but they realized they were going to stay together so they did it the normal way," Sirius said softly. "But I think they have pretty much stopped telling people that. From what I understand it was pretty much love at first sight."

Sirius touched Gio's face lightly. "I guess we're going to be parents."

Gio gave a nervous laugh and nodded his head "Yeah, we are..." Gio whispered and inhaled shakily, closing his eyes against a new set of tears "God... We're going to be parents..."

There were so many thoughts rushing through Gio's head - his apartment, Sirius' apartment, the fact that Gio was still young and in the prime of his career "There are so many things we have to do in order to get prepared for this baby - I know we have approximately seven or eight months, Si... but it's going to be hell trying to find a decent apartment in New York."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"We'll figure it out," Sirius murmured, reaching up to wipe away the tears on Gio's face. "We should probably tell the doctor he can come back in. I'm sure he's got other patients to see."

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